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Two Wrongs Don't Make It Right


I sat in the backseat of the van with my head on Tony’s chest. The tears had stopped about an hour ago and a half ago. I still couldn’t believe he had cheated , ne never pegged me as the type. Especially after Gielle, But I guess I was wrong.

He was drunk so his judgment was impaired, but that didn’t make it right. And it sure as hell didn’t make it hurt any less. I pushed my face further into Tony’s chest. We wrapped his arms around me tighter.

“How are you holding up girly?” He asked me quietly.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at him.

“As good as I can. I just don’t get why he would do that to me.” I say biting my lip as tears well up in my eyes. I close them hoping it would make them go away, it just pushed them down my cheeks instead.

“’cause he’s an idiot. He was drunk and not thinking, not that that makes what he did okay, cause it’s not. I haven’t seen him act like this since he was with Gielle. And I don’t mean the assholeness, I mean the way he looked at you, the way he smiled at his phone when you texted him, or the way he went out of his way to make you happy. I’m not sure what was going through his head to make him want to throw all that away.” Tony explains to me. He leans down and kisses my forehead running his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes. “Get some sleep hun.”

I nodded and started to relax. I didn’t realize how tired I was. My breathing evened out as I slipped into a restless slumber listening to the beat of Tony’s heart.

[b]Austin’s POV[/b]

I walked back to the bus with my head hung low. What had I done? I couldn’t believe that I did that to her. I opened the door and walked up the stairs. Phil, Aaron, Tino, and Alan were all sitting there and stopped talking as soon as I opened the door. Could they make it any more obvious that they were talking about me? They looked up at me with disappointment in their eyes. They had taken a like to Autumn just as much as I had.

“What happened to your nose?” Tino asked as Alan stood to het a betting look at it.

“Tony broke my nose.” I stated walking to the sink wetting paper towel and washing the blood off my face. I winced.

“Serves you right.” Alan says to me. I glare at him. “Don’t give me that look. What the hell got into you tonight? You were crushed when Gielle cheated on you, why would you put Autumn through that?”

“I don’t know okay? One minute I was talking to Jack and Chris and the next thing I remember I am in the back of the bus with some girl on top of me and Autumn was standing in the doorway.” I tell them sitting down and putting my head in my hands. “I blacked out. It hasn’t happened since after the divorce. You guys know I don’t drink that much anymore. I don’t even remember coming back to the bus. I don’t get it.”

“I don’t know what to tell you man. Hopefully you can make it up to her. I highly doubt she will forgive you but you need to try and make this right. She didn’t deserve this and you know it.” Alan states walking to the bank. The others followed suit.

I put my head back into my hands. I fucked up big time and I was hoping that I would be able to talk to her tomorrow. I needed to get her to forgive me. I couldn’t lose her; there was something about her that I needed. She made me genuinely happy for the first time since my mom passed away.

Tears slid down my cheeks and I looked up toward the sky.

“Please help me fix this mom. I know I don’t deserve it, but I don’t want to lose her.” I whisper to myself.


So Austin wants to fix things, but will Autumn want anything to do with him?
And What is with Tony?

What do you guys think?

<33 Josie


I will :). And I love them too really fun and upbeat.

I love the veronicas and in my fanfic for all time low's fanfic site as some of her early stuff check it out its called circles under the same ID on here

shadybabii shadybabii

Haha yeah I really liked writing that part as much as I love Austin :)

omg i just got to the part when Tony punches Austin and i literally just screamed... fuck, you go Tony

what's wrong?