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The Miraculous Second Life of Blue Eyes

The End

Two months before Warped, I knew that I could go on no longer.

The dying light seemed to reflect the final moments. I saw the pink sunset slowly fade into a darkness that was everlasting. I stared out, a faint lingering smile on my lips.

How would it be, after I was gone? No one would miss me, so I need not worry about that. Tank would be in good hands. I want Ricky to take care of him. Rick loves Tank.

But how would it really be? Would I sit on cloud edge’s all day, staring at the earth below me? Would I cry and would it rain on them? Would I beat my wings fruitlessly against currents of wind, only to be swept away from the memories and pain? Would I be happy, at last?

Could I out run the fact that I was a murderer? Would I see her face for eternities? How would I end up?

But I would find that out soon enough.

Tank snoozed on my lap. I stopped stroking his ears as I kissed the sun one last time. It disappeared and my time had come.

I set Tank down. He seemed disgruntled, but went back to napping after a quick slobbery kiss to the back of my hand. A tear dripped down my cheek. I left Tank out on the back porch. He’ll be fine there for a while, until they’ll figure it out. I left some food out in a bowl with fresh water. I kissed the top of his head one last time. I pushed the note just into the crack of the door, giving instructions for Tank. The rest of the stuff, I could care less about.

“Sorry I couldn’t give you a better few months.” I sighed. Tank didn’t move from his slumber.

I did it quickly, lying in bed, taking a sleeping pill to make my mind numb. Soon enough, the bottle lay empty next to me. Huh, it had been a new bottle just three days ago.

And the darkness washed over me, my heart exploding silently.




Never ending.

Or so I thought.

I thought it was endless until I saw the light just ahead of me and felt my bare feet touch down on something soft. It felt silky to the soles of my feet. I looked down, but still saw darkness. I was walking on smoke, or perhaps it was endless possibilities thrown carelessly away.

Either way, the path led me to the light. I reached the edge, the tiny sliver between a white doorway and the blackness I stood in. What a comforting darkness, so lovely and peaceful. I could close my eyes and a thousand years passed through.

But no, something pushed me through the white doorway. Literally, a huge shove.

I was sent tumbling, screaming mutely as I went. Eventually, I landed on my hands and knees on a bouncy surface that smoothed out once I opened my eyes. I saw my surroundings, an endless ocean around me. The waves crashing on the sand so white it must’ve been a cloud. No, it was sand.

I picked up a handful of the grains, letting the tiny beads roll between my fingers.

“What the…” I trailed off.

“Don’t say Hell. Satan will come knocking.” A voice chuckled. I looked up, a figure building something in the sand. A quick look over my shoulder confirmed that not only was I on sand with a strange man, but I was on an island. The sand faded to grass and eventually to trees. The waves touched my toes, begging me to come nearer.

“Where am I?” I asked quietly, the seemingly stereotypical movie question whenever the protagonist gets thrown into a new world. I believe most English teachers would call this part of the story, crossing the threshold.

“Heaven, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it, you’re here.” The figure with dark hair shrugged, never looking my way. I stood up, smoothing out my black sport shorts and light blue shirt.

I stood up, looking closer towards the man. I took a few hesitant steps forward, trying to get a better look at my company.

He wore a tank top that revealed his muscled arms and had on black skinny jeans. The tank top was grey, the jeans were as dark as a night without stars. His hair was tousled by the wind, but perfect nonetheless. He sat with his knees hugged up to his flat chest. A pair of onyx wings attached to his back. They were long, drooping out behind him. I had a feeling I recognized him.

“What do you think this place is?” I asked as I sat next to him, crossing my legs under me. The sand was comfortably warm. I could lay here and take a nap. The clouds rolled on overhead. The ocean seemed to mirror them.

The brown eyes landed on me for a moment before going back out toward the sea.

“Whatever it is, it is The End. Nothing is as serene as The End, and nothing is as limitless as this place.” He smiled. His tattooed arm reached out, touching my knee gently. His hand was firm, but rough, as if years of holding a mic had worn a little cup into his inked skin. I looked at that little symbol under his left eye, shaking my head.

“So I really am dead.” I whispered in finality, the calmness of it all washing over me like the ocean’s gentle fingers that touched my skin, leaving drops of salty wetness on my pale skin.

“Well, that’s typically the by-product of downing an entire bottle of pills.” Mitch shrugged. I nodded, digging my fingers in the sand.

Comfortable silence passed between us, a nice little companion to infinity. A bird sang a happy melody far off in the distance. A dolphin jumped out in the edge of the sky. I smiled a little.

The End had come and I was finally happy.

“So you said The End is infinite? So are there others out there? Is there end to the land?” I gestured behind me to the small jungle, to a path that had appeared in the trees and bushes. Mitch laughed.

