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Leaving the cave, going into the unknown

Chapter 55

The second we walked through the door Alan’s hand went behind his back and fake smiles where plastered over our sad frowns from today’s events. We tried our best to somewhat rush Alan’s mom out of the house so we could fix Alan up yet again. Eventually she went home and to our surprise Melody was still asleep, I’m sure she was just as tired after the last couple of days as we were. Austin refused to leave and instead just went into the guest bedroom passing out the second he hit the pillow. I took Alan by his good hand and led him into our room then to our on suite bathroom.

“Sit” I commanded pointing at the closed toilet seat, he did as I asked. There was a confortable silence between us while I collected the supplies to fix him up until I head Alan start to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked quite confused, after all that’s happened I couldn’t see what was so funny.

“The situation we’re in. When we first met I was the one bandaging you up all the time and now it’s the other way around. I just thought it was funny for some reason.” He put his good hand on my hip and pulled my waste into him so that his head was resting on my stomach, I just put both my hands on his head.

“As much as I’m very upset at you right now for getting in a fight, I’m proud of you for defending our daughter.” He looked up at me in surprise.

“Of course I would defend our daughter, I wanted to punch him earlier for the way he was speaking about you but you seemed to have it under control.” He let go of me so I could get the supplies together. I started by cleaning the wound.

“You know what’s going to be really fun? When Dee starts to date. I can see it now, her coming to me bugging me about how you’re grilling all her dates. Poor guy isn’t going to stand a chance against you.” I chuckled to myself.

“Ya well hopefully I get a scar then I could tell them all I almost killed a guy who was doing wrong by my daughter. Plus lets be honest between the band, Val and Kate he’s gonna be scared away without any words.” I nodded. Out of all of them Val and Kate probably were the most intimidating when they wanted to be.

I fixed him up and kissed his hand before leading him back to the bedroom. I helped him undress and get ready for bed then got myself ready. I crawled in beside him but not touching just looking at him as he was doing with me. He gestured for a cuddle but I shook my head not wanting to hurt him anymore.

“Come on” he pouted.

“No you’re hurt and you need to heal properly, which also means not playing with Dee as much. I know you’re going to bitch but you can’t be picking her up with your injuries.” The look he gave me was the same as a 5-year-old boy who got his toys taken away. Soon though it relaxed and he seemed to understand my concern, he gave me a longing kiss before rolling over to sleep.

I wish my rest could have come that easy, I lay there staring at the celling for what must have been an hour or two before I gave up. Luckily I heard Dee crying from the baby monitor giving me something to do. I got up, went in her room and picked her up rocking her back and forth to get her to calm down. I changed her then went downstairs to the living room. I put the Nightmare Before Christmas on and laid her down on my chest; she snuggled right in and was back asleep in no time. With the sounds of my favorite movie and soft baby coos I feel asleep like the rest of the house.

I woke up to a squirmy baby playing with the end of my hair and making gurgling noises. It was probably the best way I’ve ever been woken up.

“Good morning Melody. Did you sleep well? I feel like the Nightmare Before Christmas will soon be your favorite movie too, we can watch it together all the time and soon you’ll be able to sing along with me. I know that so far your life hasn’t been under the best circumstances but I promise I’m going to make things better and make sure nothing ever happens to you. You have so many people that love you and are looking out for you, especially your daddy. Hopefully you don’t have boys chasing you around because I think daddy might just chase them back. I can’t wait to watch you grow and have conversations with you, I can’t wait for you to be my best friend.” I sat there for a bit and rubbed her back until she started to get whinny because it was time for her to eat. When she was finished I burped her then walked up stairs to our bedroom to see Alan asleep and hugging my pillow. I sat down up against the headboard with Melody in my arms looking up at me. I felt a hand on my leg and looked over to see Alan now awake and putting his head in my lap.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” I had one arm holding Dee and my hand stroking Alan’s hair.

“It’s alright, I was dreaming of you guys anyway the reality is much better.” He smiled. Dee started to squirm so Alan sat up and took her from my arms; she clung to him and he put his arm around me.

“I can’t wait to sit around and do nothing with my girls for a bit, I think we need a vacation from life.” He signed.

“I couldn’t agree more.”


HELLO ALL I played probably one of the best show i've ever played yesterday it was awesome!!! I'm seeing LIGHTS tomorrow and i've booked my tattoo appointment for Wednesday!!! I'm going to try really hard to update this week but i'm also extremely busy but i'm hoping i'll find some time to post on Tuesday!!!


@Stacy's Mom
Wow man that's a lot of pressure.......

gggghhh gggghhh


Stacy's Mom Stacy's Mom

Ending! Ending! :3

bonesexposed bonesexposed


Stacy's Mom Stacy's Mom
