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The Journal

Chapter 22.

April 17, 4:28pm, 2003

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Nothing's changed really. Oli and I haven't done anything, but we are a lot closer. There are times when I just want him to push me up against the wall and kiss me, but I knew he wouldn't do that. He's Oli.
Anyway, today everyone is meeting at Kellin and Stella's place to discuss Jaime's and Alan's birthday plans, because Hime's is in a month, May 17, and Alan's is on the 22 of May. Mike is going to be there, but I'm going to act like an adult about this.


"You do know Mike and Austin are going to be there?" Vic asked me, pulling out of my drive when I had put my seatbelt on.

"Of course I do," I rolled my eyes.

"So you're going to be civil and talk to him?"

"No. I'm going to politely ignore him and call him mean names in my head," I folded my arms across my chest. Austin and I still did talk, but not as much as we used to. And he doesn't really talk to anyone much anymore. But Mike? Yeah, I haven't spoken one word to him. Well, nice words.

"You're going to have to talk to him at one point, Bonnie. He has the same group of friends you do,"

"Well he would be my friend too if he wasn't an asshole,"

"I don't know why I even bother trying to talk to you about this," Vic shook his head.

"So you'll stop?" I asked, turning to face him with a grin.

"No. He's my brother, and you're my best friend. You're going to talk at some point whether you like it or not," he answered, parking across the street from Kellin's and Stella's house.

"Damn it," I frowned, freeing myself from the seatbelt and climbing out of the car.

"Bonnie! Hi!" Stella pulled me into a hug when I walked inside.

"Hey Stell!" After pulling away from the hug, I sat down on one of the couches next to... I actually have no clue who this person is.

"Hello," he waved at me.

"Hey!" I waved back.

"Bonnie, this is our neighbor Eli. Eli, this is Bonnie," Kellin introduced us. Eli seemed to be a bit older than me, maybe Vic's age? He was covered Jn tattoos and piercings, and had hair styled like Olis except it was black. He's good looking, too.

"Okay, so Jaime and Alan aren't here?" Matt started. We all looked around and nodded our heads in confirmation.

"Okay, so let's start planning. We'll start with the date," We all discussed it and decided it will be on the 24 of May.

"Okay, guest list time!" When everyone was busy talking, I looked around the room in wonder. Why is this house so damn big?!

"Hello Bonnie," Mike tried, sitting on the floor in front of me. I was so tempted to just lift my foot and kick him in the head, but I'm not to sure anyone would appreciate that, so instead, I glared at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Stop being immature and atleast say hello,"

"Hello Dickface," He raised his eyebrows at me before sitting next to me on the couch, a little to close for my liking.

"Eww, go away. I don't want to catch aids,"

"Bonnie, you are not 5 years old,"

"Michael, you are not an asshole - Hah, just kidding! Now piss off and leave me alone," I stood up and walked over to Oli, who was sitting on a single chair, and sat on his lap.

"Hi," he smiled, his beautiful brown eyes shining.

"Hey," I smiled back.

"This dude has so many fucking friends," Oli muttered, staring at the list of names and numbers from Jaime's list. It was true, Jaime was friends with everyone, even the popular kids loved him. He was just a really loveable guy. It must be the dimples.

"Because everyone loves Hime-Time," I shrugged.

"Why don't we just throw a house party for everyone?" Stella suggested.

"Alan is 14 years old... and you want to throw him a house party for his birthday?" Tony asked slowly.

"Yeah, shouldn't we be taking him out to the movies and go go-karting and eat birthday cake and shit?" Matt agreed.

"Alan acts our age anyway -" No he doesn't, Alan is a 3 year old on drugs, but I'll let that slide. " - and at the end of the day, they can't have a joint party if we have 2 different things planned," Stella finished.

"They are both children. Just get them all day amusement park tickets or something," Mike said, lighting up his smoke. Kellin glared at him and pointed outside. Mike raised his hands in surrender before heading outside.

"We can do that on their actual birthday. But the house party is the best idea, I think," Austin said.

"Fine. We'll have a house party."

"That's gross," Tony glared at the cigarette in my hand.

"You're gross," I smiled, sitting on the ledge of the balcony, looking over at the backyard down below.

"Do you want to get off there?" Tony asked.


"Because if you fall you'll probably die or break your back,"

"So I can't do this?" I smirked, leaning backwards.

"Don't Bonnie!" I only leant back more.

"Okay, now you're just being stupid," Tony grabbed my waist and pulled me back over, making me fall on the deck.

"Wow, thank you very much!" I said sarcastically, rolling onto my back and looking at the sky.

"Hey," Mike stood over me and I groaned.

"Why can't you leave me alone? Tony, save me!"

"There's no way I getting involved. Good luck," he sang, walking inside, leaving Mike and I alone.

"Stupid turtle," I muttered, walking away from Mike to finish my smoke in peace. But he followed me.

"Leave me alone!" I sighed in frustration.

"No, I'm good,"

"You can't just be annoying and pretend like nothing ever happened," I snapped.

