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The Calm

Chapter 64

-Austin’s POV-

Fuck maybe she will catch me. It’s what I deserve. Alan can go shut up he has a wife and a child on the way that he needs to worry about and not me.

But if Scar catches me, she’s done…fuck.

I grab 3 pills and crush them. I need to feel numb.

I start to feel it.

“Austin….AUSTIN! OH MY GOSH. WHAT. Why baby why?” She couldn’t make sense of the scene before her, hell almost as much as I did. I didn’t have a propose for doing this it just happened.

I felt her near me as she grabbed what was left and tossed it in the toilet. She then got a cool cloth and made me hold it to my forehead. I felt weak. I felt that this was the end.

-Scarlett’s POV-

I needed to get him to drink a lot of water to get majority of that out of his system. The whole week in Mexico he was fine. I mean he was odd but not as odd as when he was on drugs. You see I figured it out, but didn’t say anything. I noticed the pill containers being moved in my cupboard right after I suspected him. I threw them out thinking that it would stop him. Hey maybe it did for a while but it wasn’t enough.

Alan. I needed to call Alan.

So I did and he said he’d be right over. He told me that they had a fight because he caught him too and that he knew for a while as well, but didn’t want to believe it.

“Where is he?”

“I only helped him to the couch.” I said as we walked over to where Austin was now laying.

“He took too much?” I nodded.

“He needs like an IV in him…I’m scared.” Alan just said that shit.

“I know Alan…I have a friend who’s a nurse who makes trips to people’s homes. Long story short is she owes me a favor…”

“Call her Scarlett.” So I went to it.

She said she’d be here in 10 minutes.

Why Austin why? It’s all I wanted to know. Tears escaped my eyes and Alan hugged me.

“Shhh he’ll be okay as soon as the IV is in him.”

“He should be fine within an hour. It should be out of his system by then.” The nurse said as she removed the IV that’s been in him for 3 hours. I thanked her and she left.

“He’s waking up Scar.” Alan said. My rage was now kicking in. I couldn’t be near Austin, I was going to yell at him and say things that I would regret.

“Alan, Scar? What happened?” Austin said. Great he didn’t even remember.

Alan could tell I was pissed, so he spoke for me. “You went too far Austin. That’s what happened.” I’m surprised that he was that harsh to him.

“Scar, I can explain.” He tried to, but I wouldn’t let him.

“Alan can I stay with you for awhile. I don’t want him near me.”

“Of course Scar.” He said to me, and then he turned to Austin. “You obviously can’t stop, Scar and I are going to sit here and watch you kill yourself.”

Since we were at Austin’s apartment, this was easy.

Alan made me go in front of him as we left a dumbfounded Austin in his apartment. We just couldn’t save him anymore. There comes that point and you have to stop, so that is what we did.

“No” I heard Austin say as I turned around to see that he grabbed his arm.

“Austin let go man.”

“I fucked up. I’m sorry.” Austin said looking at me.

“I’m so disappointed in you Austin. I can’t even start with you.” He let go of Alan’s arm and we left.

“No Scar, stay here. It’s fine I promise.” Brook said.

“I don’t want to stress you and the baby out.”

“You’re okay here. I won’t let him talk to you until you’re ready.” Alan said.

“I’d be more stressed if you weren’t here Scar.” Brook said with a reassuring smile.


I know this isn't exactly what would happen, but hey I'm going somewhere with this! lol.

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Ok! Ready for the next!!

MayTheRugrat MayTheRugrat

It's fine I'm just too emotional over fanfiction.

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja


Awe! Sorry that I made you cry!

thecalm318 thecalm318

I actually cried. Correction I am crying. Why?!?!?!?!?!?

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja

Its awesome :)