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For What It's Worth..

-What Can I Say.-

Someone started banging something on the wall. I woke up with a start. “WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!”

“Ugh, dammit Josh!” I jumped up too fast, ultimately banging my head on the ceiling of my bunk. “Fuuuuuuck.” I droned, grabbing my head and falling back on my pillow.

I looked out and saw Balz in the hallway of the bus, he must have been banging something against the wooden frame. Very fucking obnoxiously. He looked down into my bunk, where I was currently nursing my newly throbbing forehead.

“Uh, oops?” I glared at him. Taking my pillow from under me, I swung it hard and with purpose at his face. It made a nice thump at his face. “Shit! Satans awake! Satans awake!” He yelled running to the front of the bus. I heard the guys start roaring. I slowly made my way out too the front of the bus. Ghost was chilling at the small table up by the drivers side, reading a book. Ricky and Ryan were on the couch laughing their asses off. Balz, was sadly not anywhere to be seen. I wanted to give him another good thump in the face with something.

“Ugh, I need coffee.” I groaned, but I couldn't help but start laughing with the guys. Oh, this festival/tour was just insane. Ricky finally sobered up, and passed me some freshly made coffee. “Here, man.” He snorted. “Oh, fuck that, that sounded like it hurt.” I grabbed the coffee out of his hands, and took a few sips. “I’m gonna get him back for that.” Rubbing my head.

“Shit!” I heard Balz somewhere. I couldn't pinpoint where. I swirled around trying to figure out where it was coming from, but soon gave up. He would have to come out sooner rather than later, we had a show later on tonight, or this afternoon. I wasn't sure when.

I looked out the window, at the foreign country that surrounded the tour buses. I missed home. A lot. I missed Jen even more, because she was in Nova Scotia right now with her family. I blew out a sigh. Three more days. Being thousands of miles away from her was driving me mad.

Well, more like two more days, because we were going to Canada on the last day, oddly enough. Its been two weeks since I saw her, and I missed her a lot. But as the saying goes ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder.’ And I was definitely more ‘fonder’ than I ever been when it came too Jen.

Speaking of which. “Hey, when you guys have regained the ability to speak.” Looking over at Ryan and Ricky mostly, who were still trying not to laugh. “Did Jen call?” This time Ghost spoke up. “Yeah, I was texting her earlier. She said she would try to Skype you, if you can get on the internet.” Which thankfully, we could thanks to the people from the festival finally got us internet here.

I grabbed my laptop up off the chair opposite of Ghost and went and sat at the kitchen table. I quickly signed on. Jen was online. I called, and hoped she was there. Her webcam came on immediately. I saw her and her niece dancing crazily to some music. I think it was Happy by Pharrell Williams. She waved at the camera, and held up her finger too tell me too wait for a second. I nodded, and turned around towards the guys, waving them over. They all came and crowded behind me, staring at the screen. Jen had picked up her niece and started spinning her around, swaying dramatically too the music. I could hear the little girl giggling and screaming excitedly.

I heard the guys go ‘awww.’ Never-mind the scary looks, we were all big softies when it came too cute stuff. Well, at least for Jen and her niece, well mostly just me.

Soon the music came to an end, and both Jen and Nova were laughing excitedly still. She set her niece down, and said. “I’m going to go talk to Chris right now. Okay?”
The little girl didn't seem too like that idea. “Can I come with you?” Jen laughed, and picked her up again. “You sure? Last time, you got scared and ran away.” Nova started laughing. Jen walked over and sat in front of the webcam. I saw Jen give me a wary look, giving me a lopsided grin. “Hey, sorry about that. We kinda got carried away.”

I noticed that the guys were on the sofa behind me, still watching what was going on. “Don’t worry about it, it was quite amusing to watch.” I laughed lightly. I brought my hands up, “As you can see, you caught the attention of all of us. Minus one Josh.”

She laughed, and looked down at Nova who was staring at the screen curiously. I waved. “Hi Nova.” She gave a timid wave back. Probably because there was more people here than last time. “Who's that, Auntie?” She leaned and poked the screen. I couldn't tell who.

“That's Ricky.”

“And that one, with the messy hair.”

“That's Ghost, or you can call him Devin.” She seemed too like that, I looked over at Ghost who was trying not to smile. “I think you got a new fan.” I grinned.

“What about dat one?”

“Thats Chris, remember?” She nodded absently, pointing again. “And that ones Ryan.”

I took a sip of coffee, waking up more. I heard the bus door open, and Balz peeked in. “Is it safe?” The guys nodded, somewhat slowly. “Could you hold on one second, love?” I winked at Jen and got up and rushed at Balz, who was already running back out the door. I grabbed a couch pillow and sped after him in the grass in my bare feet. “Get back here, you little shit.” I yelled, my adrenaline spiking. I laughed evilly as I chased him.

“No way, man.” He yelled back. “I’m not fuckin dying today!” I took the opportunity to pelt the pillow at the back of his head when he was slightly distracted, knocking him off balance. He fell down with ‘Oomph!’. We started laughing loudly. He took this opportunity to knock me off my feet. I grunted as I landed hard on my side, and continued laughing. Balz wheezed out. “Ass.”

“Prick.” I countered, just as winded. I heard him struggle to get up, he towered over me. He held his hand out. “Truce?”

“Truce.” I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We both made our way back to the bus. I walked in and saw Ricky and Ghost sitting in front of the laptop talking to Jenny and Nova. I heard Nova laugh, and Ghost started to hide his face.

“I was gone two minutes and you guys take my spot.” I groaned, somewhat annoyed. Ghost quickly got up and went back to his spot, I could hear him snorting, trying hard not to laugh. I went over and sat by Ricky, who was also trying not to laugh, again. I looked at my screen and saw Jen standing with a guitar. “I missed something, didn't I?” Ricky nodded.

