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I Will Follow You

I Hate the Ending Myself

"Don't you wanna go home Lynn?" I asked her for the millionth time.

"I can see Alexa anytime, being with my pregnant friend who has been abandoned by her husband after he lied to her kinda fucking rules over some girlfriend time." Lynn said as she sat down on my bed.

"I'm fine." I groaned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It had been a week since I found out I was pregnant and I really didn't know what to do. I went to a rehab centre and they told me they couldn't help me; and luckily I haven't wanted to take anything.

"I'm staying for at least another week." She demanded. I gave her a thankful look. "So... Do you miss him?" She asked.

"I wish I didn't but I do." I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face.

"What's gonna happen when he gets back?" Lynn questioned, I pulled the covers over my head and groaned loudly.

"I don't know!" I said exasperatedly. "What would you do?"

"Honestly?" She looked at her hands and had a sad look on her face. "Depending on whether you want this kid or not, you need to think of the future. How many times can you handle him lying to you? Or him hurting you?" She sighed.

"I don't know anymore." I sat up and looked at the mirror in front of my bed, I looked a mess. No one knew about me being pregnant other than Lynn and right now that's the way it's gonna stay.

"If you want to have this baby then I'd try and make it work. I mean can you honestly say that you'll be able to have him in your life but not fully in it?" Lynn asked me, a completely bewildered look on her face.

"No, I can't." I said bluntly.

"Nope, you need to try and see past it. Plus you're married to him, why not try and fix this?" Lynn wanted to see the best in this but she was naive about love. She has a great relationship and she assumes that everyone else has one or can have one.

"I need out of this house." I got up off my bed and walked over to my wardrobe.

"It's like 11pm." Lynn pointed out.

"I fucking need a Taco Bell." I laughed, which made her laugh too.

"Okay let's go get one." Lynn sprung to her feet and ran out of the room. I quickly changed into jeans and grabbed my car keys.

"We're gonna get Taco Bell, anyone want anything?" I called out down the hallway. I got a chorus of orders and wrote them into my phone. When I got to the bottom of the stairs Lynn was waiting for me. We walked over the door and I opened it.

"Let's go." Lynn said excitedly.

I almost shit myself when I noticed Vic standing at the door, tears streaming down his face and his skin pale white. The rain was pouring down and he was drenched. "Vic?" I asked.

"My dad's dead." He mumbled, I could hear the whole world around him crash. "Mike doesn't know yet." He dropped to his knees and it made me want to cry.

"Hurry with my damn Taco Bell." I heard Mike call out from behind me. I looked at him and his gaze fell down to Vic on the floor. "Vic, you're back are you okay?" He walked over to his brother. Vic looked up and shook his head. I helped Vic back up and he walked over to Mike.

"Mike, dad died tonight." He told Mike, and I watched him break down. It was singularly the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life.


Ha ha ha I am so done with myself


ffff can you add this trilogy to wattpad ???? frfr this website always crashes on me for a week to a month straight sometimes

i read all three within two days and im now slowly dying LIKE OMG I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS IM GONNA GO DIE NOW BYEE!



*POOOSH* u saw that. That was my mind being blown away. .-.