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The Journal

Chapter 6.

February 14, 6:06am, 2003

Another week back at school. How fun.


"Physical Edcation is gross," I muttered to myself as I changed into my gym clothes.

"What's so gross about seeing hot sweaty boys?" Alison asked, tying her long blonde hair back. She was a bit of a... Whore. She's quite mean actually.

"It's just gross," Alison scoffed and started playing with her too short shorts.

"Whatever little emo," I clenched my fists and tried not to retaliate.

"I wasn't even talking to you," I said, walking out of the changing rooms and heading over to Tony.

"Where are the others?" I asked, looking around for Mike and Jaime.

"Still getting changed," Tony shrugged.

"They're such girls," I shook my head.

"BONNIEEEE!" Jaime yelled, running over to me and tackling me to the ground.

"Oh my god Himes!" I struggled to breathe as he hugged me while I was still lying on the ground. Fuck this is uncomfortable. I ignored the stares people were giving us and tried to focus on getting this fucker off of me.

"I missed you!"

"You seen me on Saturday!"

"And? I didn't see you yesterday, did I?"

"Okay okay! I missed you too Jaime! Now please get off of me!" Jaime grinned and sat up before running away. I sighed and tried to get my breathing pattern back to normal.

"Need some help there chica?" I smiled at the nickname he had given me.

"Please," I reached up and grabbed Mike's hand, and he helped to pull me up. He was a lot stronger than I expected him to be, and I ended up in his chest. Stupid long Slenderman!

"You smell good," I mumbled, and immediately slapped myself. Shit that hurt.

"Did.. Did you just slap yourself because I smell good?" I nodded and he chuckled. That felt weird as shit on my cheek.

"You're to cute," he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head.

"You smell good too," I laughed and pulled away from him, looking at Tony who was facing the other way. I went up behind him and poked him in the back. He turned around and his lips turned into a big smile. He has a lovely smile.

"Hello," I smiled, giving him a hug.

"Hey," I looked up at him and he stared down at me. Why are they all so good looking?

"Why are you so short?" Tony asked me. I playfully glared at him.

"Why are you so... So not short?" Good going Bonnie. I should win a best comeback award.

"Why am I a 'hot turtle pyjama wearing jerk'?" Tony smirked.

"Oh my god! Are you ever going to get over that?" In my defence, I was hungover and it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Nope! How can I forget the first words you've ever said to me?"

"I actually recall my first words to you being along the lines of 'Can't you be any more considerate of those around you?'"

"You didn't see me though, so it didn't count,"

"It did! By the way, you scream like a little girl,"

"I do not!"

"Hey Mike," a very flirty voice said. I turned and seen Alison very close to Mike.

"Umm, hello?"

"So, what are you doing later?" she asked, running her finger up his bicep. Does she have any idea of the word boundaries?

"Somebody is jealous," Tony whispered to me.

"I am not!" I denied.

"Are too!"

"I don't think I'm doing Anything," Mike smiled. MICHAEL KEEP YOUR EYES ON HER FACE YOUNG MAN.

"Today after school Would you like to -"

"Mike!" I grabbed Tony's hand and skipped over to him.

"Hey again chica,"

"Are you still coming to Tony's after school?" I asked him. Tony raised his eyebrow at me.

"We are going to Tony's?"

"Yeah, we are going to my house?"

"Yes Tony, we are. Remember our phone call last night?" I asked, trying to get the point across.

"But we didn't -"

"Yes we did you friggin turtle "


"Sorry Alison, but it looks like I have plans after school today," Alison glared at me before walking off. Mike pulled me aside and smirked at me.

"No need for fake plans chica. I would of said no anyway,"

"Shut up." I glared, getting ready to play dodgeball.

"Hey Princess," Austin smiled when I sat beside him in Algebra.

"Hey," I grinned.

"I was wondering if.... Never mind,"

"No, what do you want to ask me?"

"I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the arcade with me after school?"

"Of course!"

"I knew you'd say no. I'm sorry - Wait, what?!"

"I'll go to the arcade with you Austin," I laughed.

"Oh. Uh, so I'll meet you at the front gate after school?" He was so nervous, it was adorable.

"That'll be nice." I smiled. He smiled back and we continued doing our work.

"So, you and Austin going on a date?" Oli asked with a smirk.

"We're going to an arcade Oliver. You're just jealous cos you weren't invited," I answered him, stealing one of his pencils and opening my art folder.

"Please," he scoffed. "I happen to have a hot date myself,"

"Oh really? Who?!" I asked with a smile. My little Oli's growing up! I can't wait to meet this girl.

"Alison Paige," he stated proudly. my smile immediately dropped and I fake-gagged.

"What?" Oli demanded with a frown.

"Are you planning on sleeping with her?"

"That I am," He seemed so proud of himself.

"You're going to catch aids," I shrugged.

"Bonnie! That is rude!"

"Only looking out for you!" I defended myself, Raising my hands.

"Miss Craig and Mr Sykes. Is there something you want to share with the class?" Mrs Radman asked. Everyone turned there attention to us and I tried not to shrink under their gaze.

"Oli is going to get -" Oli quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

"Nothing," She had a a stern look before talking again, and the other students turned around. I licked his hand and he pulled away, Wiping if on his shirt.


"Remember to get yourself checked after you fuck her." I whispered. he shook his head and playfully pushed me away.


Austin and I have been at the arcade for an hour now, and he's still trying to win a damn toy from the crane machine.

"Just let me have a go!" I said when Austin failed for the eight time. I pushed him away with my hip and put my own token in. he's used so many. In my first go, I had picked up this light pink octopus thing with colourful legs. it was one of the most ugly but adorable things I've beer seen. Austin squealed in delight and picked it up from the machine, Putting it on a table.

"SQUIDGY SQUIDGY SQUIDGY! La la la la la!" he sung. Oh my god.

"His name is Squidgy!" Austin smiled proudly.

"right..." after playing In the arcade a little longer, we went out for pizza, and Austin even demanded Squidgy has his own napkin. He has definitely taken a liking to him. maybe to much.

"Thank you for coming out with me..." Austin said at my doorstep.

"Thank you for taking me. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" He nodded and quickly pressed a kiss to my cheek before hurrying off. I giggled and went inside, feeling a little embarrassed and happy. He was such a sweetheart.

Later on I was getting ready for bed and I received a text from Alan.

'Thank you for winning Squidgy. now I have that freaking song stuck in my head -.- Alan xo'

I laughed and shook my head. I'm imagining Squidgy shall become a very close friend of ours.


Okay, Squidgy had to be in here somehow. And so did Jaime's "You friggin turtle!" Even if he didn't say it, it's still fantastic to me xD Ooh, Bonnie is jealous, Bonnie is jealous! And her and Austin went on a little date together xD nawwww.


this is really good. Im in the middle of class and about to burst out laughing

Oh please update!! :) I am in love with this story!!!! <3

I love you okok

Please be okay <3
This story is amazing. Please update?

Please finsish this!!!!! Im begging i fell in love and i smiled, cried, laughed and this is masterpiece give me peace and finish!!!! :( @ofmiceandTaylor