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This Love Is Sempiternal

Hospital Daze

I looked at Ricky as he tapped his foot restlessly as we drove to the hospital.

"Ricky I-" I whispered .

"Don't. I know that you're excited that he's waking up. It's just. . I just don't know how to deal with this. But I'll drop you off okay?" He offered and i bit my lip before looking back at the sleeping toddler.

"What about Dani? I'm sure he'd want to meet her. " I whispered.

I saw him slightly clench his jaw in anxiousness.

" Do you think that's a good idea Arry? Things have certainly changed over a period of four years. He might not even want to see her. " He uttered emotionlessly.

"Why are you acting this way? , i thought you and him were on good terms? " I questioned feeling nervous and he looked at me as we pulled into a parking spot at the hospital.

"We are. But don't you think I'd not be as excited as you to hear my wife's ex boyfriend woke up from a four year coma?" He whispered in assurance and i nodded.

"I see where you're coming from. But just .... ugh. Nothing will be like before. Like you said, things have changed we're all different people. " I trailed off looking away.

"I'll just see you at home okay? I need to go put Dani in a bath and bed because she has school tomorrow. " He uttered in defeat before ushering me silently out.

"I love you. I promise this doesn't mean anything. I just. .. i feel guilty because I'm the whole reason he's been in that coma." I whispered and he looked at me with soft sad blue eyes.

"He's a grown man who made his own decisions. You were never to blame, Arlet. " He trailed off biting his lips as i got out of the car and he drove away.

As i walked up to the clerk , i saw that the once eggshell white walls were now blue and it smelled like cleaning products instead of death.

I walked up to the olive skinned , blonde haired nurse.

She looked at me with attendance.

"Who are you here to see?" She questioned clicking away at her computer.

"Oliver Sykes" I whispered.

"He seems to be getting a lot of visitors today , Room 314" She exclaimed happily and i rushed to the room.

Just as i was about to step in , Austin stopped me.

He looked disappointed and i hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong Aus?" I questioned as i looked him over.

He seemed to have more tattoos , including a huge one under his arm on his ribs. His long chocolate hair was slicked up at the top and Cass was nowhere to be found.

"I don't think you should go in there.." he whispered apologetically.

"What? Why? " I questioned feeling nervous.

"It's just. .. He's not.. uh... well.. hm. " He rambled.

"He's not what Aus?? He's alive right? !" I pleaded and he nodded frantically.

"Yes! He's alive. . But-" he pleaded before I cut him off with moving past him and into the room.

I saw Oliver's family and then i saw Oliver.

His hair was covering his eyes , his tattoos glistened in the sunlight.

All his family looked at me sadly before I smiled softly before turning to Oliver and pulling him into a tight hug.

"OLIVER SYKES I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! !" I exclaimed thankfully burying my head into his shoulder.

I didn't feel his arms around me and i pulled away and looked at him.

"Uhm... Who are you?" He questioned sounding confused looking at me like i was crazy.

"Oli... I'm Arlet? Do you not remember me?" I questioned feeling destroyed.

His eyes fixated on me before speaking. "No. I don't. "


The second chapter is up!
how do you feel about Oliver's amnesia?

-CrookedYoung ♡ ♡ ♡


Ooooooh no no no.

Oh god, please tell me he isn't going to do something stupid and cheat on Arlet. ._.

update please!! :)