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Senior Year, Biscuits & The Fuentes Family As Told By Nelissa Brown

Jesus, Truth, Letting Go and Fuentes

Now I was already in too deep. But just what I didn't need was for Mike to tell his mom. She thinks I'm having a baby. Not a pretend one. An actual real life, pooing and peeing and crying and food wanting baby. What would I do with a baby? I might as well be a baby myself. No one has ever even touched my boobs, never mind sucked on them.
Now Mike has invited me to his house. How can I tell him that I haven't even slept with anyone, never mind created a child. Surely B and Cassie have told Tony and Jaime I'm still a virgin. You'd think so.
I walked over to Mike's front door. It's funny I call it Mike's now. It used to be Vic's. Maybe it's because I'm more focused on Mike now. Back then it was all Vic. Vic this and Vic that. Now there's something about Mike every other day. No, every other hour. Or minute. Lately it's been every other second.
I knocked the door and waited for someone to answer. Then the door opened. It was Vic. He raised his eyebrows at me and let me inside. "How you feeling?" Vic asked me cautiously.
"A little queasy." I admitted.
"Do you need a sick bowl?!" Vic exclaimed. His eyes were wide and he looked like he was about to go into a panic. I don't know why. "What shall I do?!"
"Um . . . I don't know." I shrugged.
"Mom!" Vic yelled. "Help!" Why does he need help? "Quick, it's Nel!" Me? I don't need help.
"What's wrong with her?!" Mike rushed, running through. He looked at me and I think he was panicking too. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rock me. I don't know why. "You'll be okay." he soothed.
"I will?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm going to be here. I promise, you don't have to do this on your own."
"Um thanks?" I tried.
"What's going on?" Vic's mom asked.
"Nel feels sick!" Vic rushed.
"Is it morning sickness?" she asked kindly. I didn't want to point out that it was four in the afternoon.
"I don't know." I said.
"That means your baby will have hair." she cooed. "Let's go and sit down."
Now I know I can't technically be pregnant. But what if I am? What if I'm somehow pregnant without actually having the sexy times. Isn't that what happened to Mary? She couldn't have just magically conceived without the help of our Lord. Maybe the almighty has chosen me as his next vessel to carry his unborn son. Or perhaps it's a girl. No where in the bible does it say if God is male or female. If this God is all he's cracked up to be surely he'll want equality. The end of the world didn't happen when women burnt their bras. Maybe he wants a girl now. And he's chosen me. I have been chosen. Almighty, I will do your bidding. I am showing all the signs of being up the duff so I am probably pregnant.
We went to sit down and Mike wrapped his arm around me. He me turned around and then I looked up. There was a congratulations banner. Oh god. Now I really can't tell anyone. Maybe I could just get pregnant. It can't be that hard. It happens on Jerry Springer all the time. I just have to trick Mike into sleeping with me. But what is he won't because he doesn't want two babies? That's how it works, right?
"I baked you a cake, Nelissa." Mike's mom said excitedly. She disappeared and came back holding a cake for me. There was blue and pink icing on it. I know it's wrong, but cake it cake. I started eating my slice on cake and Mike kept touching my stomach. Oh god, I've got to end this soon.
"Look," I sighed. "I should probably tell you all something."
"Don't worry, I'm here." Mike said.
"Is this about graduation?" Vic asked.
"If it is no worries. If your parents aren't happy you can move in here. I'll even look after your little angel while you're at college." Mike's mom said easily.
"Stop!" I begged. I can do this. I have to. I wish there was some Dutch courage in that cake. "I'm not pregnant!" I exclaimed. Then I put my head in my hands and pretended to cry. I think I was quite good too. I could be an actress. Then I'd be cast to play myself in the story of my life because let's face it someone would pay good money for my story. When I heard silence I looked up timidly. Everyone is just staring at me. Like a bunch of staring vultures.
"What do you mean you're not pregnant?" Mike asked.
"You were last week. How are you not now?" Vic added.
"Oh boys stop!" their mom shrieked. "How can you be so thoughtless?!" she spat, almost in tears. She got up and hit them both around the back of the head. "The poor girl is a wreck!" I think that's going a little too far. "It is plainly obvious that Nelissa has lost the baby!" Lost it? Where? How can you lose it, it's inside of you. "She has had a miscarriage!" Oh, now I get it. "Isn't that right, my poor girl?!" I can't say yes, can I?
"Is that right?" Mike looked down. "Did you really lose the baby? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked sadly.
"I'm sorry!" I don't even know what I'm sorry for.
"When did you have a miscarriage?" Vic asked and his mom hit him again. "Ow!" Vic whined.
"I didn't." I muttered.
"Wait," Mike frowned. "So you're pregnant?"
"No." I shook my head.
"Then how-"
"I was never pregnant," I sighed. "I just didn't want you to hurt each other. I didn't want you to be mad at me either, Mike."
"Um . . . I need to go and dust." their mom rushed and she ran out into the kitchen.
"You lied?!" Mike spat, standing up and glaring down at me. "Why would you do that?!"
"I didn't want you to be mad."
"Guess what! I'm mad!"
"Calm down." Vic snapped.
"Me? She lied! She told me I was a dad!" Mike ranted.
"I didn't mean to!" I rushed.
"Then why did you do it?" He asked. I looked up at him and shook my head. I didn't know what to do. So I started crying.
"Look what you've done!" Vic snapped.
"Me? It's Nel's fault!"
"Stop!" I yelled.
"Why did you do it?" Mike asked, quieter now.
"Because I love you." I said desperately.
"Nel-" Mike sighed.
"That's why I lied in the first place! That's why I said Dom was stalking you. I wanted you. I love you. I just want us to be together and for you to love me back!" I yelled.
"I do love you, Nel!" Mike laughed bitterly. "God, I love you! But I can't have you lying to me. I hate liars. Why did you do this?"
"Please!" I begged.
"I can't even look at you right now. I need time to think of stuff." he admitted.
"Don't." I hissed.
"You've made me feel stupid. I feel like such a . . ."
"Fuck nugget?" I offered.
"Not the time," he huffed. "Let me go cool off." Mike sighed. Then he walked right out of the room.
I was left on my own with Vic next to me. He put his hand on my knee and I shook him off. "I didn't mean to-" he tried.
"It's okay." I muttered.
"No, I didn't mean for you to think I was doing anything like that. I just wanted to make you feel okay." Vic said.
"Why?" I sniffed.
"I just want you to be okay, Nel."
"Vic, I don't understand. Why can't he want me like you do?" I asked desperately.
"But I don't." Vic looked down.
"You don't what?"
"I don't want you."
"Oh great!" I spat. "Now no one wants me."
"I didn't mean it like that," Vic reasoned. "I just meant that when you said you were pregnant I realised something."
"Realised what?" I asked.
"That I didn't want you. It's not like I don't love you. God, I love you. It's just that Mike loves you properly. I could never do that. I have too much going on to love you like you should be loved. I was happy. Not for you or for him. I was happy that you'd be with him and I could let you go. I just want to let you go." Vic explained.
"Can you let me go?" I asked.
"I - I think I can." he said.
"I don't know if I like that."
"Me either. But I think we should try me letting you go. I mean you let me go ages ago."
"And it worked out so well for me." I mocked.
"He really loves you, you know." Vic told me.
"Then why did he run out?"
"Because he's my idiot brother. He needs time. But he loves you. I know he'll do the right thing."
"I hope so." I nodded.
"And when he comes to his senses I think I'll actually be happy for you. Or at least I won't silently plot on how to break you up."
"You did that?" I raised my eyebrows.
"A little." Vic shrugged and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. But for the first time there wasn't anything there. It was like it was Jaime or Tony. It was friendly. "Come here you daft brush." Vic said and patted me on the head.


