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I was all for you


"Hi Beth!" Mia said as she walked over to Beth. All three bands that were going to tour had come onto the Of Mice And Men bus for the first night party. CC from Black Veil Brides had just barged onto the bus with tequila bottles in hand.

"Hell yea I'm ready for this party!" Austin yelled as he grabbed a bottle from CC's hand.

"Of course, he's going to get wasted and try to hit on me." Beth thought to herself. As Beth looked around, she saw everyone with their own person. Alex was with Alan, and they clearly had become a 'thing.' Mia went back and was sitting on Andys lap while talking to some of Mia's new band members. Austin was talking to Ashley. Beth just felt so out of place, until she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. It was a guy from Mia's new band, Suicidal Syde-Affects.

"Hey, uh, I don't think I've met you yet." The red haired guy said as he shook Beth's hand.

"No, I'm Beth!" Beth said with a smile on her face.

"I'm Julian. So why are you on the tour? Are you one of OMAM's girlfriend?" Julian asked

"Haha no, but I liked how you subtly asked if I had a boyfriend just to see if I'm avalible." Beth said, with a smirk.

"Aw fuck! You caught me. Well, at least I know your not taken." Julian said, returning the smirk.

"He's really hot." Beth thought to herself. But she reminded herself of how relationships always end up. They never work out, and end in chaos. She had to put an end to this little flirt session that was going on.

"Ya, sorry Julian. I'm not neccisarily taken, but.... But I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I'm sorry. But we could still be friends. Besides, I might change my mind." Beth said.

"Oh..... Oh well all good. Wanna do some shots?" Julian asked, trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"I'd love to!" Beth said. It was true that she didn't want a relationship, but that wasn't the only reason she rejected Julian. Another reason was because she still felt something for Austin. But why? He had hit her! She should hate him, right? But something in Beth could'nt forget about Austin, no matter how bad Austin treated her. She still longed for the way Austin held her tight in his arms when she was sad, or the way he smiled when he was trying to be serious. Part of her wanted to forget about Austin hurting her and try their relationship again. But he probably didn't want to try again anyways. While Beth and Julian were doing shots, Beth noticed Austin glaring at them from across the bus. Beth assumed it was because Austin hated her and the very sight of her disgusted him. Little did she know that he thought quite the opposite. Austin wasn't glaring because he hated her, no. He was glaring at them because he was jealous of Julian. He wanted Beth back..... He loved her.


A little competition going on now do we? Lol hope you guys are still enjoying it and haven't started to realize how shitty of a writer I am.


Hey so I'm the person who was writting this story. But the account I was using got deleted so I'm continuing this story. If you want to continue reading this story, just find the story called 'I was all for you(part 2) and subscribe :)
Also I'm writting a new one and it's more of an asking alexandria one, but if your interested it's called 'spread your wings and learn to fly'

Savedbybands Savedbybands

Hey so I'm the person who was writting this story. But the account I was using got deleted so I'm continuing this story. If you want to continue reading this story, just find the story called 'I was all for you(part 2) and subscribe :)
Also I'm writting a new one and it's more of an asking alexandria one, but if your interested it's called 'spread your wings and learn to fly'
so ya :) subscribe if you like them

Savedbybands Savedbybands

Hey so I'm the person who was writting this story. But the account I was using got deleted so I'm continuing this story. If you want to continue reading this story, just find the story called 'I was all for you(part 2) and subscribe :)
Also I'm writting a new one and it's more of an asking alexandria one, but if your interested it's called 'spread your wings and learn to fly'
so ya :) subscribe if you like them

Savedbybands Savedbybands

Hey so I'm the person who was writting this story. But the account I was using got deleted so I'm continuing this story. If you want to continue reading this story, just find the story called 'I was all for you(part 2) and subscribe :)

Savedbybands Savedbybands

Hey so I'm the person who was writting this story. But the account I was using got deleted so I'm continuing this story. If you want to continue reading this story, just find the story called 'I was all for you(part 2) and subscribe :)

Savedbybands Savedbybands