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I Will Follow You

Now You Know

A loud knock on the front door brought me back to reality, out of my deep slumber. The guys went on a "boys weekend" so it wasn't them, unless they decided to come back early and forgot their keys. That wasn't entirely unlike them.

I sluggishly walked down the stairs and over to the hallway and front door, opening it swiftly. "Hello." I said a little more enthusiastically for someone that had just woken up. To my shock and surprise I came face to face with Patrick. "Oh, hey." I felt the tension begin to build up.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked, I nodded and opened the door to let him inside. I closed it behind him and led him into the livingroom.

"How can I help you?" I asked him with a small smile. He sat down on the couch and I sat across from him on the other on.

He began to fiddle with his hands in his lap. "Well, I came to ask how things are with you and the baby?" He mumbled quietly.

"I haven't told anyone else." I stated simply, he looked up and gave me a sad, sympathetic frown.

"You need to tell someone Scarlett!" He suddenly snapped.

"Whoa, this isn't really your business. You can come into my life whenever you want, telling me that you love me but it doesn't mean you have the right to tell me what to do with my baby." I got up, feeling completely flustered by his words.

"What?" A fragile voice came from behind me. I turned around and my stomach dropped. There was Vic, standing with a completely lost and bewildered look plastered across his face. He then looked between me and Patrick and the realisation sank in, he thought the baby was Patrick's.

"No." I shook my head. "No Vic, it's not like that." I rushed over to him. He looked at me with hurt eyes.

"Did you sleep with Patrick, ever?" His voice trembled a little.

"No, I promise I didn't." I told him. "Patrick is concerned because I didn't tell anyone." I explained. "I'm sorry you found out like this."

"We decided to come back early." He scrunched his face up, making his forehead wrinkle a little.

"We need to talk." I said grabbing his hand. I turned to Patrick and gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry, but at least you got what you wanted. Everyone knows." I shrugged.

I led Vic upstairs to our bedroom and closed the door behind him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked with a sad frown. It kinda broke my heart to see him so upset about it. "When we said we'd try this for real I thought all dishonesty would go would the window."

"I was scared. I asked you about a family and you said you didn't wanna try again-" I began but he cut me off.

"I lied for your benefit... I didn't wanna make you feel pressured about kids because well, our history isn't that good." He rubbed his face over with one hand.

"I freaked out and didn't wanna tell you because of that." I sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"I want this, I want a baby with you Scarlett." A huge grin crept up on his face, from side to side.

Tears began to well up on my face and my heart began to feel normal again. I went over to my nightstand and dug through my hand bag. I finally found the sonogram picture and then handed it to him. "Do you wanna know the sex?"

He looked at the picture and I've never see a smile like it. "Yeah." He nodded and then looked up at me.

"A boy." I bit my lip. He pulled me to him and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I know it might not seem like it but this could be the thing to save me." The tone in his voice almost broke my heart. "This year has started off as the weirdest, hardest of my life and maybe this is the turning point." He told me.

"I hope it is Vic, I want you to be happy." I kissed him quickly and then looked at the picture again. "I'm almost 5 months by the way." I informed him.

He gave me a strange look and then looked at my stomach. He lifted my shirt up and inspected the bump, that was surprisingly bigger than I thought. "Explains why you haven't wanted me to touch you much and the baggy clothes. I just thought you lost your sense of style." He chuckled lightly, earning a smack on the arm from me.

"I have a great sense of style but now that I don't have to hide anything, I can wear nice clothes again." I beamed from ear to ear.

"I gotta call my mom." He said excitedly.

"She knows." I blabbed. He raised a questioning eyebrow. "She guessed t your dads wake."

"Who else knows?" He frowned.

"Alysha, Pete, Patrick and Lynn." I said quietly.

"You told Patrick before me?" Vic asked with a hint of hurt in his voice.

"No, I told Pete and he blabbed to Patrick." I sighed. "Alysha's my cousin and I thought she would be able to help me hide it until I was ready to tell you. And Lynn was there when I found out." I explained.

"Well can I at least go and tell everyone else?" He pleaded.

I gave him a kiss and nodded. "Be my guest."

He ran out of the room and down the stairs. "GUYS I'M GONNA BE BE A DAD!!!" I heard him call out.

"I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE?" Mike shouted in retaliation. A smile crept on my lips. Maybe Patrick was the push that I needed because now, everything was falling into place.


Sorry to break it to you lovelies, this is the second last chapter... And the final one will be posted tonight. Yikes!


ffff can you add this trilogy to wattpad ???? frfr this website always crashes on me for a week to a month straight sometimes

i read all three within two days and im now slowly dying LIKE OMG I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS IM GONNA GO DIE NOW BYEE!



*POOOSH* u saw that. That was my mind being blown away. .-.