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Forgive Me- Part 2

Last Day

Amelia’s POV

Almost as soon as we had finished the shopping it was time for Jaime to go to the venue. I was really excited for this show, according Jaime and the guys their home shows are always amazing but I’m also freaking out. Jaime’s parents are coming to say goodbye. Even though I’ve been in San Diego for a while now I have gotten out of meeting them, mostly because Jaime knows that I’m freaking out a bit about it but I have no way of getting out of it this time. Then you add the fact that Jaime is leaving tomorrow straight after their second show and you get an Amelia who is on the verge of a mental break down.

I looked out of the car on the way to the venue and taking in this unfamiliar area of San Diego. I didn’t really venture too far away from our house or my work unless it was to go to the beach, until now I hadn’t really realised how much of San Diego there really is. Maybe while Jaime’s away I can familiarise myself more with the city…

“Milly, I know you’re nervous but can you please stop that?” Jaime asked from the driver’s seat.

“What?” I asked confused. He just looked at my lap. I followed his gaze to see that I was subconsciously opening and closing my purse latch. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise I was doing it”

“I know; you’re just worried” he reached over and took my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

“What if they hate me?”

“They won’t hate you, I don’t know if they hate anyone really.”

“But what if they do?”

“Then family get togethers will be very awkward” I smack him gently. I know how much his parents mean to him and I know that he would be hurt too if his parents didn’t like me.

“You’ll be fine Mil, so long as you are yourself there will be nothing to hate”

“That’s easier said than done…” Jaime looked at me understandingly. He knew that it is instinct for me to put up a front around people, to hide behind a fake me so that if people criticize me then at least they are criticizing the real me.

“You’ll be fine; the rest of the guys will be there too.”

“Why couldn’t I bring Simba?” I had begged Jaime before we left to let me take him with us but he refused.

“The venue doesn’t allow animals; you would have been kicked out”

“Stupid people…” I grumbled before returning my attention to the passing landscape.

When we got to the venue, despite the fact the gates didn’t open for another two hours and the actual show didn’t start for another three there was already a huge crowd forming outside the entrance. Jaime took us around the venue to where there were almost no people and then led me from the car to a back entrance where we got check in by security and led to the change rooms where the rest of the guys had already made themselves comfortable. Tony and Mike were playing x-box while Vic was sitting in an arm chair looking very interested in his phone. I almost burst out laughing at how laid back they look, it’s almost as if they won’t go on stage and play for hundreds of people in a few hours. I guess they’ve done it a few times but still…

I walk over and sit between Mike and Tony and Jaime sat down in an arm chair and watched the game. Like I had done with Jaime on the bus I began to annoy Mike as he played.

“Milly if you don’t stop it I swear to God-” He died. He dropped his controller in his lap and just looked at me “Seriously?”

“Sorry Mikey”

“You are so not sorry”

“No not really” I admit. He sighs and just ruffles my hair making me eye him down. He chuckles at me before turning his attention back to the game.

“Go annoy Tony and make him lose”

“She wouldn’t she loves me too much” Tony commented never taking his eyes off the screen.

“Actually, it’s more because I figure you could use all the help you could get”

“Ohh, burn!” Mike laughed.

“Not cool Mil! I could so whop his arse!”

“In your dreams!”

I decided that they were getting to intense for me to interfere so I climbed over the back of the couch so I wouldn’t disrupt anyone’s view and went and sat on the floor in front of Jaime who then proceeded to fiddle with my hair. I don’t know why but I have always found people touching or playing with my hair very soothing, and Jaime being Jaime and always having too much energy that is really good for him always fiddles and plays with it.

Time passed quickly and soon the guys were called for sound check. I decided to stay in the dressing room while they were doing that because I felt weird just standing around watching sound check. I was curled up on an arm chair playing Flappy Bird and trying not to get frustrated by how horribly I was doing when someone knocked on the door. I dropped my phone and looked at the door. What do I do?

