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What are you going to do about it?

Grade 5 Science Test

For the next few days, whenever Mike would catch me looking at him, or even in his general direction, he would blush. I didn't have to say or do anything, it was just a glance and he was putty in the palm of my hands. Of course, I used this to my advantage.

"Mike, can you grab the Grade 4 Music Textbooks from the cupboard, please?" He'd scurry off and be back within minutes, carrying the books I had asked him to get. It was brilliant, I barely had to lift a finger anymore.

"Alright, class! As I'm sure you're aware, the first project I set you was due in today. However much I'd like to get through every group today, I'm not sure there'll be enough time to do so. Anyone volunteer to go first?" No hands, typical.

"Okay, so in that case.. " I scanned the front row, "Taylor. Your group up first, please?"

"Sir, we can't. Our bassist is out today." Cameron Hurley spoke up. He was a quiet kid that kept to himself, but from what I've heard, he plays some killer guitar.

I sighed and looked down to the list on my lap. Truth is, I had a feeling nobody would volunteer so I made a list anyway. There were 6 names on the list,

"Alright. Derek Sanders, your group please."

I'll be honest, I didn't pay attention to who was in Derek's group until they took to the stage.
Derek Sanders
Alex Garcia
Brooks Betts
Jeremy Lenzo
Jake Bundrick
Huh, I had no idea those kids were friends. Cool.

Derek adjusted the microphone stand while the other four got their instruments sorted.

"Uh, hi. We are Mayday Parade and this is I'd Rather Make Mistakes Than Nothing At All." Derek turned and nodded towards the others, and Brooks began to play. When Derek opened his mouth and began to sing, I was not expecting what came out. HE SOUNDS LIKE AN ANGEL!

When they stopped playing, the room was filled with applause. "Guys, that was amazing! Thank you very much, if you'd like to take your seats." Alex and Brooks unplugged their guitars and put them away before sitting back down.

"Alright, and next up.. Johan Brolin and Niclas Sjöstedt, please." I struggled to pronounce Niclas' last name, although I hope I did it right.

Johan groaned loudly, "Sir, my name's Jaybee." It wasn't really.

"Sorry, Jaybee and Niclas, please." I rolled my eyes but corrected myself anyway.

Alongside Jaybee and Niclas, Petter and Joakim got up.

"We're Her Bright Skies," Jaybee flicked his hair into place, "And this is Ghosts Of The Attic."

We got through 2 other groups before the end of the period, meaning there were only two groups left to present. That included Mike's.

I set the paper I had been taking notes on down onto my desk, where I noticed a luminous pink sticky note. "Ah, yes. May the following people stay behind? Garrett Rapp, Loz Taylor, Mike Fuentes and Cameron Liddell? Thank you."

I watched the class pour out through the door as soon as the bell went, bar the 4 I had asked to stay behind.

"Thanks for staying behind, Mr. Smith asked me to talk to you. Basically, he was wondering when you could pop down and do your grade 5 test? He said he was free most lunch times and a few days after school." I looked to Garrett first. He said he'd be down at lunch the same day, as did Loz. "Thanks, you two can go." The two hurried out of the room, and I turned to Mike and Cameron.


"Oh, uh.. Thursday after school?" Today was Tuesday.

"I'll let him know." Cameron turned to leave, "Oh, and Cameron?" He turned back around, questioning me silently. "Congratulations."

Cameron gave me a confused look before he broke into a smile, "Thanks sir." I smiled and he left.

"What was that about?" Mike asked, being his nosy self.

"Cameron and Sam finally got together." I grinned, turning to write down the information the previous three students had provided me with.

Mike gave me an unamused look, "Are you sure you're older than me?" He asked jokingly, receiving a chuckle from me. "Anyway, why am I here?"

"Mr. Smith needs to know when you're free to do yo-"

Mike cut me off, "I've done it."

"Oh, well. He must have made an error."

Mike raised his eyebrows, smirking.

"Or, you know, not." I smiled shyly at Mike, who shot me yet another unamused look. "I needed to talk to you, okay?" I whined, and I'll admit, it came out sounding a bit more childish than I had intended.

"About what?" Mike smiled, a blush on his cheeks.

"I was wondering.. If you'd like to go out tonight." I had been thinking about Mike all week. We weren't together or anything. Well, not yet.


]The song Mayday Parade played

The song Her Bright Skies played

Wow, it's been a while.

Love y'all,


Thank you! If you're interested, I'll be doing a week of updates for this story on my Wattpad, if you want to see it first! :) Wattpad

Hey this story is really good! I cant wait for the next update! lol that rhymed.. :)

@Say all that you hav to say


@Say all that you hav to say
