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Senior Year, Biscuits & The Fuentes Family As Told By Nelissa Brown

Dating, Hair, Shouting and Fuentes

When we were at breakfast I helped myself to the plate of bacon. I started putting it onto a croissant and added some cheese. I grinned and took a huge bite. It never tastes this good at home. I saw everyone looking at me. What? Then I noticed Mike wasn't here. It's not like we were out late last night. All of us were jet-lagged, we all still showed up.
"Hey Jaime." I called.
He looked at Cassie and then to me. "What's up, Rainbow?" I hate B.
"Where Mike?" I asked.
"Mike who...?" he trailed away.
"Mike Mike." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know a Mike."
"Your best friend Mike." I sighed.
"My best friend is Tony."
"Just tell her." Tony muttered.
But then Sophie ran over to our table. "I have gossip!" she exclaimed excitedly. Again. Because it went so well last time. "Mike and Dominique are dating!"
"Dominique Harris?" B gasped. Sophie nodded eagerly.
I looked down and sighed. I chewed anxiously on my lip and couldn't hide the frown that made it's way onto my face. Dominique. Why her? He could have chosen anyone. He could have chosen me. But he picked her. Maybe that's the sort of girl he likes. She's brunette, so was Lea. Maybe he just likes brunettes. She has a perfect figure too, she has an ass to rival Jennifer Lopez. I don't have an ass. I'm assless. No one wants an assless oyster.
"I'm finished." I mumbled. I got up and pushed my plate away.
"Nel." B tried.
"I don't want to talk." I rushed and left the table.
I went outside and sat down just where we'd be getting on the coach soon. I looked down and wrung my hands together. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. I'm not silly. What Mike and I had wasn't anything special. We kissed sure, but he said he wanted to get over me. He said he was finding it hard. It doesn't seem very hard if he's already found someone.
After a while everyone walked outside. I saw Mike, his hand entwined with Dom's. I bit the inside of my cheek hard and got up. I followed the others into the coach. I passed Mike and he smiled at me.
As we drove to where the stores were I looked down at Mike. I didn't feel too sad right now. I didn't want to cry. I was mad. I was really really mad. All I want now is to get even. When we'd arrived and were allowed to wonder. I abandoned B and Cassie and the boys and went to browse around the shops. I saw found one and went inside.
By the time we were ready to go back I was armed with shopping bags. B tried to peek in my bag but I brushed her away. She never found out what was inside until we were in my room back at the hostel. She and Cassie looked at me wide eyed and gasped.
"I don't think this is very you." Cassie said gently.
"Why not?" I frowned, looking down at my purple flowly skirt that barely covered my bum and my tight white tank top.
"You look like a slut." B said bluntly, folding her arms across her chest.
"Boys like sluts!" I exclaimed.
"Look Nel," B sighed. "I know you're upset about Mike. But dressing yourself up isn't going to help you."
"I'm not upset," I rushed. "And I'm not dressing up to make Mike jealous. I'm dressing up for Oli."
"Oli who?" Cassie frowned.
"British Oli." B explained.
"I've never met him. I don't think you should, Nel." Cassie said carefully.
"Please, just make me pretty!" I tried.
"You're always pretty." B said easily.
"Prettier then! Make my hair look nice."
"I-" B tried.
"Please." I begged.
"Fine," she eventually nodded. "But you're gorgeous every minute of the day. Cassie, get me a hair brush." B said and pushed me down into a chair.
After a lot of pulling and spray and brushing my hair was perfectly straight and there wasn't a frizz in sight. I'd even put on some heels. I walked downstairs and into the common room. I saw Mike with his arm wrapped around Dom but I walked straight past them and through a door.
I saw Oli standing with his friends. I recognised one of Vic's new friends too. Oli is Vic's friend too. I hope this doesn't get back to Vic. I heard them all whispering and as I walked over Oli turned around. He looked at me and smiled a little.
"Hi Oli." I said brightly.
"Hey Nelissa. Wow, you look . . . Wow." Oli grinned.
"Thanks, I was scared my skirt is too short. What do you think?" I flirted.
"It's fine, just right. Not too short, not too nun like." he rushed. His friends were laughing. Shut up friends.
"Do you want to come and sit on the grass with me?" I batted my eyelashes. Apparently boys like this.
"Sure," he nodded. I kept batting my eyelashes as I walked. "Are you okay? Have you got something in your eye?" Maybe I should stop. Think to the book. Laugh at his joke. Okay, okay. I've got it.
"You're so funny, Oli!" I exclaimed and batted his arm. I started laughing and kept hitting him. I punched him hard in the arm and he winced. I went to sit down. I never thought this through. I'm not wearing grown up underwear either. I dropped down carefully and Oli joined me.
"What did I say?" he asked.
"You!" I giggled and leant up against him. "What did you do today?" I asked.
