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The Journal

Chapter 35.

August 25, 7:14am, 2003

It's been 4 days since Vic stopped talking to me completely. He's forgiven Tony and Jaime for keeping him in the dark. Heck, he's even forgiven Oli! But not me. And the unfortunate thing is, I don't think he's going to.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked me, sitting beside me in P.E. I looked at him, surprised he was talking to me. We never talk. Alone, anyway.


"C'mon," he rolled his eyes. "I know we don't speak casually anymore, but I still and always will care a lot about you, Bonnie. And now I'm asking, are you okay?"

"Not really," I answered truthfully. "I mean, Oli and I are officially together, and I love him a lot. But I lost your brother, Mike. He was the most important person in my life,"

"Yeah, I gathered that," he murmured.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Vic were... Well, you and Vic. There are really no words to describe your relationship. You always did couple things, but you two never made it seem like that. I gotta admit, I was jealous," Mike looked ahead at the kids in our class playing Volleyball.

"You were jealous?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course I was. I had a crush on you the first day I met you," Mike chuckled. "And Vic always had you around, you got along with our parents, you made Vic the happiest he's ever been. And for that, is another reason I'm jealous. You're his number 1,"

"That's not true," I shook my head. "You've always been his number 1,"

"I thought I was, until you came along,"

"I'm sorry that -"

"Don't apologize," Mike interrupted me. "I'm glad that you did. You saved him, Bonnie. And I'll be forever grateful for that. I don't know what I would do if I lost my big brother,"

"He loves you, Mike. A lot," I rubbed his shoulder reassuringly.

"He loves you a lot too, Bon. He's going to forgive you,"

"I can always hope." I mumbled. He gave me a sad smile before getting up as his name was called. Jaime gave me a weird look and I just shrugged. I didn't know why Mike decided to talk to me like a normal person, but it was nice.

I looked at Vic from across the table. He was sitting down, looking at the table top and chewing his food, his eyes never meeting mine.

"So, how are you, Vic?" Kellin asked, trying to get rid of the awkward tension that hovered over our group.

"Just peachy," he snapped, his eyes meeting Kellin's for a second before looking back down at the table.

"I don't think he's peachy," Alan whispered to Matt.

"Me neither," Matt agreed. I rolled my eyes at the two and shifted uncomfortably.

"Relax," Oli whispered in my ear, placing his hand on my thigh. I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Does anyone have any idea why Stella is ignoring me?" Austin asked with a frown, looking attentively at his phone.

"She's ignoring everyone," Jaime answered with a shrug.

"Yep. She's just being a moody wreck at home," Kellin put in.

"She text me yesterday telling me to come over, so I did. And then she slammed the door in my face. I'm still confused," Tony said, taking a bite from his sandwich.

"She's probably on her womanly time of the month," Jaime replied.

"Does it hurt having blood come out of your you know what?" Alan asked, looking at me.

"No..." I gave him a weird and disgusted look, as was everyone else at the table. Even Vic looked up for a second to give a look.

"Then why are girls so moody all the time and complain a lot?" Matt looked just as interested as Alan did.

"Because it's not a pleasant feeling and you also get cramps and they hurt - And why am I telling you this?"

"We're just interested," Alan shrugged.

"Well, can you not be interested? I'm trying to eat my lunch," Tony pointed at his half eaten sandwich. That looks like a good sandwich. I like sandwiches.

"Don't be silly! Having blood come out of your lady parts seems to be a natural -" We all cut Matt off with a groan.

"Just stop talking!"

"I will never!"

"I'm going to eat somewhere else." Vic stood up abruptly, his chair making a small squeak as it slid along the cafeteria floor slightly. We all watched his retreating back, yet another awkward silence falling upon us.

"You need to stop stressing yourself out over this," Oli told me, putting my towel on the railing before sitting on the floor by the bathtub which I was currently in.

"But he's my best friend, and he hates me," I mumbled, blowing a bubble away from my face.

