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Senior Year, Biscuits & The Fuentes Family As Told By Nelissa Brown


Hey everyone. This isn't going to be all roses but it's something I really want to get across to you all. Today is Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day. Unfortunately my pack from TWLOHA hadn't arrived on time, but I will be wearing it when it comes to boost awareness. We should be preventing suicide every single day of the year.

This is something that I take very seriously and personally. There are so many beautiful people out there that suffer with self harm and eating disorders and depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I know because I'm one of them. I get messages from you all telling me about your lives and how much you're struggling. A lot of you are embarrassed because of this ridiculous stigma around mental health. But I think it's time to start talking. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Be honest.

I suffer with suicidal thoughts. Lately it's been daily. I'm not telling you this to get myself any attention. I don't want attention. I want you to know you're not alone. When I don't update, that's why. My head won't shut up long enough for me to think. But it breaks my heart to know that some of you are suffering with the same thing. You're all beautiful and perfect and I just want you all to be okay. And if you need professional help to be okay, then do it. You're worthy of it. If you're not ready, then talk to me. If you want my Skype I will give it to you. We could all start a group chat and just help one another. I love all of you so much. I don't want anyone who has ever spoke to me, followed me or read one of my stories to kill themselves. It's not allowed, not when I can stop it. And I will help all of you and stop it.

I was terrified to post this because of how horrible I thought I looked, but here goes. I'm doing this to prove that I can and that it's okay.

I'm always here for all of you. Stay strong please. There is help out there, I promise you.

Kelci xoxo



Aweee thank you babe iove you! Your so accomadating :)

I've actually posted the first chapter of the story you wanted to see. Go on my page and you'll find it. And thank you, once I'm not so busy you'll probably see more of me.

Okay thank you for that! I just needed that to calm down :) and i hope to see more storie sor continuations

I might just add a chapter here and there to it. I have loads pre written I just definitely don't have time to write. With working in retail over Christmas, working on the KKP and going to college too I have no time. But thank you lovely! You're so sweet! With Break The Barricade I'm not saying it's impossible, but so unlikely it'll be finished. Like I said I'm so busy and Simone is at university doing a psychology degree. I actually only get to speak to her properly around once a week because she's so packed! And ahh I see xoxo

And i meant for the other series i just commented on this :) since im lazy