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You'd Better Hide the Bullets

Why Worry?

To say the last two days were stressful would be a huge understatement. I think we spent the majority of the trip arguing then apologising excessively. Mostly it just felt like we were grown ups with a real relationship and dealing with problems that normal couples would be faced with. But we have only been a couple for 3 days so far and that puts a lot of strain on a relationship too early on.

When the welcome to San Diego sign came into view I felt like screaming with excitement, I could tell Vic felt the same because the journey was long, boring and just down right stressful for two 17 year olds. "Next time you run away can it be to like LA or something?" I laughed as we pulled up into Vic's driveway." He just laughed sarcastically and turned the car off and we both got out, I grabbed my bag from the backseat and put it on my back.

"I can't believe I've driven 5,000 miles in Norma this past week." He sighed, a look of sadness on his face. Since we left New York things didn't feel the same, maybe the spark of romance is gone.

I walked over to his side and stood awkwardly. "It was interesting to say the least." I shrugged. I looked over to my house and noticed my two sisters and parents walk out. "Oh God." I groaned. As if on cue Vic's parents walked out of their house with Mike in tow.

"Quick, back in the car we still have time to run away again." Vic said quickly and ran to open the drivers door.

"Not another move Victor!" His mother shouted.

"Shit." Vic mumbled, looking at his feet with a look of pure fear.

My family approached me, Kiera hugging me. Ali ran for Vic and wrapped her arms around him. "Vic I'm so sorry, I'm sorry about everything. Please forgive me." She begged, clinging to him. Vic looked at me for help but my parents cornered me.

"Scarlett, do you understand how much trouble you are in?" My mom said sternly.

"I've got a feeling you're gonna tell me." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"What has gotten into you? Running off halfway across the country? Without asking our permission?" My father interjected.

"It wasn't like I had time to ask, you guys weren't home when I decided I had to go. It was important to me and a lot of people involved." I tried to explain but they didn't wanna hear it.

"I trust that you know how to look after yourself but Scarlett, it was wrong." My mom shook her head with disappointment. "Say your goodbyes to Vic, you'll not be seeing him for the rest of your life. You're grounded." My mom and dad both turned and walked back across the street and into the house.

My attention was brought back to Ali and Vic. "Look Ali, I don't want to be with you anymore. You blackmailed me and tried to hurt your sister." Vic lightly pushed her off him.

"So you're breaking up with me? Are you two together already?" She asked looking at me, confusion and anger all over her face.

I looked at Vic, unsure of what to say. His parents were watching us and Mike had a smirk on his face, waiting for the outcome. "Yes." I nodded. I could see the fire light behind her eyes but she didn't react.

She just simply walked away. Kiera hugged me again and then followed Ali back into the house. Vic's mom walked around his car and slapped him over the head. "Mom, that hurt." He whined.

"Pucker up son, it's gonna get a lot worse." His father said to him sternly then nodded for him to follow him into the house. He obeyed his father and left me standing with his mother.

She approached me and pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you for getting my son back, I know you're in trouble but your parents will come around. They'd want Vic to do the same if the tables were turned." She said to me softly. She pulled back and smiled at me.

"It was important to me and I knew how torn up you guys were, knowing where he was and not doing anything would have been the worst thing I could have done." I explained. She nodded along and smiled.

"Well I'm glad it worked out regardless, you make my boy a better person. Since you came into his life I've gotten less and less phone calls about him beating up kids and getting detention. Your influence on him is surely positive and I like that." She told me. "At first I thought maybe it was Ali who was giving him the good vibes but then I saw you with him one day, at the park and you two were chatting away. He looked so happy in your presence." She was grinning from ear to ear. "You're always welcome here Scarlett." She hugged me again and then walked into her house.

I made my way over to my house, preparing myself for the mass lecture I was about to get. I closed the door behind me and walked into the kitchen where my parents were sitting at the table waiting for me. "Sit." My dad pointed at the chair in front of him. I did as he asked and sat down.

"Look I can explain everything." I told them. They didn't look pleased at all but I had to tell them.

"What is there to explain Scarlett, you up and flew halfway across the country to chase your sisters boyfriend." My dad shook his head.

"Don't make it sound like that. He was only with her because I didn't wanna be with him at the time." I fought back.

"So he screwed around with your sister for the fun of it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, you know I'm not saying that. Stop twisting my words. He did like Ali but she blackmailed him into staying with her." I said softly.

"We know." My mom said. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow curiously. "After we found your note we asked her to explain everything and she came clean about the video of her and Vic. We've suggested that she sees a therapist." My mom explained. "We've also decided that she would be better off living in the dorms of college. She's going backwards with her social issues, hanging around with her high school sister and sending her letters and threats? She needs to be around people her own age." My mom told me.

"When does she move out?" I asked, a part of me wanted to jump on the table and dance like Chandler does in friends when Monica says he's the best sex she's ever had.

"The weekend." My father said. I nodded and placed my hands on the table.

"You guys remember how crazy my life was a year and a half ago? I was so close to running away from it all and the saddest part is that back then, I wouldn't have had anyone who loved me enough to come after me. I would've probably died out there." I explained to them. "Vic needed someone to help him and I knew that I couldn't let the guy I love down. He needed me and I was there for him. Wouldn't you to the same thing for each other?" I asked them. They both thought for a second and then looked at each other. My point was getting through to them.

"Yes but we're not 17 Scarlett." My mom scolded. I rolled my eyes at her.

"How long am I grounded for?" I asked.

"A week, I want you on dishwasher duty and no car for a week. You can walk to school and back." My dad said sternly. I groaned and threw my head down on the table. "Love sucks don't it." He laughed and got up from the table.

I got up and took my bag upstairs. I passed Ali's room and noticed her packing up loads of stuff. She looked up at me and I could see she had been crying. "Are you happy now Scarlett? You've successfully ruined my life." She sobbed, throwing different stuff into boxes.

"No I think you did that all on your own." I corrected her.

"Whatever." She mumbled, putting more stuff into boxes. "At least now I get to move out of here and avoid your shitty excuse for a relationship with my ex-boyfriend." She said getting up and walking over to her desk.

"Yeah cause usually it's you who fights for my scraps." I smirked, feeling epic for burning her with that one. She looked at me and flipped me off. "Tell me this Ali, how did it feel to watch your boyfriend fall in love with your sister." I couldn't help but feel so smug about it all.

"I hope he break your heart Scarlett." She said softly as she walked over to the door and then slammed it in my face. I just shrugged it off and went to my room, and collapsed into my bed needing as much rest as possible to face school tomorrow.


Families huh? Comment and shit ❤️❤️❤️


Totally in love with this, read it twice!!

Amazing story! Props to you!

I'm so glad, remember to read the sequel!!!

i have finished and omfg ive never loved a fanfic so much.....

so far im obsessed with it im only on chapter 39 but i hope to finish tonight.....or around 3am XD