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Identity Disorder

Austin's P.O.V

I was absolutely awestruck when the morning news started up on it's usual bout, but as the newscaster spoke the air suddenly left my lungs; December 3rd...no. I furiously slammed my hands on the crummy coffee table, which caused the warped wood to splinter and crack but that was the least of my concerns. I threw myself off of the caving in loveseat and dashed into the bathroom, blind in rage as I tried hard to focus on my reflection, I didn't even recognize myself anymore. Theoretically, nothing had changed, but one glimpse into my eyes told me a different story... I really was going insane. The person before was becoming nothing more than a mysterious stranger and there wasn't a thing I could do to stop it. I chuckled as I placed my hand on the cool exterior of the pane in front of me, surely, I had been drugged...or something. Last I checked it was November 25th...but what about the original missing three days? Nothing was making a lick of sense to me; with a harsh laugh, my hand formed into a fist as I violently struck the mirror; it shattered and broke in one hit. By the sixth, my hands were embedded with sharp crystals and shards but I didn’t stop there. I was never good at masking my anger, and I mean never. By the tenth, blood was pooling down towards the sink and my hand was a ghost of its former self; but I was still baffled, still enraged. Without much thought, I slung open the medicine cabinet, quickly taking my heart medication in hopes it would calm down the boiling liquid that felt like fire under my skin; of course that wasn't even close to it's purpose.

I tracked blood throughout my apartment, onto the dingy carpet and off white tile, it would certainty piss off my land lord but he could deal with it some other time. I used my good hand to make a grab for my wallet, which felt thicker than usual; a lot thicker. I fumbled to open it, and was once again, awestruck at what lay between the bounds of torn leather. Money, and loads of it. One hundred, two, three hundred and thirty seven dollars...but how? As I contemplated this, my phone started blaring O.C.D by Suicide Silence, how ironically fitting; thought I don't feel “fine.” I flinched as I automatically made a grab for the device with my now wounded hand, reason told me to use the other. As I flipped the small object over a contact that read “NEW JOB :D ” popped up, I pursed my lips in sheer confusion as I answered with a shaky breath,

“Hello?” I inquired slowly, trying not to sound half as panicked or worried as I felt; the person on the other end sighed.

“Austin? It's Tino, you know, your boss; it's your first day and your already 10 minutes late...” I covered my mouth momentarily as I let what he had just said sink in, I had a job now?

“Oh, that was today?” I answered in mock surprise; luckily for me, he bought it.

“Duh, I've trained you every night for the last 10 days...you knew you were supposed to start today! Uh, Austin, just come in as quick as you can; okay?” he sounded a mix of exasperated and concerned; something I could easily share with him.

“Right...uh, this may sound silly...but I'm out and a bit lost; would you mind sending me the address? And what should I wear?” I almost slapped myself in the face but halted as I reminded myself that while this was my fault, it wasn't. Hell; I've been in a black hole for awhile, I didn't even remember the last time I bathed!

“You're killing me, ya know that? Yeah, I'll text you the address, and wear whatever, Austin. Remember I told you you could wear solid t-shirts and jeans? Nothing offensive though, I know you remember that much.” I practically snorted, no, “Tino” I most certainly don't remember that conversation.

“Right, well..I'll be there soon?” I left it open ended, more like a question then an agreement, this was all too much.

“You really are killing me, yes, see you soon, Carlile.” The other end clicked and was left with nothing more than silence as my phone reverted to it's home screen, moments later an address pulled up; from “Tino.” I put It into my phone before solemnly stalking into my room, and pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans with an equally boring black v-neck; after lacing up my converse and grabbing my leather jacket I was out the door. I took the 3 flights of stairs down into my apartments lobby, before being stopped by the clerk, Miss Sue.

“Austin, you have some mail. The person who dropped it off asked for your name but I didn't feel comfortable giving it out. Anyways, here ya go. Poor thing, is your hand okay?” she shoved a long white envelope into my good hand that was addressed with nothing more than the letter “A”. I quietly thanked her, and assured her that I was fine before tiredly plopping down on the sofa next to the battered rotating doors. I knew I had to be at “work” but if they waited this long...they could wait awhile longer. I carefully pried the sealed ed of the envelope open and pulled out the crisp paper, with reluctant fingers, and sore ones, I got side tracked and noted that I probably should have washed my hand up a little; but was quick to turn my attention back to the paper in my hand.