“Oh trust me, there are. We’re not all congregated in cities, not really like that. Some of us like to be in the country, some of us like to live on the clouds. Some of us sit over Earth and just watch life roll by. Depends on the road, depends on the door, and depends on the mood. And the weather. Don’t forget the weather.” Mitch pointed up. I nodded, looking at the clouds.

“Seems clear today.” I noted. Mitch nodded in response.

“More of us will be out watching over Earth. Too many people we loved left behind. Have to keep an eye out for all of them. I’m guessing some of my old friends are reading a book in the country. Just beyond the jungle is a lovely little place of rolling hills and fields. I personally like to be at the beach when it’s clear.” Mitch added thoughtfully. I looked to the sky. Clouds danced on by.

I kicked at the water with my toes as Mitch cupped some in his hands, bringing the liquid to his lips.

“Refreshing.” He murmured. I looked at him curiously before he caught my glance and gestured for me to try. I mimicked his movements and tasted a sweetness instead of the salt I had expected.

“The sand is actually sand. Don’t get mixed up with this and Candy Land. I can’t tell you how many times I catch newbies trying the sand.” Mitch shook his head. I laughed, thinking.

Mitch stood up, pulling me with him. I had no choice but to follow my new companion. “So tell me, Mitch. Do you have a house here? Do you live somewhere? What do we do? Do we have to build up our money?” I asked, a slur of words spilling from my mouth. Mitch raised an eyebrow and kept on walking. The tips of his wings nearly touched the ground.

“No, no, goodness, no. The End doesn’t require money or power or any of those sorts. Imagine it, and it shall be yours. Who needs money when you can conjure up the most amazing thing?” Mitch questioned. I shrugged.

“But wouldn’t people take advantage of such riches?”

“You would think, but no one tries. If you can imagine one thing, one machine to destroy all of The End, someone will just imagine something to rebuild it, or to stop you. What’s the point? It’s peaceful here, it’s a retreat.” Mitch gestured. Another bird chirped in the distance, as if reassuring his point.

I looked out towards the jungle and the blue horizon. “So let’s say I want the craziest, most insane, illogical thing, I can conjure it up?” I chuckled. Mitch smiled.


I thought long and hard before thinking of the first four words that came to mind.

Glittery sonic waffle maker.

Mitch tapped my shoulder and I opened my eyes from squeezing them shut. Sure enough in the sand lay a purple glittery waffle maker that glowed with an eery green light.

“You are certainly random.” The screamer chuckled. I reached down to touch it, but the object faded into a pile of sand.

“What happened?” I gasped in shock. Mitch sighed, gently taking my hand. I grew more and more afraid as we walked towards the edge of the jungle.

“Of course, of course, how could I have forgotten?” He grumbled. I looked at him, fear in my eyes.

“What’s happening, Mitch?” I asked, trembling. The wind seemed to grow stronger, like a tempest was brewing. Mitch looked up.

“Jules, you committed suicide.”

“Yeah, I know!” I cried out, gripping onto his hand.

Mitch sighed as he touched my shoulder. His arm seemed to go through mine. I stared at him in shock. No, I was hallucinating! It didn’t work! It didn’t work! I wasn’t actually dead!

“Mitch, help me!” I sobbed. He shook his head.

“You’re not supposed to be here. It’s not your time to meet The End. They’re taking you back. They’re giving you a second chance.” Mitch smiled at me, a happiness in my sadness.

I shook my head, grimacing in the sadness. “No! I’m a terrible person! I’ve done horrible things! I killed my mom! I don’t deserve to live! I don’t deserve a second chance!” I wailed, grasping at something to hold onto as the word started to dim and drain of color.

“That’s the thing: You do deserve a second chance. It’s not your time to die yet, Jules. It’s time for you to try again, to prove that one thing that happened doesn’t define you. It wasn’t your fault, so don’t let one mistake control your life. Make this life count, it’s the last chance you get. Don’t let your sorrow consume you. Find happiness in what you are and what you do.” Mitch’s voice was the only thing I could hear as the silence started to consume me.

“Keep me here!” I sobbed, breaking down into tears as my voice was sucked out of my lungs. The last thing I saw as I descended once again into darkness was Mitch, hearing one final parting.

“You only get one shot so shoot.”

And I was gone once again


Hello everyone!

It's starting to get a little more intense in here! What's going to happen next? How will she take her second shot? Will she finally be happy?

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Please update dying to keep reading this

DoOm DoOm

Update please I love this story!!!!!

haha it's from one of my favorite Tumblr posts :)

Awww thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy all its little quirks! :D

This is my favorite story! I love how unique it is!

Candy_Monster Candy_Monster