Hey everyone! Wow, the comments for the last chapter were amazing! I haven't gotten that many since the One Hundred And One Sleepless Nights days. I got quite a few asking about the sequel - I've been giving you mixed messages. I have written something, it's from the p.o.v. of Nel's cousin and is set when Nel is 29. But I don't feel confident with it honestly. Is it something you'd like to read? Let me know. I'm unsure whether I should post it. I want it to be funny and it's getting so hard to keep my stories funny sometimes, I feel like I have a lot to live up to. But anyway, what did you think? Vic has finally let go. What will Nel do? What will Mike do? Next chapter is the final one and is the graduation chapter! Who's excited?! I hope you're all doing wonderfully. I'm in a very good mood, I've been called for a job interview which is only in a store but is a kinda big deal for me! Wish me luck? Also I think I want to change my tumblr URL, I'm stick for ideas. Anyone wanna help me? Much love xo


Aweee thank you babe iove you! Your so accomadating :)

I've actually posted the first chapter of the story you wanted to see. Go on my page and you'll find it. And thank you, once I'm not so busy you'll probably see more of me.

Okay thank you for that! I just needed that to calm down :) and i hope to see more storie sor continuations

I might just add a chapter here and there to it. I have loads pre written I just definitely don't have time to write. With working in retail over Christmas, working on the KKP and going to college too I have no time. But thank you lovely! You're so sweet! With Break The Barricade I'm not saying it's impossible, but so unlikely it'll be finished. Like I said I'm so busy and Simone is at university doing a psychology degree. I actually only get to speak to her properly around once a week because she's so packed! And ahh I see xoxo

And i meant for the other series i just commented on this :) since im lazy