“Umm, come in?” my voice wavered slightly. I hope it’s someone I know or that they at least don’t ask me anything or that they won’t stay. NO stop! Stop freaking out! I mentally yell at myself. The door opened and behind it was a small group of older people.

“Oh, no wonder it’s so quiet! They aren’t even here!” one of them said.

“They, um, they headed to sound check… They should be back soon though.” I said trying to sound as calm as possible. Who are these people?

“Oh, sorry! I didn’t even see you there! I’m Vivian, nice to meet you”
“You too” I smile, “I’m Amelia”

As I said my name I heard ruckus coming down the corridor. I look at the door behind the group of people and pray that it’s the guys. Luckily, it was. I let out a sigh of relief when all attention shifted from me to them and shrunk back into the chair and watched the exchange. I couldn’t catch everything that was being said because there was Spanish getting mixed through the English but from what I did get I think these are their families.

Jaime’s eyes scanned the room and settled on me in my chair, he smiled warmly before walking over and pulling me from my chair.

“Come meet my mum and dad” he said softly. I think he could see how nervous I was because he gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand gently before pulling me over to a couple.

“Mom, Dad, this is Amelia. Milly, these are my parents”

“So this IS that Amelia! I wondered but I wasn’t sure. It’s nice to meet you, I'm Maria”

“It’s nice to meet you” my voice was barely a whisper. I tried to talk confidently but I just could make my voice form.

[A/N ill put exactly what they said at the end]

“¿está bien?” Jaime’s dad said. God I really need to learn Spanish…

“Sí, ella es apenas por tímido” Jaime replied.

“Nunca pensé que hubiera ido a una chica tímida..."

"Una vez que llegues a conocerla, ella es tan loca como él es" Mike said coming over and joining us, "Usted debería abrazarla; Parece que para hacerla más cómodo con gente”

I look blankly at all of them, completely lost in their conversation.

“They’re just surprised at how shy you are…”

“And Mike said I should hug you” Maria said opening her arms to me.

"Yea he's been saying that to everyone I've met so far" I chuckle before I hug her and am immediately comforted, she hugs like my mum does… Once she releases me Jaime’s dad pulls me into a hug.

“I'm Daniel, nice to meet you Amelia”

“Likewise.” I smile as I realise that I was able to speak confidently. Maria and Daniel seemed pleased that I wasn’t completely withdrawn anymore and sparked up conversation with all of the guys, asking me the occasional question but thankfully not bombarding me questions, I don’t I would able to handle it if they interrogated me.

Time flew past and it was time for the guys to play. I stood side stage, out of the way where I did last time and watched them. It wasn’t until I got to listen to their music again that I realised how much I really missed it. Ever since I moved here I rarely listen to them because they don’t really like listening to themselves all the time but I really do miss the comfort that their music brought. I sway slightly along with the music; losing all connection to reality and just getting lost in the music.

Without me realising it, the music was finished and the guys were off stage, Jaime bringing me back to the real world by gently shaking my shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked with a hint of worry in his voice. I smile at him reassuringly before answering.

“Yea, my mind was just wandering a bit”

“Yea you seemed pretty out of it… we’re going to go meet to people who had back stage passes, can you come?”

“Umm I guess, why though?”

“The fans want to meet you!”

“Please, they didn’t even notice me last time. Not that I'm complaining but I just don’t think I should bother”

“Pwease?” he gave me puppy dog eyes and I just couldn’t resist.

“You're a bastard”

“Love you Mil”

“Yea you better.”

He led me to a room where they were meeting the people and I automatically stood in a corner away from the guys, Jaime looked a little hurt but also understanding. He knows that I wouldn’t be able to handle being close to them when they got swarmed. Someone from security popped his head through the door to see if the guys were ready and when they indicated that they were he opened the door and a stream of people filled the room.

I zoned out a bit until someone came over to me and tapped my shoulder. I look over to see who it was and to my surprise it was Callum and another girl around his age.

