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The Calm

Chapter 72

-Austin’s POV-

I just wanted her to wake up, but then again I didn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that our daughter was dead. It would have to happen. She looks so fragile that I don’t even know how she will handle it. I don’t want to break her more, but damn it! Why us? Why our daughter?

I’ve lost count on how many hours I’ve been siting her staring at her body. Her cheeks seemed to be getting a little more color.

Alan and everyone had offered me food, coffee, or even to take a break and sit here but I refused.

I must’ve fallen asleep when I heard a faint voice call my name. Then I heard it again, I opened my eyes. Scarlett was awake.

“Baby” I said and she had a faint grin on her face.

“What happened Aus?” The question I wanted to avoid.

“We were in an accident babe, you should rest more.” I said and Alan came through the door with a nurse, they must have been watching outside.

Before we were allowed in the room the nurse and the doctor told us to mention nothing of the baby and everyone agreed. This would be the hardest part if she asked.

“Scarlett Harris, how are you feeling?” the doctor asked.

“I’m okay” she said, and reached her hands down to her stomach, oh no. As if on cue panic took over her face. “My baby, our baby, where is she?” Scarlett asked in a panic looking at the doctor and me.

“The baby is in a separate room, Ms. Harris do not worry. We need to check you completely.” The doctor said stably, apparently he was use to doing this, and then he turned to me. “Perhaps, Mr. Carlile you can go check on the child?” He said to me giving a sympathetic look. I nodded my head.

“Scar, I’ll be back soon, I love you.” I said as I kissed her forehead and left the room.

It took everything for me to not lose it. I stormed past our friends and walked to the elevator heading out the main entrance. The hospital was in the city, so I knew I needed to walk somewhere that would help me keep my composure.

-Alan’s POV-

Austin stormed out of here. We all aren’t happy with the doctors plan to not tell Scarlett what happened, but no one else can think of anything better.

Brooke held my hand, which surprised me. Yeah she left me and was living with her parents and all, but we decided to be civil for the baby. Now this, releasing how easy your child can be gone from you, I can’t even imagine it. I hate to say it but this tragic event might bring Brooke back to me. Our baby is due soon and maybe she’s realizing this.

“Alan” Aaron said dragging me out of my thoughts.


“Should we go find Austin?”

“No” I said.

“What why man?” Aaron asked surprised.

“The sooner he comes back the sooner he’s going to have to tell her. We all know she’ll see right through him.” I said and it was true.


I'm sorry that this is terrible.



Ok! Ready for the next!!

MayTheRugrat MayTheRugrat

It's fine I'm just too emotional over fanfiction.

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja


Awe! Sorry that I made you cry!

thecalm318 thecalm318

I actually cried. Correction I am crying. Why?!?!?!?!?!?

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja

Its awesome :)