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This is Where Your Heart Stops!

From Sunday, my week seemed to have only gotten better. Tino and I seemed to be friendlier and even Phil wasn’t as bad as I thought. We had played checkers, tying at an even three to three wins and loses. Overall, the week couldn’t have been any more amazing. I managed to eat more, cleaned the house, hung out with Austin, and got to spend more time outside lounging on the grassy yard.

Friday evening was supposed to be movie night. Aaron went out to the nearest town about thirty miles away to get more supplies we needed. Aaron took off, leaving me alone with the rest.

The clock sang noon, alerting me to make lunch for the others. Five sandwiches later, Tino, Phil, and Alan came scurrying out from the living room. The promise of food lured them out to the kitchen. Only two plates remained.

“Austin!” I called. This was one of the only times I ever called the Masters by their own names. Alan looked over to me with a sad expression.

“He might not come out of his room.” The ginger replied forlornly. Why wouldn’t he? Now that Alan mentioned it, I hadn’t seen Austin all day. I’d been too busy helping out around the house with chores like dusting and vacuuming.

“Why not, sir?” Alan scratched the back of his neck nervously and waited until Phil and Tino were out of the room.

“Today’s the anniversary of the passing of his mom. She died a while back, but he always locks himself in his room for the day.” Alan told me. I bit my lip. I could feel the pain.

“I’ll just leave it out here for him.” I decided to myself and took my own plate. The sandwich wasn’t half bad. I rinsed the plate and took out a good book in my room. The blue walls surrounded me in an ocean of calm as I threw myself at the pages. In a chapter, I was engulfed in the story of a young boy who grew up talking over the phone to a girl on the other side of the world. It was a sappy love story, but who cares?

Closing the book, I set it on the window sill. It wasn’t half bad and I might have to read it again! The evening was already starting to settle on the empty landscape. Maybe Austin would want to come out and watch a movie! It wouldn’t hurt to check. Usually, Alan, Phil, and Tino took a beer and went to their rooms tonight, but Austin would be locked in his.

I crawled out of my door, peering around the edge. Austin was sitting on the couch, staring down at the floor without a sound. Tino and Phil stumbled in the background. They must’ve gotten drunk. Aaron was still out and about in the town, but Alan was nowhere to be seen.

Treading down the stairs carefully, I was cautious to avoid Tino and Phil. Maybe it would’ve been better if I stayed in my room tonight. They would be sober in the morning.

“Sir?” I questioned, taking a light step into the living room. All the lights were off and the dim figure sat silently in the background. A single flame had started to burn on a long in the fireplace. I cautiously avoided that area as I walked forward.

Sure enough, it was Austin Carlile. His gaze was unfocused, hands shaking, and his face was pale. Black rings formed around his eyes from the lack of sleep. I turned on a light and he blinked up to me. I halted in my tracks, completely shocked.

Around him was five empty beer bottles that lay scattered around the chair. Two others were on the arm of the recliner and another half full beer was clutched in his hand. The fire popped and crackled in the background.

“What are you doing, sir?” I asked him softly. Tino and Phil sloshed another beer in the background. Austin stared up at me, cheeks looking hollowed.

“Drowwwnning out memories.” He slurred. The words came out choked and depressed. I couldn’t stand to see him like this.

He was going to kill himself if he didn’t stop.

He might die.

At that moment, I pushed away any thought of being respectful, being the submissive slave like I was taught. I just wanted to stop him from possibly hurting himself. Austin needed to stop before his heart did!

“Please put the beer down, sir.” I asked him, eyes filling with tears at the state he was in.

“Noooo.” Austin complained with a frown and took a big swing, finishing off the bottle. His hands were shaking so bad, a few drops spilled on him as he let the bottle fall to the floor. The fire popped to life with a malevolent dance. His hands groped for another bottle as tears spilled down his cheeks. My mind sprang into action as I did what even surprised myself.

I ripped the bottle out of his hands.

He just stared at me and reached for the other bottle. I took that one as well and glared at him. I wouldn’t let him do this to himself. He could punish me how he wanted, but I wouldn’t let him harm himself.

“Give me them back.” Aus commanded. I shook my head, firmly standing my ground and setting them on the table behind me. Even in his drunken state, I knew Austin wouldn’t hurt me.

