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the way I feel about you

can you not pleas

When I woke up I still had the thought of me and Austin. I shook my head"no"I mumbled. "No what?" Alan asked.I jumped and sighed"Alan can I tell you something?"I asked actually scared out of my mind to see his reaction of me liking his best friend. He nodded I was looking for the right words to come out but instead"I think I might love Austin" WHAT!?NO I-i thought rhewas just alittle crush. He stared at me blankly. Shit he is mad at me. I closed and sighed,"I know its ridicules I but I-"he cut me off. "Pix that's great" he smiled. "Wh-what?"I was so lost. Doesn't Austin hate me? "I thought he hates me?"I asked and he laughed. "No he doesn't'hate'you he just likes to mess with you" I was still lost. Do I tell him or not. Should I tell Austin I'm in love with him. He would probably laugh in my face he can get any girl he wants what makes him want me?ugh this curiosity is killing me. I laid my head on my pillow and covered my face.I felt my bed sink and Alan put a hand on my shoulder. "Listen,as my little sister I will help you" I uncovered my face and looked at him. I propped myself up on my elbows and stared at him."how?"I asked. He shrugged"I dunno but I will" I sighed and covered my face again and fell back to my pillow. "Come on pix you slept through the whole ride here" he said shaking my shoulder. "Ugh we're here already?" I asked I heard him chuckle and said yes. "Ugh ok what do I have to do"I asked from under my pillow. "You have to help set your merch tent up."


Well like I said if anyone has any ideas I am open to any


Guys its me music_girl I can't login my account so I will keep going but it will be part two sorry ily all soo just look for the way I feel about you part two

second_Sebring second_Sebring

Always love just thinking of what else to write


Haha it's ok I like them being together but I miss Austin and pix but we will see soon

music_girl music_girl

To both well we will see how it goes might even be a sequel to it I don't know yet who she stays with we will see

music_girl music_girl