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I Can't Drown My Demons, They Know How to Swim

I Fell to the Ground on my Knees

~Austin's POV~

It's been a week since Oli left. I haven't been to the hospital to see him yet, my Dad has been
telling me all week that we'll go see him today. I hope he's going to be okay. I can honestly
say that I have never loved someone as much as I have loved Oli.

I slowly make my way to the cafeteria. Everyone in here seems to be in a good mood, despite
recent events. Danny's back, he was released yesterday I don't know if anyone told him about Oli.
Thanks to the note Oli wrote everyone now knows that we're kinda, sorta, maybe together. I take my
seat at my normal table.

No sooner had I sat down than Jaime and Tony walked in, hand-in-hand. I couldn't help but smile.
They both sat down at our table. I looked over at them and smiled.

"Congratulations, you two." I said.

"Thanks Austin!" was Tony's response.

Jaime was too busy putting on hand sanitizer to make a response.

"Jaime, you watched me wash my hands before we even held hands."

"Tony, you can never be too careful."

I looked over towards Ben and Danny. Danny was stroking a piece of hair out of Ben's face, but
his hand stayed lightly on Ben's cheek. Ben's face started to flush and you could see the look of
admiration in Ben's eyes towards Danny. I really missed Oli, and I sighed heavily. Just then my
name was called over the intercom.

"Austin Carlile, your Father is here to pick you up. Please report to the Lounge."

I made my way out the door, and to the lounge. I knew I'd have some explaining to do to my Dad. I'd never thought about being gay not really, I mean I'd felt weird things towards Alan and Shay a few times, but I just wrote it off as hormones and let it go. I had never loved any of my girlfriends as much as I loved Oli and that was a fact.

My Dad was waiting by the Receptionists' desk chatting with her when I walked up. He looked me up and down I bet I looked worse than when I had arrived here. he didn't say anything about how I looked.

"You ready to go Son?"

"Yeah Dad, thanks by the way for coming to get me and taking me to see Oli."

"It's not a problem, you're my son."

He exited the facility and I followed. We didn't say on the walk to the car, when we got in the car, nor for the first ten minutes we had drove. Finally I had to break the silence.

"Dad, there's something I need to tell you." I blurted out.


"You are going to need to be open minded."

"I'm not taking you out of that facility yet, you're not ready." His tone seemed piched.

"No it's not that, it's about Oli."

"Oh you're friend that we're going to see?"

"Yeas see about that. He's not just a friend. Dad, he's kinda my boyfriend now, and I love him."

By now we had reached the parking lot and my Dad had pulled into a spot. He didn't say a word as he
turned the car off. He let out a long sigh, and slowly looked over at me.

"Austin. You're my son, if you had loved a girl that would be fine. Since you're in love with this boy
I'm fine with that too. It's your life and I can't tell you who to love only you know who you love."

It was then that he leaned over and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I'm scared Dad, I really don't wanna lose him, he's everything I've needed and everything I want." I cried into his shoulder.

"I know you are son. When you go in their if he's awake you're gonna have to take it easy on him, and don't tell him anything that will make him feel worse." My dad rubbed circles on my back with his hand.

I cried for a little longer, finally I wiped my eyes and sniffled a few more times. I looked into my Dad's brown eyes, and saw the colour of my own reflected there.

"Are you ready to do this son?" he asked.

"I think I am Dad."

We made our way into the hospital, got into the elevator and hit the second floor button. I felt nervous, like a boy going on first date. Slowly the elevator made it's way up the building and finally the elevator dinged, the doors slowly slid open. A few feet directly in front of us was the reception desk. I walked
slowly towards the desk.

"Hi, I'm here to see an ICU patient."

"Are you at least 17 years of age?"

"Yes, I am."

"What patient are you here to see Sir?"

"Oliver Sykes, or Oli Sykes?"

"He was in room 269 this morning." she informed me.

"What do you mean 'was'?"

"Well the doctor came in this morning...."

And that was all I heard before I took off down the hallway with my Dad running after me calling for me. I slowed down once I got to the ICU, and walked into to his room. What I saw next brought me to my knees. The bed was empty, it was re-made, and all the equipment had been taken out. There was no sign of Oli there, not even a hint that he might have been here 24 hours ago.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and broke into loud, gut-wrenching sobs. I was shaking by the time my Dad got there.

"Oh Austin...."

He fell to his knees next to me on the floor and held me while I continued to weep. I heard some footsteps, but didn't tighten a muscle to move. The mystery person spoke and my head flew up.

"The boy in that bed wanted you to know that he loves you and that he was really sorry for what he did." the mystery person explained

My Dad made a move to hold me and let me cry some more. Instead I jumped up and spun around, and what came next drew more tears out of my eyes, but these were tears of joy.

"Oliver!" I exclaimed and threw myself at him.

"You're not mad at me?" he seemed confused.

"After what happened I'm just glad to have you back. I didn't think I could ever feel as much sorrow as when my Mom died but when I walked into that bathroom and saw you laying there, my heart had broken once again. I want you to promise to talk to Hayley and get better, because I never want to lose you. I love you with all of my heart Oliver Scott Sykes."

I brought my lips to his in a gentle kiss, wrapped my hands around his neck and brought him closer. I felt like I could never get enough of him, even if we lived forever. When the kiss finally broke he spoke.

"I love you too, Austin Robert Carlile."

My Dad interrupted out reunion and stated something.

"You know when you first told me you loved this boy I was skeptical about you knowing anything about love, but now you have my full blessing to marry this boy if you want to."

"What made you change your mind Dad?" I asked confused.

"Because the look you gave this boy, and the look he gave you were the exact looks your Mother and I used to give each other. You also described how I felt when your Mom passed Austin. I love you both. Welcome to the family Oliver."

My Dad made his way over and wrapped his around around us and we all cried a little bit more.


I tried to get this up as fast as I could, but I actually had plans and did stuff this week. I know I'm as surprised as you are, plus I am going to be gone tomorrow so I figured you guys would want this <3 Have a great weekend. I love you all.

Chapter Title credit goes to: Terrible Things by Mayday Parade


Awwwwe I ship them so hard

ello beautiful ello beautiful
Thank you guys so much <3
I'm working on a Jalex if you guys want me to post the link here when I'm done I can do that
broken_beauty95 broken_beauty95
Ive never cried so fucking hard over a fanfiction. Well done. Well fucking done.
omam831 omam831
Another fanfic that has me ship Austiver even more. Good job
YDG'N Hailey YDG'N Hailey
Your welcome :) <3 your story is actually the first fanfiction I ever started reading and your story out me really into fanfiction :)