He started talking but I wasn't listening. What else did the book say? Play with your hair. That looks sexy. I started to wind my hair around my finger. It should be safe, B worked her magic. As Oli started talking about a little record store he found I stopped. Oh no, help! My finger is stuck. It's really stuck, I can't get it out. I tried to pull but it only hurt. What am I going to do?! Okay, stay calm. Just pull again, get it over with.
"Ouch!" I squealed.
"What's wrong?" Oli rushed.
"Nothing, nothing." I shrugged. At least my hand is free now. I'll stick with touching my face. Boys like that. I started to trail my fingers along my lips and nose. This is much better. Maybe it I just casually brush them across my eyelashes. "Ouch!" I yelled again.
"What?" Oli asked concerned.
I'd poked myself in the eye. I covered my eye with my hand and gasped. "I've gone blind!" I exclaimed.
"Let me look." Oli said gently. He took my hand away and I blinked up at him. "See, you're okay."
"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I grinned. That's a lie. I'm not. I'm a cyclops. Mike definitely won't want me now. Stop, Nel! You don't want Mike.
"Um . . . Nelissa, this might be a bit soon or whatever. But do you feel like coming out with me? We could go to dinner or something." Oli asked awkwardly.
"I'd love too!" I exclaimed. Maybe a little too eagerly. I looked up and Oli and did something absolutely insane, even for me. I grabbed Oli's face and reached up to kiss him. I crushed my lips to his and Oli kissed me back after he'd gotten over the shock.
"Woah." Oli grinned when we'd pulled away. Then I looked over his shoulder and saw Mike, Tony and Jaime all glaring at me. Oh no! Damn it! They all look really mad. Especially Mike. Oli followed my eyes and touched my shoulder. "Are we still going out?" Oli asked.
"Of course," I nodded. "I should go limit some damage though."
"Good luck." Oli told me.
I nodded and went to find the boys. I walked inside and started to head up towards the bedrooms. But I stopped. I saw the boys. I sunk back into the first floor hallway and tried to keep quiet, not all easy for me.
"Why did she choose him? Why Oli?!" Mike asked angrily. "He doesn't deserve Nel. You know just what'll happen, don't you? He'll break her." he added sadly.
"Break her?" B mocked. I saw her walk down the stairs looking mad. "Oh come on, Mike."
"He will," Mike snapped. "He doesn't deserve her!"
"Of course he doesn't deserve her. No one deserves her!" B screamed. "Nel has such a good heart, you don't even know. But you've broken her never mind Oli. You've killed her spirit, Mike!" she said and I swallowed hard.
"You don't understand. Oli, he's-" Jaime tried.
"You hate him? So what? Out of all the girls you still chose Dom."
"Oh that's right, I chose her," he said dryly and Jaime and Tony shot him a look. "What's so wrong with her? I'd rather Nel with Vic than Oli." Mike rushed.
"I hate to say this," Tony muttered. "But I feel kind of disappointed in Nel." he admitted.
"Don't you dare!" B threatened dangerously. "Nel dislikes Dom so much. I'd even say she hated her if she wasn't incapable of hate. Let me tell you, Dom would be deserving of the hate."
"What do you mean?" Mike mumbled.
"Dom is the reason Nel is insecure. Since we started high school she'd give Nel these looks. She'd make little comments in the changing rooms. Not enough for it to be a real problem, but enough for them tiny things to build up and for her to remember them. Nel isn't one to complain, or frown. She always has a smile on her face. But you want to know just how much it stuck in her head maybe you should give your brother a call." B rushed.
"I didn't know." Mike eventually said.
"B," I muttered, I couldn't take anymore. "Can we go upstairs?" I asked.
"Sure, come on." B urged.
I walked past Mike but he grabbed my wrist. "You deserve some help. Something to keep you busy." Mike told me. Is that all Dom was for him? I shook my head and followed B. All I want to do now is to go to bed.


Hey! I didn't edit this because there's a tv show I want to watch - dedicated author right here guys. But what did you think? I've revealed some more about Nel. You wonder why she's insecure, that's why! Not enough to be called bullying, but enough for it to be remembered. Favourite line? Any guesses what Tony's little snippet of info is? I don't want to call it a secret really. But it's something he wouldn't want every person knowing considering how private he is. Love ya guys! xo


Aweee thank you babe iove you! Your so accomadating :)

I've actually posted the first chapter of the story you wanted to see. Go on my page and you'll find it. And thank you, once I'm not so busy you'll probably see more of me.

Okay thank you for that! I just needed that to calm down :) and i hope to see more storie sor continuations

I might just add a chapter here and there to it. I have loads pre written I just definitely don't have time to write. With working in retail over Christmas, working on the KKP and going to college too I have no time. But thank you lovely! You're so sweet! With Break The Barricade I'm not saying it's impossible, but so unlikely it'll be finished. Like I said I'm so busy and Simone is at university doing a psychology degree. I actually only get to speak to her properly around once a week because she's so packed! And ahh I see xoxo

And i meant for the other series i just commented on this :) since im lazy