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Human After All.

'I want it dirty, with the lights on, filthy, vile, and obscene.'

I laid awake most of the night. It wasn't the warm body next to me that kept me awake nor the several other bodies in my RV. Their quiet snores barely even bothered me.

My body ached, but not in such a way that made sleep impossible. If anything, a good nights sleep was what I needed. But no, it evaded me tonight, and all I could do was close my eyes and try to rest and relax.

But that seemed near impossible to have such relaxing sleep, when Elijah haunted my mind.


"Are you ready for our date?"

I smiled at Elijah who was dressed in a white dress shirt with black dress pants. His hair was in a curly mess around his strong looking face. I turned around, looking for my black dress shirt and red vest.

"Yes, I just need to get my shirt on." My back was facing him, so when I felt his arms snake around my middle I jumped .

"Why would you want to cover up a beautiful body such as this?"

"Because I have to go out in public. That requires clothing. " I chided.

"Hmm. Maybe.." he started massaging my abdomen, trailing along my muscles, and I let out a shivering sigh. "Maybe, we might be late for our reservation at the restaurant. " His fingers trailed downwards and he skimmed the waistline of my pants, causing me to moan.

I remember this night, it was the last time I was going to be with Elijah that way, because the next night was the one that ruined my life.


Around ten in the morning was when the random alarms went off in the living room that jolted me out of the half sleep that I managed to get in when I pulled Devin closer to me. I groaned in annoyance, realizing I was going to have to get up; as I told Devin last night on the way here that I would come watch his set today.

A definite caffeine overload was in my near future.

I slowly unwrapped myself from Devin, and vice versa; slowly and delicately moving his arms and leg so as to not jolt him out his peaceful sleep as I was. I kissed his head and shifted out of bed. I started with the bathroom, washing my face; in an attempt to wake myself up, brushed my teeth and headed to the living room. I put a pot of coffee on and looked around at the sleeping men and woman in my home.

The alarms were still going off, I noticed but no one seemed to be in the moving mood. Looking over at the clock I also noticed that the Brides would be on at eleven fifteen this morning. After the chat I had with their manager last night, I imagined she would be rather pissed if they were late.

"Good fucking grief, you guys." I mused aloud.

So, it was time to wake up the rockstars.


“You know, its your guys’ own damn fault that you decided to sleep over.” I repeated for the upteenth time. Having to remind Motionless In White over and over again as to why they had to hurry and get ready was and I repeat, their own damn fault. “Did you guys not do that enough when you were younger or am I suddenly a special case?”

“Special case.”

“Yep, definitely special case.”

“I hate you.” I grumbled half heartedly. I started laughing as they started fidgeting, waiting for Chris and Devin too get ready, as everyone else had already done so. “But I guess I can’t complain.”

“Damn right, you can’t.” Brandon took a swig of water, looking smug.


“I have one.”

“Because I haven’t heard that comeback before.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Put them away, boys.” Blake interrupted.

Turning around, I retorted. “I didn’t even take it out yet.”

“Cheeky bastard.”

My smile turned smug.

“You love me anyway.” I batted my eyes at her. She glared at me, but her lips threatened to break out into a smile. Laughing I turned back around and waited for Devin to come back out, my heart thrummed in excitement. He apparently had a surprise for me, or well, what he wanted too ‘show off’ for me. Either way, it made me extremely excited, even though it felt like I was going to pass out, if not for the caffeine. I took a drink of my coffee, only to realize that it was less than a mouthful.

Ricky spoke up again. “Well, we didn’t mean too sleepover, it just kind of happened. Be thankful it wasn’t all of us-” he paused. “Because then you would have been in trouble.

“I was in trouble.” Frowning into my coffee cup. “Need a refill?” Ricky asked, “Please.” I handed him the cup and I continued with my story.

“Both your managers yelled my ears off last night before I went to bed. Apparently no one figured too check and see if anyone was actually on the bus last night.” I grumbled.

“Especially the Brides manager, holy shit.” Ricky and Balz started laughing at me, as I continued to rant.

What do you mean, Andy and Ashley are on your bus!” I mimicked the high pitched manager. Ricky handed me; my now fourth cup of coffee since I got up.

“I mean Andy and Ashley fell asleep on my bus, but it’s no big deal, we’re already at the venue, I’ll wake them when they need to be ready-” I pretended to cut myself off and continued in the manager's voice.

