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This Love Is Sempiternal

Crash , Baby , Crash

"CASS ? CASS PLEASE AWNSER ME! " I screamed into the phone and there was no reply. My heart started to race and i shot out of the bunks in search of the guys.

They were all laughing and dressing up for tonight's show.

Tino noticed me first and rushed over to me with a worried expression.

"Aus are you okay? " He questioned tucking his long brown hair behind his ear.

"N-No... something has happened to Cass... i heard glass breaking and then a loud noise. .. something is wrong!! " I pleaded checking my phone to yell her name again but she didn't reply.

I started to feel lightheaded but i didn't care , my wife could be in serious danger and I'm thousands of miles away.

"Austin please calm down .. your heart-" Aaron warned before i cut him off.

"FUCK MY HEART , AARON! MY HEART DOESN'T MEAN SHIT IF CASSANDRA IS DEAD! " I screamed nervously feeling myself shaking.

I brought my face back up to the phone and listened hard for her voice. .. but i only heard something dripping.

What if it's gasoline?

What if it's her blood. ...?

"Baby! !! Please hold on.. i need to call Oliver and Arlet .. they'll know what to do ... I'll get you help " I pleaded as i added anther call. I wouldn't even think about hanging up on her.

I quickly called Oliver but he didn't awnser.

I growled in frustration before calling Arlet.

She picked up on the first ring but she sounded just as worries as me.

"Arry what's wrong? ?" I questioned feeling nervous and she huffed.

"Oliver fell off the stage while performing. He broke a rib and his arm.. He's in the hospital right now. What's wrong with you though? Is everything alright? " She questioned.

"No ! Nothing is alright. Something's bad as happened to Cass. I don't know what it is but I'm trembling like crazy and i need to know if she's okay. " I whispered as all the guys crowded around me listening to my conversation.

"What? ! Where is she?!!! Does she still have Dani with her?!!!!" She screamed and i heard rushing movements.

"I don't know! I never heard Dani speak but i can't be sure" I pleaded.

"Oh god.. oh god .. please ... don't let anything happen to anyone " I heard her praying out loud. I heard her sniffling before saying hold on.
I heard car door slam and screeching tires.

"Okay I'm back. I texted Officer Romero, he's tracking Cass's cell now... we'll find her Aus" She reassured.

"P-Please hurry.." I whimpered feeling my chest tighten.
"Aus! You look sick! When's the last time you took your meds? " Alan questioned and i bowed my head.

"I was gonna get a refill today. .." I whispered.

"Damnit Austin! How long? !" Phil whined and i bit my lip.

" going on almost a week.." I whispered.

"you could've died!! What the hell were you thinking? !" Aaron barked and i stood up to my full height.

"You're not my fucking father Aaron! " I screamed feeling my heart beat faster until i felt it suddenly stop.

I dropped to the ground on all fours and started to wheeze and heave in deep breaths as my vision started to blur.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! ! What do we do?!" Alan squealed as Aaron called the ambulance and Tino rushed to my side rubbing my back getting me to breathe.

He was talking right into my ear but i couldn't hear him.

I saw the phone on the ground and before I could register. . I dropped completely face down on the floor and i could hear Cassandra's breathing shallow and i started to whimper knowing that this might be the last sound that i hear from her.

-Ricky's POV- "Hey Rick!" Balz called from the living room and i slowly took out my headphones and looked at him from the couch.

"Yeah? " I questioned.

He came out of the bunks with a worried expression as he held my phone in his hand.

"Why do you have my phone? " I questioned and he threw it to me and it landed on my lap.

"Arry was constantly calling and texting your phone so i picked up... dude .. Cass got in some sort of wreck and noone knows where Dani is!" He uttered apologetically and i shot up.

"Wait what? ! What do you mean ?! What happened? !" I screamed nervously as i shot up out of my seat on the couch and i instantly called Arlet.

"Babe? ! What's going on? ! Where's Dani?" I questioned feeling my throat tighten.

"She's .... She's. ..." She whimpered brokenly and i bit down on my lip hard.

"She's what? !" I pleaded.

"Gone. Vince took her." She trailed off brokenly and my heart stopped.


Here's an update!



Ooooooh no no no.

Oh god, please tell me he isn't going to do something stupid and cheat on Arlet. ._.

update please!! :)