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One Moment

What Do You See When You Close Your Eyes?

One beer.

Two beers.

Three. Four.

Five shots of whiskey. Six. Seven.

One bottle.

Every drink I knocked back was another thought that I tried to throw away with whatever maturity I contained before intoxication.

"Hey Alaaaan," I slurred, stumbling over a pillow to get to him. "Wana go to on an adventure for more whiskeyy?" I hiccuped, making Alan chuckle.

"Well aren't you just the party animal?"

"Mhmmmmm, an' I want more whiskey to make the pain all go awaaaay," I added emphasis on my words, sitting on my knees.

"I think this is the drunkest I've ever seen you. And the funniest. But sorry, Haze, I'm cutting you off," he laughed at the face I made; full on pout. I had already downed nearly all of the beer in ten feet of me on this bus, then a bottle of whiskey, and thats where I lost count. I'm trying to flood the thought of Texas away with alcohol. I don't want to think. Not about Mark. Not about his brother. Not about anything.

I stuck my tongue out at Alan and then rolled onto my feet, grabbing onto the couch to settle myself from not falling. Once I stood up I started counting out my steps. "One two three. One two three. One two three," I sang, marching while Alan laughed at my ridiculousness. "One two three, I gotta pee," I giggled, giving Alan the impression I was going to the bathroom.

I made it out of the back room of the bus where Alan was, Izzy and Kush were in there too, but they fell asleep on the ground. I was supposed to be put to sleep as well, Doctor Austin's orders, but nah.
I think Tino, Phil, and Aaron went to bed hours ago, but Sammy and Austin went to grab some more blankets from somewhere. I don't know. I don't know anything but the fact that the front of the bus is empty which means no one can stop me from getting more to drink.

The storm had died down to just some drizzling and random thunders, but since it had to be like three in the morning, we decided to all stay at Austin's bus. Besides me right now as I wandered around the streets, wondering where I can get my hands on a bottle.

I laughed aloud to myself when I realized I was lost, but then cheered in happiness when I spotted some lights by a bus. That meant someone was up, and someone always has booze here. As I got closer, I could barely read the Pierce the Veil sign due to my blurry vision and the fact that I didn't care.

"What are you doing here?" A sour voice hissed at me.

"Alcohol, Mikey. Alcohol," I giggled, not knowing what I was saying.

"Don't call me Mikey," he snapped.

"Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey," I laughed harder at myself.

"Are you normally this annoying? Or is it just cause you're piss drunk?" He rolled his eyes in annoyance, taking a hit from his smoke.

"Not piss drunk enough if you ask me, Mikey."

"I told you to stop calling me Mikey."

"I'll stop if you give me Vodka."

"No, fuck off," he flicked me away with his hand.

"Mikey Mikey Mikey! Bad language, Mikey! Mikey Mikey.."

"Will you stop?!" He was getting fed up now.

"No. Mikey Mikey Mike-"

"Fine!" He stood up. "Fucking fine!" He walked over to a cooler and swung it open, grabbing a bottle before angrily slamming it closed. "I would tell you to be careful, but I could fucking care less."

I giggled as I stole the bottle from him, popping it open and giving him a thumbs up as I took a long swig. Each drink made my legs and fingers feel that much more numb. Each drink pushed the thoughts away. Each drink burned less and less every time to my numb throat. "Why do you hate me?" I breathed out after I took my mouth off of the bottle.

"Why are you still here?" He snapped back, looking to the side as he smoked.

"Cause I wana be, Mr. Grouchy pants," I made a funny face at him, which he caught, and tried to hide his smirk. "Ha! I saw that! I made Mr. Grouchy pants smile!"

"Shut up, would ya? They're sleeping in there!" He pointed to his bus and I put a hand over my mouth quickly.

"Sorry.. Why aren't you sleeping?" I took another drink.

"Why aren't you?"

"Cause I want to drink," I stuck my bottom lip out.

"How much have you even already had, anyway?"

"Like, thiiiiiiiiis much," I held my arms out wide. "That means a lot. Super duper a lot."

"Don't drink yourself to death," he scoffed and I shrugged, bringing the bottle back up. I let my body sway to whatever random melody was in my head as I downed the Vodka. My mind and body was numb. But not numb enough.