You tell those little shits too get back here right this second, I swear I’m not cut out for this, those fuckers are always missing-

“And then I just hung up on her, because I am not going to be bitched at for something that is not in my control. Holy fuck, woman, if you don't like the damn job, then find something else.” By now, everyone was howling with laughter, I shook my head, letting out a shaky laugh.

“And of course Andy took his sweet time leaving, and she started calling again, you all heard it.” I pointed at them. “I’m like ‘Andy, if you don’t get your fucking ass moving, I will hogtie you and take you too her directly’ and he’s all like ‘dude, don’t worry we do this all the time.’” I snorted. “Because that helps everyone in the long run.”

“Sounds like Andy alright.” Chris walked out in his usual black on black garb. “Damn right.” I grumbled.

I stared at the curtain, where now only Devin was standing behind. I waited, curious at what he was wearing for the set today. When the curtain moved open, my eyes widened too a point where it stung too keep them open, but I couldn’t look away from what I was seeing. I tried blinking, but I was sure I was staring at a real life Sweeney Todd.

Black faded jeans, with small tears in them. A red dress silk shirt, that looked properly worn, along with an old black vest. Devin’s hair was all over the place, standing straight up in some places, he had two white streaks on the left side of his head. His makeup made him look pale and absolutely deadly, his eyes hollowed out, purple shadows as if he hadn’t slept in years. It was extremely spooky. And hot…

My mouth must have been hanging open because I felt someones fingers under my chin, and when they pushed up, my teeth clacked together.

“What do you think?” He smirked, and I felt the devastation of that simple action right in my stomach, and it leaped wildly up too my throat. He pulled out two straight razors, and posed, his arms stretched out on either side, his wicked grin plastered on his face. Holy fuck, where are my words..

All I could muster out was weak “Wow.” as I continued to stare at him.

“Come over here and hold his mouth shut, because I think he forgot how to function.” I heard Blake laugh at me. Devin just smiled evilly and walked over to stand in front of me. He looked at me expectantly, and I felt my mouth drop open again, which made me jump into action. I got up to face him and took in every detail of his cosplay.

“How did you do that.” I muttered, looking him up and down, staring at him with urgency.

“Do what?”

“Make it seem like Sweeney Todd is actually real. Because holy shit Devin, I think I might be dating the real life Sweeney Todd.” He laughed lightly, and I could he was blushing, even though his face was covered in makeup.

“Okay, its not that good.” he murmured, his grin still on his features. I glared at his modesty.

“You gotta be kidding, its amazing!” I heard a bunch of approving murmur behind me and I knew that his friends agreed with me. I stared into his prefect cloudy blue eyes, feeling like I was getting lost in them. I knew if I stared long enough, he would only entrance me even more, but I would gladly do so if it meant being beside him longer.

“You’re amazing.” I whispered, tracing his jawline with my knuckles, careful not to ruin his makeup. His smile lit up his whole face.

“Alright, alright, enough with the mush.” Blake complained. “Don’t you guys have a set too get to.”

“You’re just jealous.” I continued to stare into Devins eyes, feeling him peer into mine, we just kept staring at each other as if nothing else matters, which too me nothing else did.

Moments later we were walking towards the Kia stage. And too my great displeasure I refrained from holding my boyfriends hand or putting my arm around him as we walked with the group. As much as he said that he didn’t care what people thought, he still felt the stares of others whenever I did either of those things. I knew he wouldn’t say it outloud, and I sympathize, because I felt it before. But after awhile, I just saw it as me saying too everyone that this person I’m holding onto is mine.

As I looked over at him, he was talking along with Blake, who for all intents and purposes was trying too make sure Devin didn’t look at my now, sullen, face whenever I felt like this. He had a habit of reading me lately and I didn’t want to upset him. I rolled my eyes at myself, worrying about myself seemed less than trivial, when Elijah was around, trying to pry into my life again. As soon as I find myself someone in my life worth having, is when he shows up.

But why now? Four years and nothing. No ‘you’re mine’s’ or ‘I’ll be back to get you’. No foul intent black cars sneaking up behind me. He completely left me alone, no one heard from him, nothing.

So, why? whywhywhywhywhy?!

I ground my teeth together, feeling pain ache through my gums until I let go and they throbbed with obvious relief. It was infuriating. See him one time, and I already felt like I’m being watched at every corner.