"He doesn't hate you, love," Oli sighed.

"He does!"

"He'll get over it soon, Bon,"

"Oli, it's been 4 days," I informed him.

"Just give it time. Vic is like a kitten. He can't hold a grudge forever. Especially with you,"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because it's true. Vic does love you a lot. You're his little sister,"

"If I'm his little sister, then why isn't he talking to me?" I asked quietly.

"Vic is...sensitive. He is hurt easily, and I guess you not telling him something as big as this -" Oli motioned between us. " - kind of hurt his feelings because he's used to you telling him everything. And it didn't help that you also made up a person to prove we weren't together,"

"That makes me sound like a terrible person..." I whispered guiltily.

"No, not all. Bonnie, you're an amazing person. You put everyone's feelings before your own, and I adore you for that,"

"Oli, you don't understand. Vic needed me and I just... Completely ignored him. I was to busy thinking about myself to care about my best friend. My brother,"

"Listen to me. You haven't done anything wrong, okay? He'll get over it soon enough," Oli stood up and pecked my lips. "I have to head home. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Get some rest,"

"Okay," I nodded my head.

"Good girl. I love you,"

"I love you too." Oli smiled before opening the bathroom door, leaving and closing it behind him.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I knew I was in the wrong here. No matter how much Oli tries to convince me otherwise, I still know it was me. I'm the one who fucked this up, and I'm going to be the one to fix it.

I snuggled further into Tony's bed as I heard a bang down the hallway. It was Saturday night and I was staying at Tony's for the weekend while his Mom was out of town with some girlfriends for a couple of days.

I felt Tony stir slightly as another bang sounded, my feet were over his bare back as he was on his stomach lying sideways on the bed.

I quickly sat up as I heard a loud smash from down the hallway. I looked at the alarm clock; 2:23am.

"Tony!" I whispered, shaking his shoulder. I heard him groan, but he didn't budge.

"Tony!" I whispered again, a bit louder. I shook him again and he opened his eyes, him tiredly glancing around the room until his eyes settled on me.

"Bonnie? What is it? You better have a good reason for waking me up or I'll -"

"Shh!" I hissed, putting my finger to my lips. "I think someone's in your house. I think they broke a window,"

"What are you ?-" We both went dead silent as we heard another smash. I let out a small squeak.

"Mom is going to kill me," Tony whispered.

"There could be a fucking murderer in your house and your worried what your mom is going to do?!" I demanded.

"You're right. Let's just go check it out,"

"Can't I stay here while you go check it out? I mean, it is your house,"

"No, fuck that. I'm not going alone!"

"Fine," I snapped in a whisper. "At least put some pants on," I glanced down at his naked bottom half, which was thankfully covered by a blanket.

"Well don't look!" I rolled my eyes before closing them, waiting for him to finish.

"Done," I opened my eyes and seen Tony in his boxer briefs, holding his least favourite skateboard.

"Why do we need that?" I pointed at it.

"It can be used as a weapon," he looked at me like I had just given the wrong answer to 1+1.

"Whatever. Let's go," Tony took my hand and guided us to his bedroom door, both of us wincing as it made a creaking noise when he opened it.

"Stay by me, and do not speak a word." Tony told me seriously. I nodded and tightened the grip on his hand, both of us beginning to walk slowly and quietly down the dark hallway.

We almost jumped out of our skin when another loud bang and crash was made, the noise echoing throughout the house. We made it into the living room and froze.

The big window was completely smashed, decorating the floor in tiny diamonds. Some crimson blood was also covering some of the shards, implying someone had broken in.

And they were in the house.



this is really good. Im in the middle of class and about to burst out laughing

Oh please update!! :) I am in love with this story!!!! <3

I love you okok

Please be okay <3
This story is amazing. Please update?

Please finsish this!!!!! Im begging i fell in love and i smiled, cried, laughed and this is masterpiece give me peace and finish!!!! :( @ofmiceandTaylor