“Hey Amelia” he said and smiled wildly at me

“Hey Callum, did you enjoy the show?”

“It was amazing! I will never be able to repay you for this”

“You don’t need to, I only got you what you already had, it wasn't your fault the tickets were destroyed.”

“I didn’t have backstage passes, I got to the gate and the guy said that I also had backstage passes put aside for me!”

“Well you deserve a treat”

“I still can’t believe this is actually happening, honestly I can’t say thanks enough”

“Well really it’s not me you should be thanking, it was all Jaime”

“Are you guys together?” the girl asked.

“Yea, I’m Amelia´I smile at her and hold out my hand to her.

“Sammy; thanks for talking to Jaime for Callum… It means a lot to both of us”

“Seriously, it’s nothing”

“By the way” Callum said “I don’t know how I feel about seeing you this way”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m so used to you being all dressed up and businesslike”

I look down at what I’m wearing and let out a small chuckle. I really do look completely different to what I have every time I’ve seen him.

“Yea this is the normal me”

“Yea you look more like a fan now than you do at work”

We chatted for a while but suddenly Sammy and Callum’s eyes grew wide and I felt arms wrap around my waist. It was such a familiar motion that I automatically relax back into his arms.

“I take it because you’re so calm that this is Callum?”

I looked at Callum for a moment but ti was pretty clear that both he and Sammy were too shocked to be able to form proper words right now. I hold in a chuckle before I answer

“Yea, this is Callum and his friend Sammy”

“Nice to meet you guys, glad you could come”

“We could only come because of you” Callum finally managed to say

“Nah it was Milly, if she hadn’t of said anything I wouldn’t have even known”

“Yea but she won’t let us thank her either.” Sammy said softly, still not having regained her voice completely. Jaime laughed at her statement and tightened his arms around my waist.

“Hey Mil?” Jaime asked me.


“Some of the fans over there would like to say hi to you”

“Seriously?” he nodded as I looked over to the group who were watching us closely. “Do I have to?”

“Come on Mil!” he groaned.

“Fine” I sigh.

“Umm” Sammy piped in. “Would it be okay if we got a photo with the two of you before you get swamped again?”

“Both of us?” I asked incredulously.

“Well we wouldn’t be here without your help” she explained. Jaime nodded and asked a person to take a photo of the group of us and Jaime signed Sammy’s shirt before he led me to the group.

After being interrogated for what felt like hours the back stage group was finally led away. I gave both Callum and Sammy a quick hug before they were made to leave. To say I was relieved to finally be away from such a large group would be an understatement. Yea 90% of the people were lovely but there were some who slipped in some snide comments every now and again in my direction. I am definitely not a people person.

We walked around to the other bands and Jaime invited them all to dinner. After quick goodbyes we headed back home to get started on dinner. I send Jaime out to set up the big outdoor table we have and to let people in whenever they arrive while I whisked around the kitchen making chicken, salads, side dishes and some snaky foods. I think that this is the saddest I've ever been when I've cooked though. Normally when I cook I get caught up in the moment and just focus on the food I’m preparing but not this time. This meal is the last meal I’ll have with any of the guys before they leave, and that thought will just not leave me alone. I chuck a piece of the chicken to the floor and Simba is quick to pick it up.

“At least I’ll have you…”

[A/N Translation: “Is she okay?” Jaime’s dad said. God I really need to learn Spanish…

“Yea, she's just shy” Jaime replied.

“I never thought you would get a shy girl..."

"Once you get to know her she is just as crazy as he is" Mike said coming over and joining us, "You sohuld hug her, it seems to make her more comfortable with people”]


Sorry for all the crappy Spanish. I don't speak it and I couldn't be bothered to find someone who could so I just used Word and Google translate... Please don't judge o_o'

anyway, let me know what you think! :) xox


Link, now! PLEASE!




WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO -sobs on the floor in a ball-