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Save Me

How did you find me?

"Soo.. you and Austin huh?" Vic asked. It was just me and him, the guys had went somewhere for a few hours, so I invited him over. "Yep. Me and him." I said. "That's cool.." he said, giving me a sad look. I hugged him. "You know you're my best friend, right Vic?" I said. "Of course. And you're just like a sister to me." He smiled, squeezing me tight. "Hey. How about we go walk around for a little while??" He said, pulling me to my feet and leading me out the door. "So. How are you liking living with an entire band of guys?" Vic laughed. "Lovin' it." I said, punching him playfully in the arm. "Well that's awesome, cause I have a feeling that you're gonna have to deal with all of us for a long long time." He said, totally serious. "Hopefully not Kellin...." I trailed off. "Yeah. So what happened there??" Vic asked me. "I don't want to talk about it right now.." I said. "That's right. Because you're never talking to him again. You're coming with me." A sickeningly familiar voice said from behind me. Both Vic and I spun around on our heels to face the witch that was my mother. "How did you find me?!" I yelled at her. She looked horrid. Like she had tried and got hooked on every drug in the world. "Your little friend gave me exact directions as to where I could find you." She seethed at me, an evil smile on her face. "Millie! That scum! Get out of here! Now! I won't go anywhere!" I screamed in her face. "Oh yes you are!" She screamed back, grabbing my wrist and slapping me hard in the face several times. "Get off of her!" Vic screamed from behind me. "She's my daughter, so how about you shut up, you stupid boy!" My mother yelled at him. "I'm calling the cops!" He yelled back as he pulled out his phone. Then she let me go. Or so I thought. When I finally got enough strength to lift up my head, I saw Austin pinning my mother to the ground. Not hurting her, but restraining her. I gasped as the cops showed up, very wide eyed looking at my six foot something tall boyfriend restraining my mother. They put her in cuffs and dragged her off, back to jail where she was supposed to be. "Baby, are you okay?" Austin said, rushing over to me. "I'll be okay.." I sighed, knowing I would have several bruises. "Are you sure?" he asked, looking concerned. "I'm used to it." I said, blinking hard so that the tears threatening to spill over didn't do just that. Austin pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. Vic coughed very awkwardly behind us. I ran into his arms, hugging him tight. "Thank you, Vic." I said. "Of course, lil sis." Vic said, kissing my cheek and handing me off to Austin so we could go back to the bus. *back at the bus* "What?!" all the guys yelled in outrage when we told them what had happened with my witch-mom. "Really guys.. I'll be okay." I lied. I didn't know if I would ever be okay, but it was an immediate lie. Just like "I'm fine." Or "I'm okay." Or "I don't care." Tony walked in right then. "TURTLE!" I screamed and tackled him to the ground, as much pain I was in. "Well hey, Jez." Tony laughed, hugging me. "We never hang out anymore!" I pouted. "Well maybe I'll have to ask permission from Mr.Boyfriend to take you somewhere for the day so we can catch up." Tony said, giving Austin a look that said "You better let me take my lil sis somewhere." "Yeah, we have an all day signing tomorrow, so y'all can go then." Austin said, smiling at us. "Thanks, man." Tony said. "Thanks baby. Love you!" I said, getting up and going to Austin, kissing him on the cheek. "I love you too, baby." Austin said, laughing at my exuberance. Just then, Tino came out carrying a mirror and fixing his hair about a thousand times. "Oh my God. I can't get my hair to stay." Tino complained. "Oh hush, you narcissistic band member." I said jokingly. "I am not narcissistic! Nor do I do anything narcissistically!" Tino complained about my harmless joke. "Chill, buzz kill." I laughed, punching him in the shoulder. "Be careful. His narcissism might get to him if you call him a buzz kill." Alan helped me with my jokes. "Gah! I hate you all!!" Tino joked, stomping off. Austin and Tony both laughed at me and Alan ganging up on Tino. "Where is my favorite girlfriend of a fellow band member?" Phil walked in searching the room for me. "Right herrree!!" I said, smiling at Phil. "Hey Jezzy. Wanna go to our signing with us tomorrow?" he asked. "Actually, Turtle and I are doing something tomorrow." I said. Phil's face frowned. "Oookaayy." Phil said, fake crying. "Big baby." I joked at him. "Am not." he said, grabbing a Monster from the fridge. "Whatever, Phil." I said, playfully punching him. I walked back over to Austin who wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, baby. Why don't we go watch a movie in the bunk?" Austin whispered to me. "Sure." I said back as he lead me to our bunk. "What movie, love?" Austin asked. "Little Mermaid or Nemo? Which one do you want to watch?" "Nemo" he said, putting the movie in the laptop and cuddling up next to me. "I love you baby." Austin whispered in my ear kissing me softly. "I love you too. So much. To infinity and beyond." I said. "Promise?" "On my grave." he smiled and went back to the movie.


Soo? Do you guys like it? I'm sorry I haven't been posting
. :( but I need feedback! Pleaasee. So comment!! <3


Well I didn't expect her friends to turn on her

Holy crap chapter five. Without you by hinder was playing bring on the tears............

Hey guys. Omg I'm so sorry. I spent the past five days working on a very important chapter for you guys and I lost it all :( I'm going to have to rewrite it... so so sorry. Thank you guys for being there. Xoxo- Author

Hey guys. Omg I'm so sorry. I spent the past five days working on a very important chapter for you guys and I lost it all :( I'm going to have to rewrite it... so so sorry. Thank you guys for being there. Xoxo- Author

Hey guys. Omg I'm so sorry. I spent the past five days working on a very important chapter for you guys and I lost it all :( I'm going to have to rewrite it... so so sorry. Thank you guys for being there. Xoxo- Author