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The Journal

Chapter 39.

"Hey, you've reached Vic. I can't -" I hung up the phone once I reached Vic's voice mail once again.

"C'mon Victor. Where could you be?" I mumbled, looking out of the car window.

"He can't be to far," Austin said from the back seat.

"If I was Vic, where would I be?" Kellin asked himself, lightly tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"He might be at a strip club," Austin joked with a laugh. Wait a minute...

"That's it!" I said.

"You think Vic's at a strip club?" Kellin asked in disbelief.

"Not at a strip club," I shook my head. "We have looked for over an hour in the obvious places. The library, the music shop, the 24 hour cafe... He is somewhere where he wouldn't be suspected to be,"

"Well, where do you want to look?" I thought for a minute.

"He doesn't have his car... Try the closest bar to the Fuentes' house,"

"The bar? Vic's not old enough, Bon," Austin reminded me.

"Just try. I'm willing to look anywhere, okay?"

"Alright then..." Kellin sighed. "The bar it is."

Stepping outside of the car, I pulled my jacket tighter around my body, the September air getting colder.

Outside of the bar, you could hear the loud music, the shouting of people inside, and it was quite dark. There was also puke all over the ground.


"Hey pretty thing," a drunk man slurred at me, getting a little close for my liking.

"Back off," Austin growled, pulling me closer to his side. The man took a quick step back, apparently intimidated by Austin's tall figure.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Don't mention it,"

"So... How are we getting in?" Kellin asked.

"I... I didn't think that bit through," I admitted.

"We can't just walk in!" Austin sighed.

"I'll go in by myself. I don't want you two getting in trouble," I shrugged.

"You're kidding, right? Do you want to be groped my old men?" Kellin asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Well, no..."

"Exactly. You're not going in by yourself," Austin stated.

"But -"

"No.You're not going inside by yourself,"

"Um, guys?"

"No, Kellin. Just shh for a minute. I'm going inside by myself,"

"No you're fucking not,"

"Guys -"

"Yes I am! You're not my dad, Aus!"

"Guys, look -"

"Maybe I'm not your dad, but I am your friend who's trying to look out for you!"

"Guys!" Austin and I both looked at a frustrated Kellin. When he realized we were paying attention, he pointed in the direction just pass the bars entrance.

There was a familiar boy with long brown hair and a short figure, standing with a blonde girl who was just taller than him.

"Vic!" I gasped, running in his direction.

"Bonnieeee! Hey!" he slurred, making the both of them giggle. I smelt the air around the two; It smelt strongly of alcohol.

"Victor, are you drunk?" I asked with a frown.

"No! Don't be s- silly!" he hiccuped. "This is my friend, Angelina!"

"Angelina?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I got a better look at the giggling girl and realized that she was the girl Matt and Alan had pretty much kidnapped, and then threw herself at Vic afterwards.

"Is that a hickey?!" I demanded when I seen the red mark on the skin of his neck.


"Okay, we're going home," Austin said, grabbing Vic by the arm.

"What about my friend?!"

"We can't just let a drunk girl roam the streets this late," Kellin put in.

"I know," I sighed. "We need to take her home,"

"Am I coming with you?!" Angelina grinned. Kellin nodded and took her arm as we all - excluding Vic and Angelina who were stumbling - walked back to the car. Just as we were opening the car doors, a voice was heard.

"Angelina!" We turned and seen a girl who looked a few years older than Vic running towards the car.

"Oh thank god!" I turned to her. "You know her?"

"Yeah, she's my best friend. Thank you, I'll take care of her from here," Kellin nodded, handing Angelina to the girl.

"C'mon buddy, let's get you home." Austin said to Vic, buckling him in the backseat.

We arrived back at the Fuentes' where everyone was waiting. We pulled Vic behind us as he giggled and was pretty much falling over.

"Victor! Are you drunk?" Viv scolded him.

"Mama! Hey!" Vic laughed, waving at everyone.

"He's extremely drunk. I think he really needs sleep," Austin informed Victor and Viv.

"Where was he?" Tony asked.

"Outside of a bar with Angelina," I rolled my eyes.

"Angelina?" Oli frowned, taking my hand. "The girl Alan and Matt kidnapped that one time?"

"Yeah, that one," Kellin nodded.

Vivian gave Vic a disapproving look, while Vic looked like no fucks were given. "We will talk about this in the morning Victor Vincent. But now I'm going to take you to bed,"

"No!" Vic shook his head. "Bonnie can," Everyone stared at him in shock. They all think he hates me.

"Are you serious?" Mike stared at him.

"Yes!" Vic stomped his foot like a child.

"C'mon then, Vic," I sighed, taking his hand. "Let's get you to bed."

It took me about 5 minutes to get him to his bedroom and on his bed. I pulled his shoes and t-shirt off before he stopped me when I was about to pull off his jeans.

"Why are you taking my clothes off?! At least buy me dinner first!" I decided to leave his stupid comment and pulled off his jeans, throwing them to the floor.

"Get under the covers you idiot," I told him. He pouted, but listened.

"Why are you angry at me, Bonnie?"

"What you did was stupid," I told him. "You had us all so scared and worried. Where did you even get the alcohol from?"

"Angelina's friend... She's nice. I might even marry her one day," I smiled slightly and shook my head. I wasn't used to being the one to look after Vic. It was always the other way round. He was being the childish and vulnerable one.

"Why would you let Angelina do this?" I asked, ghosting my fingers over the hickey on his neck as his breath got shallower.

"Because she likes me. And she's pretty, too. Not as pretty as my Bonnie, but still a teensy bit pretty," He held up his 2 fingers and pinched the air, showing me how "teensy" pretty she was.

"Okay," I pushed some hair off his forehead as he watched me with his big brown eyes. "You need sleep. Goodnight," I stood up and started heading towards his door.

"I love you," I stopped and turned to him, giving him a small smile.

"I love you too, Vic,"

"Please don't lie to me,"

"I do love you. So much. Just not in the same way," I whispered, glad that he was very drunk and hopefully wouldn't remember this tomorrow.

"Maybe one day." I closed his door after that, and slid down the back off it until my butt hit the carpet.

The worst thing about breaking Vic's heart, is that it also breaks mine in the process.



this is really good. Im in the middle of class and about to burst out laughing

Oh please update!! :) I am in love with this story!!!! <3

I love you okok

Please be okay <3
This story is amazing. Please update?

Please finsish this!!!!! Im begging i fell in love and i smiled, cried, laughed and this is masterpiece give me peace and finish!!!! :( @ofmiceandTaylor