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where have you been

chapter 3

chris’s pov

it has been a year since my good friend as moved away. every single day i think about her and why she left and not explaining why.

(flash back)

i was at home doing nothing when i got a text from alex. my face went into this small grin and i opened the text message..

alex: hey chris… we need to talk

me: okay… where do you want to meet up?? and is everything okay?

alex: i will explan everything… ahh why don’t we meet up where we met.

me: okay i will see you in 10

i got my things and went to the park where we first met.. once i got there i sat on a bench and waited for alex to come.. once i saw alex came i got up and i could see that something is wrong. “hey” i said softly “ hi” she said back.. i could tell that something was really making her upset. “ hey whats the matter?” i asked her. but she would not respond.. i think that she is hiddig something from me

“ chris i need to go” she said through the tears that where coming down her face. “ what are you talking about alex?” i asked her as i stepped closer to her“ i just can’t do this” she said as both of us hugged each other..

“alex we need to go” her brother mark said and she nodded and looked at me “ alex what’s going on?” i asked her as tears were forming in my eyes “ i’m sorry” was all she said as put a hand on my face and the corner of my eye i see the car pull up and she lets go of my face and started to walk to the car, but before she could walk anymore i grabbed her arm.

“ you can’t leave me alex.. i love you” i said with tears streaming down my face.. as i looked at her , it had killed me to see her like this.. “ chris i..” she said but got interrupted when the car horn went off and she walked off. alex got into the car and looked at the window and saw me crying which made her cry as well. as the car slowly moved i had started to run after the car, but the car sped off before we could reach it…

the only thing that i could remember was that i was standing there crying……


(present day )

once again i have been thinking about her but my thoughts got snapped when ricky called my name “ chris we need to go” ricky said as i nodded. i got up and started to walk through the grounds i was looking around and my eyes fell upon a girl that looked my best friend. “come on chris” balz said and i looked away from the girl and picked up my pace to meet the others..

as we were back stage waiting for the other band to finish, we were talking about things. “chris what’s gotten into you?” devin asked me..” i really don’t know” i said as i shook my head. i looked onto the crowd and my eyes fell upon the girl that i saw earlier. “ it can’t be” i said to myself “ did you say something?” ryan asked me as he stepped closer to me. “ ha what ahh nothing” i said as i looked at him and the others. “ motionless band your on in 5 minutes” some guy came and told us. i had nodded and got up and the band was getting ready. once the 5 minutes were up black veil brides came off the stage. “ good luck” andy said as he walked off.

after of some time that went by, slowly one by one the boys went on stage and then it was my turn. “ show time” i said to my self. as i got onto the stage the fans were screaming out my name. “Scranton how are you” i yelled into the mic, which made the fans yell even louder. we had started to play devil's night for the first song..

(half way from the show)

we where half way from the show i was looking into the crowed and while i was looking my eyes had fell upon this girl.. as i was starring at her, she had looked like alex.. “ no it could not be” i had thought to myself as i sang. i was starring at her for a long time and she was starring at me back. i could not believe it.. it was alex. but before i could do anything devin had distracted me and i turned away from starring at her and did something else. as we continued rock out and the fans screaming and singing our songs, i could see that she was not too sure if she if i remember her. but i do.

as we came to an end i saw her walk away and a girl, i think her friend followed her. all of us had walked of the stage.. “ man that was hectic” balz said and everyone had nodded. i was in my own thoughts “ earth to chris” blaz waved his hands close to my face “ ha sorry i was thinking” i said as we walked. “ thinking about what?” ryan asked.. “ ahhh” i said while rubbing the back of my neck “ i think i saw alex in the crowd” i said. when the guys heard they stopped dead in their tracks “ you mean alex that left.. a year ago?” devin said and i nodded. “ guys like i said i think i saw her” i said. “ go and see if it’s her…” ricky said and the others had nodded.

“ okay fine” i said as i started to walk in a different direction from the boys. as i was walking through the grounds some fans asked to take photos , which i did and continued to walk. it was not long after i saw the two girls that i seen earlier. i had took a deep breath and walked over to them. not to the girl with mix blue and black hair. i walked over to the girl with black hair.. i took a deep breath and opened my mouth “ alex is that you?”


what do you think will happen???? send in your comments


i really love this story! i tried following it on the miw page but my phone wont let me log in, so i thought i would follow it here instead :)

the boys are the same age ..

alex is 22 and meg is 23 and mark is 22


How old are they