“Alistair. They’re leaving.” Blake smacked my arm.

My eyes widened, and I rubbed my arm where she smacked it, staring straight ahead. I watched as Devin laughed at my stunned expression. He kissed his hand and blew me a kiss. For the first time in a long time, my face was aflame with embarrassment. But I wasted no time in catching the air kiss. I held it close too my heart, my face burning a no doubt a flattering tomato red, as the rest of Motionless started laughing at my face no doubt.

I watched them disappear into the small, yet growing crowd surrounding the stage.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” I turned my gaze towards my best friend.

“Whatever do you mean?” I asked her, not really wanting to talk about the situation at hand. I walked towards the gates by the stage. “You know what I goddamn well mean!” she snapped at me. I wasn’t even take aback by her outburst. I sighed , taking in the fact that she probably didn’t see Elijah yesterday, nor did anyone else except innocent passersby, who knew nothing of him.

“It’s Elijah, he’s here.” my throat was tensed up, as if the name could induce vomiting, which would have been a nice trick instead of sending pain straight down my back. She looked at me, her face was horrified, much as mine was when I saw him. Then angry, violent even. “No.” She shook her head as if she wasn’t going to believe what I said, but she knew me, she knew how I was whenever that name was mentioned. I would never say it so lightly.

What could I say? It’s fine? We both knew that it wasn’t. When she took me in that night, she got the whole story from me, because I was in so much pain that I couldn’t think of a lie good enough to explain the blood and torn skin. When I went to the hospital, and had to stay until I could walk without wincing every time I moved. She was there, she explained it in as little detail as possible. We both knew this couldn’t have been over so easily. No one does something like that too a person and then just leaves them alone.

The fact the Elijah was here, we both knew he was here for something far worse than just a simple ‘hello’. With that fact in mind, I knew that it terrified her, and it terrified me all the more.

“What did he want?” she asked finally, after a period of silence.

“Me, apparently.” I said simply.

“You?” Her green eyes widened exceptionally. “Why you? Why now?”

I shrugged, watching the stage as last minute tests where being done, and the crowd was becoming bigger and bigger around us as time passed.

“I don’t know, but-” I trailed off, biting my lip. “It’s not good.”

“Not good is right.” She muttered.

I felt the crowds anxiousness for the show too start, and before I could comment the crowd roared around me and my eyes reflexively gazed towards the stage. It was like my soul was lifted up by the crowd, when we realized that the concert was about to begin.

It was too long since I listened to a band like this, with people around me, here enjoying the same thing I was. I now realized what a thrill it was too be a part of this specific crowd, the ones who come specifically to see Motionless In White. It was loud and the happiness and sheer adrenaline that came from everyone was intoxicating.

When the music started up and Chris started singing, it was almost magical. Watching them together as a band, it was like they were made for this. Before I knew it Blake and I were bouncing along with the rest of them, jumping and singing when Chris told us to.

Three songs.

Three glorious songs I enjoyed. Watching my extremely sexy boyfriend own that bass guitar in ways that made me envious beyond reason.

It was like he was watching me, waiting for me too turn around. When I felt that stare at my back, I looked around slowly trying to pinpoint what was making me so uneasy. At first I thought it was nothing, but then I saw it. Out of all the people standing, there was only one still frame. Him.


Hey everyone, here's a new chapter.


I would have written more, but time has run out, and I gotta run. aha, anyway, this is just sneak peak at whats to come next. I apologize for any errors, I typed this pretty quick, aha.

Enjoy! :3


@Poision Bite

Awe thank you

So I've Been meaning to read this stories but haven't had time to and I finally got it me....I binged no it and I love this story please update soon


Apparently my phone is also an asshole and won't let me tell you things.

Basically im super happy that you waited that long and it makes my freaking day when you say that this story is one of your favourites.

yasssssssssssssssssssss i've been waiting so patiently for this story to come back! congrats to your baby! <3

this is still by far one of the best stories i've read for miw, wattpad has a few good writers, but my dear, you are my favorite out of all of them

Devin is goals in this story to be honest, and maybe he's just doing whats normal in a relationship, but i think that's goals, xD because well my ex was a little psycho like Elijah but in no ways as scary crazy like him. whats funny is i know an elijah and i dont really like him tbh he's kinda a jerk too xD

i'm glad your back <3