***(Austin's p.o.v.)*****

"Here," I threw the blankets Sam and I grabbed at Alan, hitting him in the face. He huffed and threw them to the empty spot next to him on the couch. Why was it empty? "Where's Hazel?"

"Her drunk ass went to the bathroom," he chuckled, wrapping himself in a blanket. "Must be taking a dump or something."

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked back out of the back room, going to peak into the bathroom until I saw the door was open and the lights were off. "Haze?" I called out, stepping in and looking around, even in the shower. "Hazel, you out here?" I asked, going back out, maybe I walked past her? I got no response.

"Dude, she's not in there," I came back into the room, interrupting Sam and Alan's conversation.

"She said she went to the bathroom.. Maybe she went to grab something to eat?" He said curiously.

"Nah, she wasn't there, I just checked," I ran a hand over my head and down my face.

"I'm sure she's here man, just passed out somewhere," Alan got up, walking past me to check the bathroom, then the bunks, calling her name multiple times. How was she just not here?!

"Where the fuck did she go?" I asked, pacing around, even lifting up the pillows to check under them. She had been drinking the most out of all of us, so much so that she got giggly drunk like she always does when she drinks a lot. It was not fucking safe for her to be anywhere but here! She was supposed to go to sleep! "Fuck!" I threw the pillow angrily, pinching the bridge of my noes.

"We'll find her Austin, she's probably just right outside or something," Alan said, sounding nervous himself. Sammy was now out here, looking worried.

We all threw on our shoes, not even bothering to grab our jackets as we went outside, using our phones for lights. "Hazel?" I called out, keeping my voice low while I looked.

Sammy and Alan did the same, spreading out a little bit to cover more ground. She definitely wasn't by the fucking bus.
Now fully worried, I typed in her number on my phone and dialed it while letting a hand rest on my chest. It rang and rang and rang.

"You've reached the unanswered phone of Hazel! Please leave a message after th-"

"Fuck!" I gripped onto my hair, tugging on it a little. I sent her a quick text for her to maybe see later before calling her again and again as we walked on, searching. Where the fuck could she just fucking go? She could have gotten killed or kidnapped.. Could be passed out in the middle of fucking no where or doing god knows what with God knows who!

After a little bit of walking and finding nothing, everyone was growing into a panic, not knowing what to do. "Maybe we should wait until it gets a little lighter out?" Alan suggested, but I immediately shut him down. "I'm not leaving her out here all night," I snapped.

"I'm not saying all night, but I can't see shit. We could have walked by her 10 times for all we know," he argued. "Look man, I'm worried as shit too, but what can we do right now?"

I didn't respond, just ran my hands over my face for the hundredth time tonight. "Fuck guys, maybe Mike knows something!" Sam breathed, pointing behind me. I spun around, seeing a small light lighting up Mike outside of his bus, smoking. We jogged over, catching his attention.

"Mike, have you seen Hazel?" I breathed, not caring why he was up this late alone in the first place.

He took his time taking a long drag of his smoke before looking at us. "Maybe, why?"

"Maybe? What the fuck does that mean?" I growled. I was never a big fan of Mike in the first place, not after the shitty comments he's made towards Hazel.

"She's out here alone drunk off her ass, that's why!" Sammy added.

Mike shrugged, "yeah, she came over here annoying the hell out of me for a bottle of vodka before running off."

"Did you give it to her?" I hissed.

"I'd do anything to get that bitch to shut up," he said carelessly. In an instant I lunged over, trying to grab at him, but Alan held me back, again. "You just fucking gave it to her? Are you crazy?! Could you not tell she was already fucking wasted?!"

Mike now stood up, pointing in my face. "The slut isn't my problem! Keep tabs on your own girl!"

I tried to grab him again, but he just laughed while taking a drag when Sammy now held me back too. "If she even has a scraped fucking knee I will come back here and don't think I wont-"

"Austin! Dude, let it go!" Alan cut me off, pushing me away from him.

"Asshole," I spat at him, walking off in the other direction.

"Come on, man, she had to have gone somewhere over here," Alan led me away, trying to contain my mind with focusing on finding Hazel.