"Maybe I just being annoying so you will talk to me," he snapped back.

"Why should I talk to you?"

"I know I don't deserve it, but Austin doesn't either,"

"Atleast Austin told me. You didn't look like you we're going to tell me anytime soon,"

"I wasn't,"I rolled my eyes to his answer. "But that's because I didn't want to hurt you,"

"Bit late for that, isn't it?" I laughed dryly. He didn't say anything.

"Why didn't you tell me after we... done it?"

"Because I wanted it to carry on,"

"So you'd use my body? You're such a dick," I muttered, putting my smoke out aNd turning away from him.

"Bonnie, please come back and talk to me," Mike pretty much begged. I turned to face him.

"I'm done with your shit, Michael." And with that, I opened the glass door and walked inside.

"So what happened with you and Mike outside?" Oli asked when we were walking to my house.

"Nothig really. Just him being an ass, the usual," I shrugged.

"So you didn't forgive him?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course I didnt. He didn't even say sorry," I frowned.

"Typical," Oli laughed humourlessly. We reached my front door and he smiled at me.

"I would invite you in, but I'm doing homework and I'm not to sure on how much fun it'd be,"

"Oh shit. Astronomy homework right?"

"Yeah. You forgot, didn't you?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, I did... I should get studying,"

"Yes, you should. But you should study here with me," I grinned.

"Whatever you want. I'll call Dad to pick up my book,"

"Okay, c'mon," I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"Where are you two going?" Dad asked, standing by the stairs with his arms folded.

"We have Astronomy homework due tomorrow. We're going to finish it up together," I rolled my eyes.

"So you're doing... Homework?"

"Yes Dad," I hugged. Climbing up the stairs with Oli behind me. "Ian is going to be dropping Oli's books here soon! Just bring them up please!"

"Okay, but keep the door open!"

"No!" Oli and I called at the same time, slamming my bedroom door closed behind us. This was a usual thing for us. Whenever one or more of the guys come over and we go up to my room, he tells us to leave the door open. But of course, we never listen. I don't know why he even tries anymore. Especially when more than one comes up here. It's not like we are having group orgasms or anything.

Oh my god Bonnie. That's gross.

Oli sat down on my bed and pulled out his phone.

"Hey Dad," ... "I'm at Bonnie's doing homework. Would you be able to drop off my Astronomy books?" ... "Okay, thank you," ... "No, I'm not saying that!" ... "Dad!" ... "Fine. I love you too." Oli mumbled, hanging up the phone. I laughed and he shot daggers at me.

"Isn't that cute?" I smiled, pinching his blushing cheeks.

"Go away!" he groaned, swatting my hands away and falling back on the bed.

"Oliver's embarrassed! Oliver's embarrassed!" I sung, sitting beside his body and poking his cheeks.

"Do you have to?" Oli asked with a sigh, trying to move my hands away from his face.

"Yes, I do,"

"Of course you do."

"I know nothing about the Large Magellanic Cloud other than it is an irregular galaxy," I sighed in frustration, continuing to read the book upside down from my bed. Oli and I have been doing homework for 2 hours, and have achieved hardly anything.

"Maybe if you stopped hanging over the side of your bed, we could work on it together," Oli pulled on my legs, making me slide up until I was lying on the bed properly.

"That's better. Now I can see your pretty face," I blushed at his comment and sat up, sitting next to him so our knees were touching.

"It's a satellite for the Milky Way?" I read in confusion.

"I've always wanted to swim in the Milky Way,"

"Sorry to crush your dreams idiot, but I don't think the Milky Way is available to swim in," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, back to LMC,"

"Would AC be able to swim in the Milky Way?" Oli asked, looking at Alice Cooper who was currently taking a very slow walk on the floor.

"Oli! Stop getting distracted! You're being picked up in an hour, and we have to finish!"

"Okay. Serious face," Oli furrowed his eyebrows and made his face plain straight before reading out of the book, while I was trying not to laugh a the face he was making. "LMC is approximately 10 billion times the mass of our sun and -" I couldn't help it, I started laughing my ass off.

"Are you laughing at me, bitch?!" Oli sassed, looking at me with shocked eyes, which of course made me laugh harder to the point where I had tears in my eyes and was almost peeing my pants. Oli waited patiently for me to calm down, and when I did, we actually did the work and finished 10 minutes early.

"That was actually fun," I said when we heard our dad's talking downstairs.

"I know. Never knew homework could be fun," Oli laughed. We walked downstairs and I said goodbye, before turning to Dad when they had left.

"did you two do anything?"

"Yes, we did homework. Even if something else did happen, I don't give a shit what you think." I said before heading back ipsyairs.



this is really good. Im in the middle of class and about to burst out laughing

Oh please update!! :) I am in love with this story!!!! <3

I love you okok

Please be okay <3
This story is amazing. Please update?

Please finsish this!!!!! Im begging i fell in love and i smiled, cried, laughed and this is masterpiece give me peace and finish!!!! :( @ofmiceandTaylor