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For What It's Worth..

-I just need to look around.-

"I'm leaving."

I heard the clanking of metal on wood. I saw the shock in my best friends face. What was left was the screaming.

There was a long uncomfortable pause. Elizabeth looked down at her plate, I continued to stare at her, wondering how I was going to handle my best friends anger and sadness. I'm not going to yell at her. I thought. I already decided that. There was a slight ache in my chest, I had really thought long and hard on what I was going to do after my grandparents died. I even went over some of the ideas with Mia, but she had no idea I had decided on leaving and travelling the US. More out of curiosity to start there first, maybe find some place to stay.

Mia mumbled something. "What?" I asked quietly. She looked back up at me, "Where do you plan to go?" She looked hurt beyond belief. I sucked in a breath, and let it back out slowly. “I’m going to travel the US.” Her stare turned from hurt to curious in a split second. “Why there?”

Good question. I laughed lightly. “I have no idea. I just need to get away from here.” Mia looked hurt again, but I could tell she understood what I meant by it. I never meant to hurt her or my sister. Anna was going to be upset, but she had her fiance. I had nobody anymore.

All I had was my best friends and my sister and a once in a lifetime opportunity.

One that I was planning on taking advantage of. “There’s no way in talking you out of this is there?” I shook my head. “I need to do this, I need to explore, go to a concert; festivals and cons and just see what I've always wanted to see.”

I let out a shaky breath. My eyes twitching slightly with overbearing excitement and fear. “My grandparents said I could do whatever I wanted with the money, as long as I keep myself in check. And you know me. Any chance I get, I’ll probably get a random job here and there. You can always come visit whenever I settle in a place long enough.”

She got up out of her couch, I stared at her as she moved to grab her plate and I watched as she moved into the kitchen. I heard the clank of dishes and the sound of running water through the tap. I heard a cupboard door open and slam shut; then watch as Mia went to her freezer and grabbed 3 things that I could only wonder what she was going to do with them. I stared back at my plate, feeling sick to my stomach, not daring to finish the delicious chicken alfredo she made for herself and I. Well that could have gone a lot smoother. I thought.

Mia started laughing, not an overly cheerful laugh; but one I knew to be as she was up to something. I got up and walked over to the kitchen where she stood by her counter pouring what could only amount to a whole bottle of Baileys Irish Cream into a blender. She looked over to me with a grin on her face. “When are you leaving?” I looked at her in bewilderment. “Some..time this coming weekend.” I asked cautiously.

“Well then.” She pressed the button on her blender. “You and I are going to get extremely drunk tonight, because that is the only way I’ll ever be okay with this.” Of course she picks the only thing that I have never done in my entire life of being near alcohol. There goes my tolerance out the window. I laughed out loud.

“You never have gotten drunk the whole time I’ve known you, and this seems like the perfect time.” I shook my head but I continued laughing. “Alright. Deal.”

She pressed the stop button and poured us some Baileys Milkshakes; her own name for it. She held her glass in the air.

“To being best friends.” I raised mine to meet hers.

“To being the bestest best friend I could ever ask for.” Smiling we clinked our glasses together.

“Bottoms up.” Simultaneously drinking at the same time.

This was going to be an interesting night. But adventure awaits.


My first attempt at a long fan fiction story here. Please give me some feedback. :)



Oh Chris! so much happened! poor thing


And they'll get through it, they have each other I know they can

Please Update sooon!!

^-^ (: update soon!