He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

I saw the look in his eyes this past week. He always had that kindhearted way about him. He told me I was beautiful multiple times and I started to believe him. Austin told me I was special, perfect. He called me ‘darling’, ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’.

He even told me he loved me.

It might have seemed like an offhand comment, but it told me he cared. But that was three days ago before I went off to bed. Austin had held me close, whispering those three words. I fell asleep with him in my dreams.

Yes, I had fallen in love with him. It seemed as if the feeling was mutual.

Now all I beheld was hate in his eyes. This drunken Austin was reaching for the beer but I pushed him back.

“Don’t do this, Aus! You might kill yourself!” I begged him. Aus ignored me, but stood in a stunned expression at what I just did.

“Give me them back, now.” He grit his teeth and growled this. I shook my head as a blinding pain filled my face. I ducked back in recoil as his hand slapped my face. Tino and Phil seemed to take no notice from the back rooms.

“No. Austin, please stop.” I begged him, all persuasion in my voice. Instead, he raised something in his right hand. The whip’s tip flickered in the low light of bouncing flames.

“You deserve to be punished, worthless alley trash.” He spat at me. I halted on the spot. Did he serious just say that?

“Austin, it’s me, Kynder.” I whispered to him. He picked up one of the bottles and threw it at me. I dodged as it smashed against the wall. The broken pieces scattered through the carpet. His eyes seemed to clear a moment, but then filled with hate. What had happened to him?

“You should know better than to disobey me, girl.” He ground his teeth together in anger. I backed up a step, just wanting to leave this situation. Even drunk, I never imagined Austin saying these things.

“Austin, don’t you love me?” I asked him softly, the tears pouring down my eyes. A whip flashed across my arm, and I was too late to duck out of it. Austin chuckled, flicking his whip a couple of times. I submitted easily, falling to my knees, head bowed down to block from any face shots. My heart stopped completely as I looked to his laughing face.

“Love you? You’re a fool to think that! Idiot girl! No one could ever love you! Tino told me about your parents, and they just committed suicide to get away from you.” Austin laughed. Tears poured down my face and I let out a sob.

“No, they didn’t!” I shouted back, covering my ears. A sharp pain hit my spine and I let out a yip of agony. He took the second beer bottle and shattered it against my back. I was now sticky, bleeding, and bruised.

“They found out the adoption center wouldn’t take you and figured they’d rather die than be with you.” Austin howled with laughter. I hunched my shoulders as fifteen lashes crossed my cheek, neck, shoulders, and arms. It sliced my shirt to little shreds.

“No, they didn’t!” I screamed again and again. As much as I refused to hear the words, they penetrated my thoughts. What if I really was this useless, this worthless and my parents died just to leave me?

I rolled onto my side, wracked by pains. Kicks and whips intermingled with my senses. I could feel the flood of fear and blood rush down my back and roll off of me.

Miles had shattered me, scattering the pieces to the wind until I was a hollow shell of my former self. Austin had been the one to carefully piece me back together. I gave him my glue, my trust, so he tenderly put each piece into place. I once again felt beautiful, felt like I was loved and cared for, and I was safe.

Each whip, each kick, shattered me more than Miles had ever done. The trust I had put into him had been broken.

So every word he yelled at me, I believed.

“You’re a worthless piece of trash. This is what you get for being alive! This is what you get for being so damn disrespectful!” Austin screamed over and over. I tried to crawl away, but he took me by the throat and threw me back against the wall. The whole house seemed to shake in terror.

Each word was punctuated with a kick to the ribs. I could barely breathe. I just prayed not the fireplace, not the burning again. If he did that, I knew he would be just like Miles.

All I saw was not the sweet man I grew to know, but the cruel monster hidden underneath.


Please don't be silent readers and tell me what you think so far!


*so off topic* IM FROM UTAH C:

Awww I'm glad you loved it! It's too bad that it had to end, but I wrote a prequel. I haven't updated it in a while because I have to finish some other stories first, but it'll get done, I promise!

i finished this entire thing in two days <3 honestly i didnt want the story to end

Thanks! I will probably message you later. I'm excited!! :D

sadieluna sadieluna

Aw I'm really happy that you like my stories! :D Thanks for reading them and taking interest in them!! You really should request a one shot and message me about it because no one has been requesting one shots lately and I have some good ideas for them!

Chaos'sWolf Chaos'sWolf