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If We Climb This High, I Swear We'll Never Die...


After the show we sat in the bus all watching the weather channel and listening to the rain.
“Isn’t there anything else on?” Tino complained, grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet. Alan threw him the remote.
“You look. Most of the channels aren’t working because of this shitty weather.” I grabbed my phone of the counter and scrolled through some new texts I had gotten from Colin.
‘Hey sexy, don’t forget about me now.’
‘Just come back to me.’
I sighed and looked out the window at all the cars on the highway. Austin looked over at me from the other couch then looked down at my phone.
‘Go away Colin. I don’t want you.’
‘But you do. Don’t deny it Alex.’
‘Fine; after the tour is over I will find you. I know where Austin lives. I WILL find you, and I WILL get you.’
I shut my phone in fear as Alan’s phone rang. After listening for a while, he smiled and looked at us.
“Sure, that sounds cool. Thanks for inviting us man. Who’s all gonna be there? Okay we’ll see you tomorrow.” He nodded. “It’s at the amphitheater right? Okay, yeah. Bye.” Alan hung up and smiled at us.
“What was that all about?” Tino asked, sitting up.
“That was Vic from PTV. He just invited us to play at the Lights Tour tomorrow night with him and a bunch of other bands.” I looked over at Phil who was snoring. I shrugged and threw my legs over his. He wouldn’t care; he was sleeping. Austin gave me a quick glance, than looked back at Alan.
“Where at?”
“It’s at the amphitheater in Louisiana. We have a day off tomorrow, and it’s on the way to our next performance location.”
“Who’s all going to be there?” Tino asked, leaning back on the couch.
“Black Veil Brides, I See Stars, Memphis May Fire… maybe a couple other. He only told me a few.” I stood up.
“I’m gonna go to bed.” Austin gave me a weird look. Alan held his arms out.
“Well goodnight my beautiful girlfriend,” he joked, giving me a hug.
“You ginger. Don’t say that! Your girlfriend is over there. She might find out about us!” Charlie looked over at us and laughed as I gave Phil a hug.
“Guys, she’s obviously my girlfriend. Who wouldn’t want to be with this sexy beast?” he laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged Charlie then gave Austin a kiss on the forehead. I walked into the bunk hallway as the whole bus said goodnight. I flipped them the finger and closed the door. I pulled off my shorts, leaving me in my Of Mice & Men sweatshirt. The door to the bunk hallway opened as Austin grabbed my arm and pulled me up against his chest.
“What’s that all about? I don’t get a hug?” he whispered, smiling. I laid my head back on his shoulder, looking up to him.
“No, it’s because I’m dating Tino and Alan; only they get hugs.”
“Oh, are you now?” His hand slid down my stomach and between my legs. “I guess we’ll have to change that.” I let out a soft moan as he rubbed me through my underwear. “Do Tino and Alan do this to you?” I nodded and smiled at him.
“Hmm…” He applied a little more pressure as my knees went weak. He wrapped his other arm around my stomach to help keep me up. I softly moaned again as he took his hand away. I turned around and pouted.
“That’s not fair.” I crossed my arms over my chest. He pouted back.
“Well I didn’t get a hug, and that’s not fair either.” I laid my hand on his chest and kissed his scar.
“I guess we’re even then, but don’t think that I won’t get you back for this.” He put his hands up as I crawled into his bunk and closed the curtain.
“Goodnight, Austin.”
“Goodnight, Love.”
I woke up, lying against Austin’s warm chest. I looked up at him and smiled. He was so peaceful when he slept. My finger wandered down his scar as I sighed. Stop thinking about it Alex. He’s going to be fine. I ran my hand through my hair and listened to the quiet hum of the bus as it drove down the highway. I loved the sound the bus made when it was moving. It calmed me. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep until I heard a sound coming from one of the bunks. I listened for it again.
“What the?” I shook Austin’s shoulder. “Austin wake up.” He shook his head a little and opened his eyes.