“Okay, good Chris, you’re here. I was just about to show Ricky what he does on stage that just completely astonishes me. I already showed Ghost his.” I was extremely confused now.

“What does Ghost do?” She positioned the guitar in the proper place. She pretended to start playing it and bounced up and down. Then suddenly she jumped, her left leg came up mid jump and nearly smacked her in the face. Now, I was thinking back too recent gigs we did with Ghost. Funny enough, I came up with several ones that he did that same dramatic movement. I started snickering slightly.

“Do Rickys Auntie!” Nova was in the background. “Alright, so as I was saying earlier. Ricky yours isn't that dramatic, I just don’t know how you do it.” She straightened out her right leg as far as she could behind her, and bent her left knee slightly. A move I saw many guitarists do. “Well, I shouldn't just direct this at you Ricky, because I probably seen this a lot. My question is, how the fuck you can wear such.” She looked towards the camera, her pondering face on. She was trying to balance herself. “Such restricting clothing down there, without completely and totally making yourself look like you're in pain from all the.” She trailed off.

I burst out laughing. She continued. “And even when you get in this pose, its like you’re trying too kneel down further as you play. And I’m just like, flinching, waiting for something to happen.” She made it sound so dramatic, as if it really had her puzzled. I heard Balz start guffawing somewhere from the bunks.

I had fallen forward onto the table, my head in my arms, pounded my fist on the table, laughing. My stomach hurt from so much laughing this morning. “Oh fuck.” I laughed out, whipping a stray tear from my eye. I looked at Ricky who had his head back, his hand over his mouth. I could hear him trying not to laugh, and I saw his face turn red. Jen had started dancing around with her guitar. I looked at it more closely. It looked to be a ‘56 Les Paul. “Holy shit.” I muttered. Ricky looked at me, “What is it?” I pointed too Jens guitar. “How old do you think that guitar is?” He looked closely. “Holy shit.” He copied.

Jen had stopped and came back too sit back down. “Its a ‘59 Gibson Les Paul.”

“How did you afford a guitar like that?” I managed out. “It was a gift from my Daddy.” She held it a little closer to the webcam, it was absolutely beautiful. Its body was a shiny black, with a red neck, even the strings where black. “Thats not a normal one either, that was custom made. How in the hell did your daddy pull that off.” Ricky asked, astonishment clear in his voice.

She gave a somewhat cocky grin. “My dad has some connections. Its one of my treasures. He bought it for me in my ‘I want to learn instruments’ stage.” She looked at guitar with admiration. “And I couldn’t not learn when I found out what kind of guitar it was.” She looked at me, “But I still like playing drums a bit better.”


She nodded. “I like to keep a beat.” I looked over at my coffee, and took a big gulp of it. Feeling the caffeine surge through my body, I felt my body lift itself up, in a sense. Becoming more alert.

“Anyways, I’m going to take the laptop too the back. So I can actually have some time to talk my girl before we leave.” I sat up and grabbed the laptop with one hand, and my coffee in the other.
Walking away, I heard Ghost go ‘awww’.

I somehow managed to stick my middle finger up at them.

“I miss you.” Jen whispered. We were slowing coming off the topic of what was going to happen after the tour was over. Through the whole thing, Jen was mostly near silent. While my now caffeinated brain wouldn’t shut up, ergo my mouth wouldn’t stop. I rushed so many things out at once, even I couldn’t keep up with it. But my main question was, ‘What happens now?’. Because the last time we talked, she was unsure of what she was doing after she visited her family. She was doing this long cross America thing before we met.

And whenever it came up, it usually ended up in silence. I know we have only been officially dating for all of one month. I blew out a breath. I knew it wasn’t fair for me too think that it wouldn’t hurt her if I was gone for long periods of time, as she was planning before hand. It wouldn’t hurt so much as it would make me miss her terribly and feel like I was missing a part of me.

“I miss you to, love. Always.” I couldn’t help the small smile that crept to my face when I saw her look at me with that puppy dog stare of hers.

“I’m sorry for bombarding you with that, Jen.” She shook her head no. “Its fine, I can’t keep avoiding it. But I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do.” I understood, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

“Whatever you decide. I will love you all the same. We’ll make it work.” I reassured her. “I’m not letting a little thing like distance keep me from you.”

I saw her blush, and a flash of her teeth. She quickly trying to hide her wonderful smile by putting her hands over face. Someone knocked on the door. “Hey Chris, just letting you know we got to get ready, and head over to the stadium.”

“Okay, I’ll be right out.” I looked at the laptop, my face twisted in a frown. “Well, love, it looks like I’m going to have too talk too you later. Or, basically tomorrow, with the time difference.”

She twisted her lips in a half frown, sad but understanding. “I can’t wait to see you again, I mean in person, too kiss you again.” I smirked. “There are many other things on my mind I would like to do too you.”

Her gaze turned lustful. “Oh, I can think of a few myself.” I chuckled. “I miss you. So much, and I can’t wait to see you.”

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, probably. I love you.”

“I love you to.” She turned around, I heard a door open and shut over the speakers. “Hm, guess sis is home.”
She turned back around. “I’ll talk to you later, baby.”

I waved. “Talk to you later.” I watched as she clicked off her webcam. I closed my laptop with a sigh.

Its time to go get ready. I felt a surge of happiness and excitement, knowing that I was going too see my fans, and that was something too look forward to.


Sorry, this one is short compared to my usual. Don't worry the next one is going to be extra long. Hope you can handle it. aha

Enjoy! :)



Oh Chris! so much happened! poor thing


And they'll get through it, they have each other I know they can

Please Update sooon!!

^-^ (: update soon!