Dear A,

I guess I could call myself that too, but my name starts with the same letter...though I'm not sure I'll share that information with you quite yet. I really would like to know how you found me...I mean, have we met before or something? While I did find your letting a bit...off, I also found It really sweet that you took the time to tell me those things. I don't see why you'd be nervous to talk to me though, I'm not exactly a god; so finding words shouldn't be that much of a problem. But... I wont pry.

Friends, huh? Yeah, I guess i'd like that. I don't really have any...lame, I know.

So why don't you start off by telling me a little about yourself? Ya know...give me some hints to who you truly are?

You know where to drop your next letter off, so...Until next time. =^.^=


ps: Good luck guessing what that ^ stands for. You're secretive so...two can play at that game :P

I bit my lip in sheer frustration, no, strange person, I don't know who you are or where to drop off said letter. Who would I write? That was much more work than I was usually up to do, and even if I did...who would I send such a thing too?

Deciding I would ponder this at a later time, I stuffed the paper in my wallet and called out for Miss Sue, in hope she could tell me a little about this stranger; but she was nowhere to be found, and it was already 8:30 am, apparently, making me 30 minutes late for work. Wherever that was. I willed myself to take out my phone as I walked down the side walks of Columbus, passing the news stand that I remembered to be the one where I first discovered my missing time; the same old shop keeper shot me the same concerned look; I waved him off and continued down the narrow path way. This route felt familiar, and when my GPS sounded to let me know my destination was on the left, I felt my jaw go slack.

Surely this was a mistake, the sign that read out Din-r was certainly not the place I had found work...or was it?

“Austin! C'mon!” a dark haired man hollered over as he peaked his head out of the door, and waved me over; it took everything I had not to turn tail and run home. Instead, I steeled myself and made my way into the somewhat packed dining hall.

“C'mon around,” the same dark haired man motioned at me to come behind the counter, I silently obliged. His name tag read Tino, and alas some of the mystery shrouding this place and the phone call was coming together; but still...

“You'll be shadowing a waiter today, Penny decided that you we're too handsome to hide in the back. Lucky you, kitchen duty sucks; so forget everything you've learned thus far,” I grunted louder than I had intended too, earning several eyes from patrons and other employees, forget everything i've learned? One step ahead of you already, Tino! “Any who, your stuck with Alan, poor thing can't even speak louder than a whisper. Easily frightened that one is, I love the kid to death but I love to scare him even more; it's too easy!” Tino laughed and clapped me on the shoulder as he pointed “Alan” out in the crowded room, recognition crossed my face. It was the same boy who waited on me the first time I came in here, “Be nice to him though, for now at least. I don't think the poor thing has much in this world; hell, I tried to be his friend but he's just...a tough egg to crack.” A tanned skin man walked in front of carrying a plate of omelets out to a table, Tino stiffed a laugh, “no pun intended. I'll get you clocked in, from here on out just remember your employee number is 6, that and your social are how you clock in and out; I'll print up a schedule for you as well. Alan!” the last word slipped out of his lips much louder than the others, which seemed humanly impossible. The orange haired boy jumped a good foot into the air at this, and shamefully ducked his head down as he approached us.

“What did I do wrong now?” he asked in a hushed voice, that was borderline adorable; I bit my tongue at that. No way that thought just crossed my mind, no, i'd never admit it.

“Nothing, you goof ball.” he gripped onto the smaller mans shoulders which jarred his head to the side, his eyes fell onto me and a small smile played at his lips. I nervously smiled back, suddenly feeling a little self conscious, “This is Austin, he's going to be shadowing you today; so be a good example. Have fun you too, let me know if you need anything.” with that the dark haired manager disappeared into the back which is what I presumed to be the kitchen, Alan, as I now know him, sighed.

“You'll have to tell me why you got a job here later, but for now...” his small voice trailed off as he motioned towards the crowded dining area, “We need to take care of these old people before they croak.” I laughed a little at this, and suddenly didn't feel so bad as I had when I woke up this morning. Now, if I could only remember how I acquired this job then maybe my life would be a helluva lot simpler.


sorry if there are any spelling mistakes! It's super late and I worked 10 hours today, cut me some slack ? <3 I'll be fixing this up tomorrow after another 10 hour shift! boooooo.

leave me stuff?





Sorry i suck and have been computer-less! I will be updating tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned!

Ugh you need to update ;c

This is absolitely amazing! Please keep going! I can't wait for you to update so I know what happens!

I wouldn't say perfect but wow! Thank you Hun, I'm glad someone enjoys it as much as I do writing it :)

I'm in love with this. I'm just as confused as Austin with this it's perfect. I don't know what else to say its just perfect ;-;