“What is it baby?” He whispered rubbing his eyes.
“What is that noise?”
“It’s probably just Tino snoring,” he said softly, running his thumb over my cheek. I shook my head.
“No, I don’t think that’s what it is…” I heard the noise again. “See… did you hear it?” Austin smiled down at me, and chuckled. “What is it?”
“Listen closely.” I closed my eyes and strained to hear. My eyes got big as I realized what I was hearing. Austin laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Oh… Alan,” I heard Charlie’s voice followed by Alan laughing.
“Shh…” he mumbled. Austin looked at me and laughed as I made a gross face.
“Go back to sleep, Love.”
“That’s gross… I wanna yell at them.”
“Think of all the times they’ve had to listen to us. Let them have their fun.” I pouted. “You wouldn’t like it if someone interrupted us, would you?” I shook my head and laid my head back down on Austin’s chest, closing my eyes and falling asleep.
I woke up, and for the first time, Austin was still sleeping. Without bumping my head, I carefully climbed over him and pulled on a pair of sweatpants before making my way to the front of the bus where Alan and Charlie were cuddling. I winked at them and sat down on the couch across from them.
“So… how did you guys sleep last night?” I asked smiling.
“I slept like a million dollars,” she laughed along with Alan.
“Yeah, it sure sounded like you two slept well.” Charlie turned red as Alan blushed.
“Wow Alan, your hair matches your face.”
“You heard us?” Charlie asked, “Alan I told you that was a bad idea.” Alan laughed.
“Oh come on, it’s just Alex. It’s not like your mom was sleeping in the bunk next to ours.” I looked around.
“Where are Tino and Phil? Austin and I were the only two sleeping.”
“They went out to get some Starbucks.”
“Oh… are we in Louisiana?” I asked. Alan nodded.
“Yeah we got here maybe an hour ago.”
“What time do you guys have to play at?”
“Well Vic’s band plays at twelve, and it’s eleven now. We play after them at one. So someone better get Austin’s fat ass out of bed.” I raised my hand.
“It would be my pleasure.” I grinned at the evil plan I had in my head. I crawled back into Austin’s bunk and straddled him, grinding against his hips. After I took off my sweat shirt so I was just in my bra, I leaned down and started kissing his neck.
“Austin,” I moaned in his ear. He opened his eyes and smiled.
“What are you doing?”
“I came in here to wake you up,” I grinned down at him and started grinding my hips against him again. He closed his eyes and moaned. “You like that Austin?” I asked, biting my lip.
“Mmm…Keep going baby.” He put his hands on my hips and pushed me down harder. I stopped and leaned down to kiss him. He pouted.
“I gotta get in the shower babe.”
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere.” He flipped me over so I was lying on my back, and hovered above me.
“Do you hear that? It’s my phone ringing,” I smiled and got up, leaving Austin frustrated in his bunk. I quick snuck off to the bathroom and locked the door behind me so I could get in the shower.
After I got out, I walked into the bunk room and pulled on some clothes. A pair of strong tattooed arms slid around my waist. Austin kissed my neck and chuckled.
“You thought you could come in here and tease me huh?” I nodded and grinned at him. “As soon as we get home and have some alone time I’m gonna tease you and make you beg until you explode.” I shivered at the thought. I knew Austin could do that to me, and he knew it too. He’s done it countless times. “You won’t be able to walk right; I promise you that princess.” With that he laughed and walked out. Damn him. I was going to have that vision playing in my mind until the moment it happened.


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~ Sempiternel


It's up :) it has the same name put has part 2 in front of the name

Sampiternal Sampiternal

@Sampiternal have you posted part two yet or when will you be posting it


@Kat Purdy it all depends

Sampiternal Sampiternal

I don't think birth actually hurts that much...

Khaos Khaos

Oh aha same.well I mean I have two others that I don't really update a BVB one.