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I Thought I Buried You...What's Dead Can Never Die

“I still don’t understand why you kept that dirty club.” Phil grumbled over eggs and bacon. Tino had kindly made the meal this morning and we were all happily munching on the delicious fluffy scrambled eggs. Alan had stated that Bob the Club lived in the little closet out by the living room. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Bob the Club has bashed many head and done me a great service. I can’t just abandon him to the streets again!” He exclaimed. My imagination whirled as I imagined a golf club turning bloody as an enraged Alan beat people senseless.

“You’re a dork.” I laughed. Alan scrunched up his face and shook it off. As we finished breakfast, I headed off into the garden with Tino. It was weeding day and he said that there had been some vines trying to choke out the final blooming Irises. We had prepared with gloves, clippers, and shovels.

As the morning sun started to poke through the trees that shaded over the garden, Tino and I knelt at the beds of beautiful plants. The intoxicating aromas of the flowers wafted through the California air. The plants that the gardener had tended to for many years were just starting to close off and start the hibernation until next summer.

We silently worked side by side until many vines were uprooted and tossed aside. The leaves were scattered and left to shrivel on the earth.

“Thanks for your help Kynder.” Tino smiled at me as we headed back to the garage to throw our supplies on the wooden shelves. I took the gloves off my dirty hands and started out towards the front door.

Dust plumed in the distance. It was the sign that a car was coming over the hills. Tino froze next to me.

“Were you expecting anybody?” I questioned him. Tino shook his head quickly and went back inside. All I could do was watch a Jeep appear in the distance. The red paint was chipped and worn and the car looked like it had been through a tough time. The dirt road spat out dust puffs as the Jeep roared on towards the house.

Austin and Alan came out next to me. I saw Aaron peering out the window. The Jeep was closer now and about to pull up the driveway when Austin stepped in front of me, reaching behind and clasping my hand. I peered around his tall frame for a look.

“Just wait here for a second.” He whispered to me as Alan stepped forward. I might have been twenty and old enough to protect myself, but I wasn’t about to rush head long into possible danger.

The red Jeep parked six feet away from us under the shade of an overhanging tree. A man drove the car and a woman sat silently in the passenger’s seat. Both wore sunglasses, dark navy blue jackets, and had their hair tucked into baseball caps.

They seemed so familiar that my heart beat faster at the sight of the mysterious couple.

Tino and Phil watched out the door. We were all on high alert. Apparently, the boys hadn’t ever met these people before and weren’t expecting them. It wasn’t like we’d get visitors out here so frequently, either. We were located in the middle of nowhere!

“Hello, I’m Alan. Do you need some help?” Alan asked cautiously and extended his hand. Both older people shook it. They looked youthful, but their face showed about fifty or so. They could have a daughter or son a little older than me, maybe a family back from wherever they came from.

The man and woman turned to stare at me, not saying a word. I held the gaze that weighed heavily on my mind. Even through their dark shades, I could tell it was me they were looking at and not Aus.

“Kynder.” The woman murmured and stepped forward. Austin immediately moved in front of me.

“What do you want with her?” Austin growled protectively. I pushed him aside and walked towards the couple.

Could it be? Could it really, truly be?

“Kyn, wait! We don’t-“Alan cautioned. I waved him away so that I stood in front of the couple.

The man and woman removed their glasses and shook out their baseball cap so that the couple stood before me. Tears rushed to my eyes. It was. It really was them. They smiled sadly as man wiped away a single tear.

After these years, after all these years they now stood before me. The thing was, it wasn’t a dream.

“Mom. Dad.” I could barely whisper.


What's going to happen next?!
Keep reading and stay beautiful!


*so off topic* IM FROM UTAH C:

Awww I'm glad you loved it! It's too bad that it had to end, but I wrote a prequel. I haven't updated it in a while because I have to finish some other stories first, but it'll get done, I promise!

i finished this entire thing in two days <3 honestly i didnt want the story to end

Thanks! I will probably message you later. I'm excited!! :D

sadieluna sadieluna

Aw I'm really happy that you like my stories! :D Thanks for reading them and taking interest in them!! You really should request a one shot and message me about it because no one has been requesting one shots lately and I have some good ideas for them!

Chaos'sWolf Chaos'sWolf