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My Words Cut Deep

Somebody, Someone

“I guess you are right… I better get Eliza up, plane leave to California in a couple hours.”

Skyla stared at her phone screen for a few minutes after the phone call had ended. With a sigh, the exhausted young women got up from her bed. Walking into her daughter’s room, she knelled down and picked her up gently. The little girl wined as her mum brought her out to the living room, flipping on cartoons. “You need to wake up baby we are going on our trip.” Eliza continued to whine, but Skyla left her on the couch to go shower.

The hot shower was relaxing and was longer then she wanted. Quickly getting out and drying off she threw on black tights, an old Korn tank and a long gray cardigan. Throwing on natural makeup and her long white blonde hair in a bun. She raced to out into the living room with her suitcases. Returning to her daughters room to grab her stuff. Skyla grabbed an outfit for Eliza, black tights and a white sweater.

It wasn't long till the cab she had booked honked, she picked up her daughter and struggled to drag everything outside. The cab driver ran out and helped her put things in, as she climbed into the back seat with her daughter clinging to her.Bother quiet, they watched as they passed traffic on the highway.

After thirty minutes of watching traffic, they made it to the Toronto airport with a half an hour to spare. As she was getting out of the cab someone grabbed her wrist, scaring her. “Surprise!” Someone shouted. Skyla looked up quickly to see it was her friend Amelia, 'Emmy.' “What are you doing here?” Skyla handed the cab driver the money and Emmy helped carry everything inside to check in. “I decided, I wasn't going to let you do this alone.” Skyla smiled warmly at her friend.

They had made it just in time, as everyone was boarding the plane to California. “California here we come.” Mumbled the young women, clinging to her daughter. Skyla had spent every last penny on this month and half long trip. It had even caused her to have to quit her job because she was not allowed to take that much time off.

A few minutes into the five hour trip Skyla had fallen asleep, falling victim to her exhaustion. Couple hours into the flight, her eyes fluttered open at the sound of Eliza giggling. Looking to her right side to see her playing a game with Emmy on her phone. “Good morning sunshine.” Emmy smiled looking at her best friend, inside worrying about how the stress was taking a toll on Skyla. Yawing and stretching the best she could in the plane seat. “How long do we have?”

Emmy yawned as well. “About an hour and half, I can’t remember.” Eliza crawled over Skyla’s lap back over to her window seat. “She is pretty smart and independent for a four year old.” A small chuckle came from Emmy, causing Skyla to smile. “Yeah she is…”

“So how are you going about this?” Skyler looked over at Emmy’s questioning look. Skyla sat up straight in her seat, looking for the words to say. “I think, I think I’ll go to a lawyer… maybe ask to somehow get a petition for paternity test… I don’t know.” She looked from her friend to the seats in front of her. “I can’t just go to a venue or stalk his house… I don’t know any other way.” She sighed. “I’ll sign anything to say I don’t want money… I just want to her to have a father, her real father. ”

Skyla, looked at the tattoo of restless across her knuckles, thinking about how she grew up for so many years not knowing her father. A loud sigh came from Emmy. “I don’t know why Ryan just didn't stay, as far as she knew he was her dad.” Skyla shrugged, a sadness consuming her once again. For the rest of the trip she was very quiet, watching her daughter nod off into sleep once again.

Time passed by very slow, adding to Skyla's nerves. Had she made the right choice? or was this all a mistake? The plane landed after what felt like years of flying in the sky. She picked up her little girl gently once again, and walked off the plane. Emmy right behind her, with a supportive and determined face. They waited for their luggage, trying to avoid colliding with people.

After fighting against crowds and cabs, they made it to the hotel and all decided they needed to have a nap. Both young adults had just fallen into a deep sleep when Eliza started to jump on both the women. “Mummy, I am hungry, I want pancakes.” Skyla peeked open an eye giving her daughter a look. “Mumm can I pwease have pancakes?” She smiled at her daughter and sat up to tickle her. Emmy joined in and they had the little one begging them to stop.

Skyla looked at her watch, she looked at Emmy with a small pout. “Hey Eliza, How about I take you down for breakfast and then we can go swimming?” Eliza bounced on the bed. “YAY, I love you Auntie M!” Both young women chuckled at the little girl. Getting up out of the bed, Skyla lifted up Eliza. “Mummy has to go do something important and then I will come back and join your swim, okay?” The little girl nodded and left a big slobbery kiss on her mum’s cheek.

Emmy mouthed good luck to her best friend and took the hand of Eliza, leaving the room feeling empty. Skyla threw open her suitcase digging out a light pair of blue jeans, a sleeveless loose flowing white shirt and black heals with a red on the bottom. Quickly getting dressed, she took down her hair and lightly curled it. Looking at her reflections, she decided to touch up her make-up, bring out her green eyes more. Taking one more look over her long blonde white hair, that reached blow her ass, making sure she seemed presentable. When she was finally happy with herself, she grabbed her light gray Cardigan to cover up the tattoos on her arms. Taking a deep breath she walked out of the hotel room and made her way into the heart of LA.


I am really nervous about putting out this story

I hope you guys enjoy
Comment if you would like :)


Please update!!

I'm in love with the story I cant wait till you update!!

As I Lay Dying As I Lay Dying

Please update! omg!

holycarlile holycarlile


Austin's_Wifey Austin's_Wifey

i need moreee

ommfangirl ommfangirl