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The Calm

Chapter 21

-Austin’s POV-

I couldn’t find Scarlett. Last night everyone had gotten so wasted. I had hoped that she was in the back lounge so that’s where I went to check. Phil mentioned that he hadn’t seen Alan come back either. Great. I opened the door to the back lounge and my heart sunk, and then pure rage took over.

“…WHAT THE HELL!” I said.

Scarlett and Alan were naked with a blanket half tossed over them. She was crying and Alan looked like he was too. I slammed the door shut and ran past Aaron and Phil. I had to get off of that bus before I did more damage to Alan. I can’t keep beating the kid up.

I found an alley a little away from the venue and I started kicking and punching the garbage cans that lined it.

This can’t be happening, again.

Why am I always the one who gets cheated on? What the fuck did I do to piss off the world so badly that this is what it does to me?

-Aaron’s POV-

Austin just screamed and left the bus. What the hell was in the back lounge? Phil and I decided to go see.

Alan and Scarlett, oh no Alan didn’t do this, not to Austin he couldn’t have.

“Alan what the hell?” Phil said before I could form words.

“I have to find him, he’s going to hate me!” Scarlett said, she was crying.

“Phil deal with him, I’ll take care of her.” I said, I put my arm around Scarlett, “Come on let’s talk.” I had her follow me to the bunks so she could get clothes, as she was only draped in a blanket, and told her to change and meet me in the front.

“I need to find Austin, Aaron. I can’t let him think that I wanted to sleep with Alan.” She said as she came to me minutes later.

“We will go find him in a second, sit here. Now, tell me what happened?” I asked her.

“I was so drunk Aaron, I don’t know why I slept with him. I don’t remember my logic behind it, hell I don’t think I had any at that point the alcohol had consumed me…and Austin’s going to hate me now. I’ve ruined him again, I’m no better then her Aaron.” She said.

“Stop Scar, you were drunk and you don’t remember. Austin’s is going to have to accept that part of it. If you tell him the truth you will be fine, okay? Now let’s go find him.” I said, hoping that sounded like he might not completely flip out on her like he did Gielle.

“Okay…I need to go find shoes.” She said and got up to head to the bunks.

I remember the day Austin said that he wanted to tell me about what Gielle did. He said that I was apart of this band and that I was becoming a brother to him. He told me that she cheated first. That she kept doing it and didn’t tell him. He knew the whole time. He had the evidence and he confronted her about it and that’s when she denied it yet again and left. Austin got so drug that night and slept with some random girl because he was angry. They both cheated in the marriage. Austin said he was too young to be married and that he shouldn’t have even thought of marrying some band whore.

This is how the situation to her and Scarlett were different; though bringing Alan in to the mix of this may cause problems. I just wanted Scar to have hope that Austin may not react to this how she thinks.

She came back and I grabbed my phone and off we went to find Austin.

“He is two streets down in the alley punching shit.” Our tour manager, Matt, said as we past him.

“Thanks” I said.

Scar and I headed that way. It’s at least been an hour since this all unraveled and Austin is still pissed. This may not go as well as I wanted it to.

-Austin’s POV-

I was now to crying in the alley. My knuckles were bloody and bruised. My heart, it was bruised. I love Scarlett. I don’t think I can look past this though.

“Aus?” I heard someone say, I looked up to see that it was Aaron and Scar was with him.

“Leave me alone” I said.

“You need to talk to her, talk this out okay?” Aaron asked.

“I can’t. It’s done, it’s over.” I said.

“Austin can I please explain myself!” Scarlett said.

I stood up and now pissed that Scar thinks she’s going to make this right. I must’ve looked scary cause Aaron got between her and me.

“Fucking say it Scarlett. Get it over with, just tear out the rest of my heart.” I said through my teeth.

“I don’t know what happened Austin, I don’t remember how I got with him or why I slept with him. I woke up and saw what I did and I haven’t stopped crying since then. Austin I was so drunk I don’t remember anything! I hate myself for this!” she said as she cried.

“Oh so you didn’t mean to cheat and I’m suppose to be okay with that? Scarlett we are done.” I said.

Aaron now stood away. Scarlett and I just stood there both in tears, both unable to comprehend this situation.

“I…I…I can’t lose you.” Scarlett said and she couldn’t hold herself up anymore, she fell and I caught her.

We were now sitting in some random ass alley crying. How could everything fall apart like this?

“It’s my fault Austin.” Alan said, how the fuck did he get here.

Aaron now approached us and I gave Scar to him. She was a wreck. I stood up to Alan and I wanted to kill him.

“WHY ALAN! WHY DO YOU KEEP FUCKING EVERYTHING UP FOR ME?” I yelled at him, I couldn’t hit him anymore.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry I never meant to hurt you!” Alan said.

I grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall, my anger taking over my rational thoughts.

“If you loved her so damn much you wouldn’t have done this to her!” I yelled in his face.

“I was drunk! Okay! I hate myself more for this then what you’ll ever know!” Alan said now in tears.

“It was my idea, Austin.” Scar said, what the hell.

I dropped Alan and went in her face.

“WHY THE HELL WERE YOU WITH ME THEN IF YOU WANTED BACK WITH HIM!” I couldn’t control myself anymore.



She was now terrified of me. I could see how scared she was in her eyes. Aaron grabbed her and literally had to drag her away from me. I was a dangerous vile monster right now. The last time this side came out of me was with Gielle.

“She didn’t deserve that Austin.” Alan said.

“I’m losing my fucking mind, Alan.” I said in a barely audible tone.


Sorry I haven't updated!

Anything with the background of Gielle and Austin is made up by me.

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Thanks for reading!


Ok! Ready for the next!!

MayTheRugrat MayTheRugrat

It's fine I'm just too emotional over fanfiction.

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja


Awe! Sorry that I made you cry!

thecalm318 thecalm318

I actually cried. Correction I am crying. Why?!?!?!?!?!?

dinosaurpinja dinosaurpinja

Its awesome :)