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This Rebellion Has It's Cause

Chapter 4

“Hang on.” I tell Austin before walking away.

This is insanity! Austin used to want me? Why the hell did he not tell me then? On top of that how did I not notice?’ All these angry confused thoughts bounced around in my head as I went to answer the door.

I opened the door to find Ronnie standing there and I raised an eyebrow in confusion before questioning, “What are you doing here?”

He glanced in the kitchen to see Austin messing with his phone and the quickly looked back at me saying, “Max has some of your old stuff at his place and he wanted me to see if you wanted to come get it.”

I nodded, “Oh okay, well I should be by later today to get it then. Thanks Ronnie.”

He nodded himself and said a quick, “Bye Tristan.”

I shut the door to find Austin staring at me, “What?”

“What did Ronnie want?”

“He came over to tell me that Max still had some of my things.” I explained taking a seat on my couch.

“Why couldn’t Max just bring it over himself?” He questioned irritably waking in the living room, taking a seat next to me.

“Probably because he was afraid you would be here and then you would attack him again.” I mumbled running a hand through my hair just imagining what would happen if it had been Max at my doorstep. I’d probably have to buy a few new pieces of furniture that’s for sure.

“Well he would probably end up deserving it.” Austin muttered.

“You don’t know that.” I argued.

“I don’t get it Tristan; he does all these shitty things to you and yet you still manage to find a reason to stick up for him, why?”

“Because believe it or not I’m still in love with him. You have no idea what it’s like to want something that you is bad for you or doesn’t really want you back either way.”

“Actually Tristan I understand it better than you think, in fact I have been dealing with it longer than you have. Just remember that.” With that he gets up and grabs his keys, heading out the door without saying another word.

I let out a frustrated yell, slamming my fist against the arm of my couch. What is his problem? I have never understood why he hated me being with Max so much, I could understand the idea that Austin hated how much of an asshole Max was to me, but was Kasey really right after all? Did Austin still have feelings for me? Well now there’s not really a way to find out since he’s pissed off at me. I sighed shaking my head and went for the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was all cleaned up and ready to go I went over to Max’s place.

I knocked on his apartment door and a redheaded girl opened it, of course he already had someone else. He has no clue how to be alone or maybe it’s just being without sex he couldn’t do, either way there was another woman in his home and clearly life.

“Is Max here?” I questioned not wanting to spend any unnecessary time at this place.

She gave me a dirty look and then muttered, “Yea hang on.”

After a minute or so Max comes to the door, looking completely plastered.

I rolled my brown eyes and huffed, “Where’s my things?”

He grinned stupidly and held the door open for me to come inside. I spot a small box in the corn of his living room with my black and purple Hello Kitty blanket sticking out of it. I made my way over to the box, scooping it up in my arms and began to head for the exit; not planning on saying goodbye to either of them.

“I remember you, you’re Tristan Ashby right?”

I froze, giving the redhead a confused look. How the hell does she know me?

She smiled, almost looking wicked as she did it, “You don’t remember me do you? I’m Darby Kimber; we used to go to high school together? I dated your brother?”

My jaw dropped, she can’t be serious! This was the same girl that cheated on Alan like three times! She tore him apart! I may still be pissed at Max, but I can’t let him be with this girl; she’s basically the devil’s daughter! I covered for myself quickly before she knew that I realized who she was, so I act like I couldn’t remember her still, “Oh I’m sorry I’m terrible at recognizing people, but it’s nice to see you again none the less.”

I quickly walked up to Max murmuring, “Come outside and talk to me for a minute.”

I went out of his apartment as fast as I could, hoping that he would even listen to me or that he heard me at all. I was at the bottom of his steps when he finally made his way outside, he looked a bit more sober; at least enough to remember what I would be telling him.

He ran his hand through his jet black hair, “What did you want to talk about?”

“Her, I do remember Darby.” I state pointing in the direction of his apartment swiftly and dropping it just as fast, “She’s a monster Max. I may not be with you or want to, but I can’t stand seeing her hurt you.”

He shrugged, “She seems fine to me.”

“You’re probably just saying that because she gives good head or something.” I grumbled bitterly.

He laughed, “What does it matter to you? Listen come over later tonight and you can try to convince me that she’s bad, we can have an actual conversation instead of doing this sneaking shit.”

I sighed, “Fine, text me when you want me back here.”

He nodded and I started off for my car.

“Tristan!” He called.

I turned back to him, “What?”

“I’ve missed you.” He says with a smile and I roll my eyes as I climb in my car.


Half way back to my place, my phone starts singing Little Miss Obvious again. I check the caller ID to see that it’s Alan.

“What’s up bro?” I asked in the receiver.

“Nothing really just at the studio, question do you know where Austin is by any chance?”

“Not since this morning.”

“Well is there any way you can drop by his place and get him to come here? He has his phone turned off for some reason.”

“Sure, I can do that. I’m pretty close to him at the moment, so it shouldn’t be too long.”

“Alright thanks Tristan, love you and I’ll talk to you later.”

“Not a problem, I love you too, bye.” I hang up the phone and turn up the street in the direction of Austin’s.

In the matter of minutes I’m on his doorstep, ringing the doorbell. Several minutes into it I’m about to give up and go look somewhere else when I hear his pit bull Echo whining at the door.

“Hey honey, go get your daddy for me, pretty please?” I coed through the door and Echo began barking, “Yes good…”

Suddenly the door opened and Austin’s expression seems slightly shocked and confused to see me on my knees at his door step. I hastily get up, dusting off my legs and give him a nervous smile.

“Alan is looking for you.” I tell him, feeling awkward since he had opened the door in his boxers.

“What time is it?” He questioned checking his watch, “Oh shit I’m late!”

With that he ran back to his bedroom, I guessing to put on some clothes. I step inside and close the door behind me so none of his many pets can get out. I stand there petting Echo, having no clue why I’m still even here. Austin comes out a few minutes later wearing black skinny jeans, a white tee, and a red and black plaid shirt over it. He quickly slips on his shoes and we both go outside.

As he locks his door he asks, “So did you get your stuff?”

“Yep.” I reply simply, since I’m sure he doesn’t want to know that I’ll be going back there sometime later.

He nods and we rush down the steps, which unfortunately causes my cell to tumble out of my back pocket.

“I’ll get it.” Austin says snatching up my phone, but before he hands it to me there’s a ding, which meant I had a new text message.

Austin shook his head, shoving my phone in my hands scoffing, “Wow Tristan you’re something else. You just don’t know when to quit.”

I was confused till I read who it was from, Max.

Hey Darby left so you can come over now if you still want to talk.

I groaned putting my phone back in my pocket, but by the time I turned around to say something to Austin he was already in his car and gone.

Great Tristan, just great.




Please update!! I'm confused!! D:

Silly Lilley Silly Lilley

That last chapter killed me XD just thinking about Austin doing that unfffff


yeah nah yeah nah

Please update, ASAP!