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I Will Follow You

You Can Have My Heart

Trying to get my head around it all was like trying to solve a rubix cube while balancing on the top of the Empire State Building, pretty much impossible. I was in a coma for 2 years and in those two years my parents hid me away and told everyone that I died. Ladies and gentleman, my parents at their finest again. They even had a fake funeral for me, how fucking sad is that?

When I asked my father why they lied about it he told me that it broke their heart to watch my friends and family wait for me when the doctors said I probably wouldn't ever wake up. They didn't wanna give up hope but they wanted everyone else to move on. Their actions were wrong but their hearts were in the right place. When I asked why my mother wasn't present my dad told me that she died a year ago. After everything that happened, everything that we went through I still love my mom. I didn't even get to end it on good terms, the last thing I said to her was that I never wanted to see her again and well, that kinda came true. I guess you should always be careful what you wish for. She had a heart attack and her blood pressure was too high after the stress of pretty much losing her daughter. She was really young to die of that stuff but we all gotta go somehow.

That brings me to my friends. They were so fucking confused...

"What do you mean I'm dead? I'm clearly not, I'm right here." I shook my head, this doesn't make any sense!

"Scarlett, you died 2 years ago. Not long after the night we found you." Jaime spoke up. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"I didn't die." I looked between Vic and then the rest of the guys. Vic looked different. His hair was curly and about an inch longer than it usually was. He was wearing a SnapBack backwards on his head. I looked at Tony and noticed he had tattoos up to his neck. Mike was the same, much more than the last time I saw him. Jaime's hair was much shorter and more tamed. They seemed so much more mature than when I last saw them.

"Scarlett we went to your funeral." Mike got up and walked over to me.

"I need to sit down." I spat out, my head was beginning to feel fuzzy and my vision was going blurry. I guess I forgot that I only just woke up from a 2 year coma only an hour ago.

Vic and Mike both guided me over to the couch. "I'll get you a drink of water." Mike told me and then walked off to the kitchen.

"When did you wake up?" Tony asked. I looked at him and began taking deep breaths.

"An hour ago." I told him. "The first thing I did was ask where you guys were, I thought you'd be there waiting for me or at least knew that I might be waking up." I said after a long exhale. "When I asked my dad told me that I had been in a coma for 2 years, he told me to go back to bed and get some rest but like, I didn't want to. I had to come and find you guys." I looked at them all desperately. Mike entered the room again and handed me a glass of water. I took a quick drink of it and realised how much I needed it, it's been two fucking years since I had a proper drink of water.

"Your dad told us all that you died, that you weren't going to pull through the coma so they pulled the plug. We had a funeral for you." Jaime spoke up. I looked at him and the tears welled up in the brims of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed out.

The front door opened and everyone looked towards the living room door waiting for whoever it was to enter. "Oh my God, you guys would not believe the shit I've been through today." A female voice called out as she entered the room. A tall, blonde girl walked in with a tired look on her face. "Who's this?" She raised an eyebrow as she noticed me.

"Sarah, this is our friend Scarlett." Mike told her. She cocked her head to the side and smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Vic a word please." She said softly. He got up and followed her into the kitchen. I guess she's Vic's girlfriend.

I looked at Jaime, Mike and Tony whom all avoided my gaze. "Sorry." Tony mumbled.

"It's okay, I don't really expect him not to move on after thinking I've been dead for two years now." I shrugged. I rose to my feet and looked at them all individually. "I'll be in touch guys, sorry for this whole mess." I told them and began to walk towards the front door but Mike came after me.

"Scarlett, do you even have anywhere to go?" He asked me quietly. I looked at him and I frowned.

"I didn't really even think of that. No, I don't." I shook my head. "I don't even remember where my dads house is." I hung my head low.

"Ali moved back to New York and Kiera lives in LA now. There is a storage space with your stuff in it that your mom didn't wanna get rid of." He told me.

"So I'm homeless." I laughed sarcastically.

"There's a spare room here, you're more than welcome to crash here." He smiled. I nodded slowly and then followed him back into the living room. Vic had joined the group again with his girlfriend by his side, it stung my heart to watch him with someone else but I can't blame him.

"Scarlett's gonna stay here for a bit okay." Mike announced. Everyone just nodded, I then followed Mike upstairs and he took me to the spare room.

"Are you still with Alysha?" I asked him. He didn't turn around but I could tell he was tense.

"We haven't spoke in about a year. We broke up after we thought you died, things went downhill." He sighed. I felt my heart breaking for him.

"Do you still love her?" I questioned, he stopped and turned to me before entering the spare room.

"With every inch of my being." He looked like he was gonna cry. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I felt his tears begin to seep through my shirt. "I am so happy you're not dead, I felt so fucking alone when I thought you were dead. I lost my best fucking friend." He sobbed. I just hugged him tightly.

"I'm here now Mikey." I told him, rubbing his back and comforting him.


"So you're okay now?" He asked me, his eyes filled with worry and fear.

"No, I actually feel worse but there's nothing I can do but accept it." I shrugged as I hung up a picture in my new bedroom.

"When do you think you'll feel better?" He frowned.

"The day I feel like I haven't missed out too much, that's when I'll start to feel more human. In my life I've lost out on 7 years and this is the important years of my life. I want to scream so loudly." I turned to him and gave him an incredulous look. "I genuinely want to lie down and scream so hard that my lungs ache but what would that do? Nothing. I just gotta deal with the fact I've lost so much." I bit my lip and stared down at my feet, if I looked at him then I might've broken down. "Maybe now I get to be free." I looked away and I could feel my voice breaking a little.

He got up and walked over to me. "You're gonna be okay." He stood in front of me and tried to give me the most convincing smile he could muster.

"I know, I will eventually Vic." I mumbled, he seemed satisfied with my answer and sat back down on my bed.

"I'm gonna go and get the last box of my stuff." I told him so that I could get out of the room. He just smiled at me, it was simple and sweet. Another reason that I curse myself for being madly in love with him even though he had moved on. Life is a fucking bitch.


Sooooooo it is on for one more story!


ffff can you add this trilogy to wattpad ???? frfr this website always crashes on me for a week to a month straight sometimes

i read all three within two days and im now slowly dying LIKE OMG I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS IM GONNA GO DIE NOW BYEE!



*POOOSH* u saw that. That was my mind being blown away. .-.