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the way I feel about you

do you see me like this

I walked back inside the buss to get ready. I was meeting Oli at his buss. I walked in and saw only Austin there.I quickly walked past and went to my bag.I heard some footsteps behind me. I looked up to see Austin's tall figure infront of me. He looked down at me and stared into my eyes. I looked back to my bag and ignored him. He kneeld down infront of me. I looked around to see my box in there but not wanting Austin to see it."Pix I'm sorry"he said"I didn't mean for you to think I thought about you that way"I keep my eyes on my bag. I didn't want Austin to see me like this. "Austin you thought I would sleep with Oliver,you made me feel bad"I said now a tear running down my cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb. "Pix I didn't think you would sleep with Oliver I just,after gielle I-"I cut him off. "What you thought that I would do the same"I now raised my voice. He didn't say a word"Austin I am not gielle ok I am not the same and I would never hurt anyone like she did"he was still quiet."Pix I didn't mean it like that"he said"then how did you mean it because obviously you did"I stood up and so did he"can you stop yelling"he raised his voice to. " Pix I just don't want you to go with Oli" I looked at him"why,he's my friend and I can do what I want"I said in a harsh voice. "Austin we aren't together so I don't need you to be over protective of me"I said pushing past him"I'm looking out for you Pixy why can't you see that I care about you"he yelled at me. "Because no one cares about me"I was now sobbing. He walked up to me and pulled me to his chest. "Don't say that Pix I care about you and I love you with all my heart"he said. I looked up at him"you aren't just saying that are you"I asked. He chuckled and shook his head"no I am serious"I held out my pinky"pinky promise"I said. He hooked his pinky to mine.I pulled away"Austin I have to go,Oli is probably waiting for me. He frowned at me"can you stay today and reschedule the guys aren't coming till two"he pouted. I giggled and shook my head.

"I'll be back before them I swear"and I ran out my buss and bumped into Oli waiting outside for me. "Have you been here the whole time?" I asked he nodded"yea are you ok I heard some yelling inside"he said. I nodded"yea everything is fine,now lets go have our movie night"I said gesturing my arm for him to take. We walked back to his buss and he pulled out three movies. We picked Jurassic park since Oli loved that movie. We sat down and watched the m



Guys its me music_girl I can't login my account so I will keep going but it will be part two sorry ily all soo just look for the way I feel about you part two

second_Sebring second_Sebring

Always love just thinking of what else to write


Haha it's ok I like them being together but I miss Austin and pix but we will see soon

music_girl music_girl

To both well we will see how it goes might even be a sequel to it I don't know yet who she stays with we will see

music_girl music_girl