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Leaving the cave, going into the unknown

Chapter 60

When I woke up all I saw was darkness with faint hints of sunlight and harsh movements; I was in a trunk. My hands weren’t tied nor were my feet, I guess he thought I was knocked out more than I was. I looked for the child safety lock but this car was too old for that; I did the next best thing by breaking the back headlights. Just as I killed the last of the lights the car stopped, turned off and I heard footsteps coming towards the trunk. In that moment I decided to just play ‘dead’ rather then try and run away, I didn’t know who it was for sure yet and there may be more than one of them. I closed my eyes but when the person opened the trunk I could see the red of the sunlight on my eyelids. I was picked up and taken somewhere not too far from the car however soon the red disappeared from my eyes. I heard some other footsteps coming from the opposite direction.

“Is she okay?” The sound of a woman came from the other footsteps.

“Yes she’s fine just drank too much you know, party girl.” It was defiantly Jason’s voice coming from the person carrying me.

“Good of you to take care of her, have a good afternoon now.” We kept walking until I was laid down on a softer surface. I heard the sound of a bottle open and a chair being pulled up. I imagined him sitting in front of me with a beer in hand as per usual, just looking at me. The thought ran my blood cold and made me want to be sick but I had to continue my ‘dead’ like state for now.

“You thought you were so clever didn’t you? Hiding from me and pretending to love that guy, even had a kid with him to keep up appearances. It’s okay now because you don’t have to pretend anymore we can finally be together again. No Kate or Tom to bug us just you and me. I can’t wait for you to wake up so I can be with you again. Til then I’ll let you sleep for as long as you need, I want you to be well rested.” I sat there with goose bumps on my arms and a sickness in my stomach that I couldn’t shake; it took an hour before I heard snores. I carefully opened my eyes to see that he had drunk himself to a passed out state. I knew I couldn’t just run because he would probably catch up to me so I thought of the next best thing, I needed to find a phone. I looked around the room until I found it; very slowly I tried to step around the beer bottles and garbage that littered the floor. Eventually I reached it and dialed 911, I whispered as low as possible that I needed help, not to call back and the address at which I was being held. I did what you weren’t supposed to do and hung up the phone to call Alan.

“Hello?” He answered franticly.

“Alan it’s me. Jason he took me and I called the police I’m at his place and…” The phone went dead I looked up too see Jason standing over the receiver, a loose grin on his face.

“Nice to see you’ve woken up, I was so looking forward to playing but you went and did a very stupid thing.” I took off running before he could finish his sentence, luckily I knew this place so I knew that only the bathroom door locked properly so that’s just where I went. All I could think about was the store attack and it was all coming back to me; the fear and the feeling. I heard him knocking on the door but all I could do was curl up in the bathtub and hope someone would be there soon. It felt like hours until the police showed up but I heard a voice on the other side of the door that wasn’t Jason’s.

“Miss? Are you in there? You can come out now we’ve restrained the suspect.” A male voice came from the other side of the door.

“Slide your badge under the door.” I whimpered out, I was not about to come out of that room until there was proof it wasn’t just one of his friends. Like I asked there was a badge slid until the door that looked official to me so I slowly unlocked then opened the door. When I looked outside the room was trashed and Jason was being escorted out. I handed the officer back his badge and they put a blanket on my shaking body, I wouldn’t let anyone touch me and they seemed to respect that. I was taken to the hospital just to check up on me and they told me they called Alan.

I could hear voices and people trying to talk to me but I was lost in my own mind and thoughts. Why do things like this keep happening to me? I’ve caused Alan so much stress since we’ve been together and what does this mean for our daughter? Will she constantly be in danger because the choices of people from my past were bad?

I knew one thing I couldn’t sit here and wait for him anymore I needed to leave the cold white hospital if I was going to get these thoughts to stop. I pulled out the IV and wires attached to me and ran out of the hospital. I heard what I thought was shouting behind me but I didn’t have the mind to stop I just kept going. Before long I found myself on a high way road and it was getting dark, my body was starting to give in to exhaustion and I was very hungry. I definitely didn’t think this through enough. I collapsed on the side the road and was right back where I started, drowning in my own thoughts. Alan and the boys must be worried sick and here I was mopping at the side of the road like a coward. If you had asked me how this week would’ve ended what has happened in the past 24hrs would be nowhere in my minds capacity.

And just like a pin dropping in a silent room I heard it, a cry of desperation and sadness. I looked from where I had come from and saw a single person running towards me, Alan. In that moment I knew that wherever I ran he would always come to find me, and that gave me a hope that no words could ever replace.


WOW WHEN DID THIS STORY GET UP TO 60 CHAPTERS!!!! It feels like yesterday that i started and now i've hit 60!!!
Thanks for reading everyone!!!! New chapter on Sunday hopefully i have band practice so we'll have to see!!!!
Have a great weekend!


@Stacy's Mom
Wow man that's a lot of pressure.......

gggghhh gggghhh


Stacy's Mom Stacy's Mom

Ending! Ending! :3

bonesexposed bonesexposed


Stacy's Mom Stacy's Mom
