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The Calm

Chapter 23

-Alan’s POV-

It’s been two months since Scarlett left. I drank, but it didn’t help so I stopped. We are still on tour now in Europe. Austin is a wreck, but puts on a good show to his fans. I’ve never seen him like this. We are all worried about him, especially today.

We have a week off in France. Austin got his own hotel room and hasn’t come out of it since we got here yesterday morning. We’ve all tried to see him, but he wouldn’t answer. Finally we begged the front desk for an extra card and we got into his room. There are empty alcohol bottles everywhere and he’s just laying in the bed staring into oblivion. I know he hasn’t eaten, and none of this can be good for his heart. There’s only one thing I can do, and I know I’m going to hate myself for it.

-Scarlett’s POV-

My job is going to make me so fat. I’m working with Erin at her bakery, I like it mainly because it is different then what I’m use to and I sneak spoonful’s of cookie dough and icing all day long.

I have an apartment in San Diego and I love it. Everything has been going well for me, except my love life. I haven’t talked to or seen Austin or Alan in two months. Aaron still keeps in touch with me but not as much since they are now in Europe.

I just need to get over Austin and I can’t. Erin hooked me up with some guy that I’m suppose to go have “just a friendly dinner nothing more” tonight, and I don’t want to go.

Now my phone is ringing, what the fuck is this number?

“Hello” I said.

“Please don’t hang up and hear me out.” Alan said, fuck.

“What do you want?” I asked, and now headed out to where Erin couldn’t find me.

“You need to come here.” He said and actually sounded serious.

“You’re joking right?” I asked and really hoped that he was.

“No. I know you don’t care, but Austin, Scarlett he’s a wreck. He won’t talk to anyone and he’s locked himself in a hotel room to drink all his troubles away.” Alan said.

“How am I going to be of help? What makes you think I can fix him Alan?!” I asked slightly angry that he was seriously asking this of me now.

“Scar, he’s so messed up without you. I don’t know what’s going on in his mind right now, but he needs you. Just come get him back to normal please just try, we don’t know what else to do!” Alan said and I could tell by his words that it hurt him to see Austin like this.

“I can’t afford to fly to Europe right now Alan.” I said.

“I’ll pay for it, do you still have the same email address?” he asked.

“Yeah why?”

“I’m going to email you your flight details. This is only between you and me okay?”


“You have no idea how much I owe you for this Scar.”

“Just be glad that I’m a nice person.” I said.


“Bye” I said and hung up. What the hell just happened?

I barely got out of my date. Erin yelled at me and I told her I just didn’t feel up to it. In reality I’m packing for I don’t know how long to go to France. I’m flying approximately 14 hours to get Austin out of a bed, what the hell. I still care about him, but this plan of Alan’s is ridiculous.

Neither Erin nor Tony knows what I’m up to. I only told the security people of my building that I would be gone for awhile.

To the airport I head!

14 gruesome hours later I landed in Paris and it was nighttime. I truly wanted to go run out into the city and not look back.

But behold, I saw the ginger I was suppose to meet and went to him with my carry on and one luggage bag.

“How was your flight?” he asked nervously.

“Long.” Was all I said.

“I’m sorry that I made you come here…” he said looking to the ground.

“If I can help, then that’s all that matters, okay?” I said.

He looked up at me and I let out a slight smile, I gave him a hug, knowing it would catch him off guard. After the months we had we needed that.

“Come on let’s see what we can do” he said as he grabbed both of my bags off of me.

“I could carry those you know” I said.

“Shut up” he said and laughed.

On the way to the hotel, Alan told me that he hadn’t told any of the other guys what he was up to. We would go set my luggage down in the room they were staying in and I’d hopefully get a room in the morning.

We arrived to the hotel, went through the lobby and on the elevator to the 15th floor. I was so nervous. Alan noticed and simply said not to worry.

Alan put the key card into the guy’s room and went in first, then I went in and all mouths dropped. Aaron, Tino, Phil, and Matt were in the room.

“Hi Scar.” Aaron said, and then he turned to Alan, “What the fuck is she doing here!”

“She’s going to help me with Austin, chill out.” Alan said.

I stood against the wall awkwardly. Aaron came near me.

“You seriously agreed to this?” he asked I nodded my head and he pulled me in for a hug.

“Where’s she going to sleep Ashby?” Tino asked.

“Don’t worry about that yet, I’ll figure it out, come on Scar let’s go see him.” Alan said.
I felt as if I was going to throw up, Aaron looked at me and I could tell he was worried about all of this. What’s the worst Austin could do? Ignore me? Hit me? I’ve been through it before.

Alan opened the door out of their room and I followed him to Austin’s, which was two floors down.

Alan knocked first and got no answer so then he used the key card and opened the door. He signaled to me to keep quiet.

The room was dark and Alan flipped one of the lamps on. Austin laid in the bed with a blanket completely over him, empty bottles surrounded the area, and it was a disaster. Alan then signaled for me to stay by the bathroom, out of sight from Austin at the moment. This was weird, but I had no better plan then to go along with Alan.

“Get up Austin, you can’t keep doing this!” I heard Alan say.

The sounds of Alan taking the blankets off of Austin filled the room.

“You can’t put on this act for your fans that you’re fine then come back and do this Austin. It isn’t going to work anymore! You’re a disaster don’t you see it? I see it and I hate that my best friend is so messed up! Please let me help you!” he was pleading and it broke my heart to hear this.

“If Scarlett was here, you’d break her heart. You know she never meant to hurt you. Austin you need to talk to her!” Alan said, he was trying to get to him by using me.

“Damn it Austin say something!” Alan said yet again and it sounded like he threw a pillow at him.

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY ALAN! I FUCKING HATE THIS!” Austin screamed, finally a reaction.

“What do you hate Austin?” Alan asked.

“I can’t see her because she’s afraid of me, hell I would be too, I broke everything between her and me!”

Alan looked at me and I knew it was time to face Austin.


2 month time jump!

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Ok! Ready for the next!!

MayTheRugrat MayTheRugrat

It's fine I'm just too emotional over fanfiction.

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja


Awe! Sorry that I made you cry!

thecalm318 thecalm318

I actually cried. Correction I am crying. Why?!?!?!?!?!?

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja

Its awesome :)