My heart started beating even harder in my chest, hoping we could just find her and get her back. Hopefully she wasn't in any trouble. Hopefully she was safe and not with anyone who would... take advantage of her. Fuck.

"God damnit," I huffed. "I shouldn't have left- I should have fucking cut her off, I-"

"This isn't your fault, Austin. We'll find her," Alan reassured me again.

After a little longer of silent walking and more calling Hazel, Alan shined his phone on the ground, catching sight of some liquid on the pavement. Looking ahead and seeing a dropped bottle of Vodka was some sign of 'hope'.

We started jogging again, but slowed when hearing a constant coughing and gagging in the distance. Shining our phones around, we were barely able to see Hazel leaning over a trashcan by the bench nearby, vomiting violently into it. "Hazel?" I called out, this time more softly to not startle her.

She stood up, wiping her mouth, and turned to face us. Her hair was matted to her face that was pale as a ghost, her blood shot eyes standing out. "Aust-" She started, but then stumbled a little, barely catching my eyes before hers rolled into the back of her head and she passed out.

I sprinted over, barely catching her head as I crouched down onto the ground. "Haze? Haze, baby are you with me?" I asked, putting my hands on her face as Sam and Alan ran over with frantic faces.

Hazel didn't respond, her eyes rested shut, mouth parted open, skin burning. Fuck not good. Not good. "We need to get her to a hospital," I breathed, my heart beating in my throat.

"Fuck man, what is it?" Alan asked, helping me lift her up.

"She drank to much.. Alcohol poisoning? How much did she even have to drink?" Sam went on frantically as I picked Hazel up bridal style. "She'll be fine. She'll be fine. She just has to get her stomach pumped. This has happened before," Sam continued, mostly trying to convince himself she'll be okay.

I didn't have time to think about how or why Hazel has had to get her stomach pumped so many times before I took off.


I tapped my foot impatiently as I rested my head in my hands. I've been sitting here for what feels like hours, but has most likely been one or two. After finally getting Haze to the hospital, they took her to get her stomach pumped and try and get her stable. Her alcohol-blood concentration was dangerously high. One more drink and I don't even want to know what had happened. The Doctor said it could have been bad.

Sam sat in the chair next to me, but had dozed off a little bit. Alan went back to the bus because the guys were freaking out with us missing and not exactly knowing what was going on.

Fuck, I should have stopped her after she started downing beer after beer. Why didn't I? Maybe if I just stayed to watch over my obviously drunk as shit girlfriend..

"Sir?" A male voice had me snapping my head up, looking to see a doctor standing above me, a folder tucked into his side. "Are you with the patient? Hazel Hendrix?"

"Uh, Y-Yeah. Yes," I mumbled, standing up nervously, kicking Sam's foot to wake him up as I did. He jerked up, but then realized what was going on and stood up quickly, too. "How is she?"

"Well," the Doctor cleared his throat. "We had her stabilized and were getting ready to pump her stomach," he informed us. "But we encountered a slight interruption that caused us to have to immediately stop the procedure."

"What? So you didn't pump her stomach? What now? What interruption?" I stuttered, too many questions.

"Without the stomach pump, it will be very difficult to give you her state and how well she will do..." He started, but I cut him off.

"Then do it? Why can't you do it?!" I panicked.

"We can still do it, but we had to ask you, you are her husband, right?" He looked at me.

"Boyfriend," I corrected, waiting for him to get to the point, heart pumping hard in my chest.

He sighed deeply, "The patient is pregnant, sir.. The stomach pump will fatally harm the fetus..."


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Yeah! Drunk Hazel is annoying Hazel. :p

Pregnant?! How will that work out? What will happen? What do you think?

Kind of a hectic chapter, but I promise you I've got this all planned out and I'm excited! I knew I wanted this to happen, but I wasn't sure what approach to take on it until now.
Let me know what you guys think!

Thank you all!<3


Thank you! I can't wait:)

aww! haha I'm writing the first chapter to the sequel right now! It will be up soon and I'll post a link for you guys when it is!!:)

lolacashby lolacashby

When will you make the sequel?!

I'm dying and I'm actually tearing up

this chapter killed me

LonesomeGhosts LonesomeGhosts