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One Hundred Sleepless Nights

The Sense

Vic's P.O.V.

What have I done? She looks pissed. No, it's worse than that. She looks really upset. I've hurt her. After Zee left I followed her. Even with her pregnant walking away from me she managed to put distance in between us. I walked inside the venue and backstage hoping to find her. I walked into one of the back rooms and saw her sitting down next to Alan. He was whispering things to her and she was glaring at him. I sat down opposite them, next to Tino and Mike. I looked across and saw Alan looking at me with his eyes narrowed. He gets up and made his way over to me. His hands come down on my shoulders and I swallow hard. What does he want?
"Let's go outside, Vic," Alan said.
"You know-" I tried.
"Now," Alan snapped. I sighed and nodded. I stood up and followed Alan out. We walked down a corridor and out through a back door. Alan took me around the building and then pushed me up against the brick wall. He glared at me angrily. Then he brought his fist back and punched me hard on my cheekbone.
"Fucking hell!" I gasped.
"You are a dick!" Alan exclaimed.
"Why did you punch me?"
"For being a fucking bastard," he said and hit me across the head.
"Alan," I sighed.
"You're such an idiot. You're so fucking stupid," he rushed. "What did you do?"
"I don't know what you mean," I mumbled.
"What did you do to Zandra?"
"Oh," I muttered. "I don't know,"
"Do I look stupid?!" he demanded and hit me again.
"I didn't do anything," I rushed. Really I didn't.
"Then why is she rushing to follow you one second and running away way almost crying the next?!"
"She was crying?" I asked sadly. "I didn't do anything," Maybe that's the problem. She confessed her love for me. She kissed me and I didn't kiss back. I basically humiliated her. "I didn't do . . . anything," I repeated.
"What does that mean?!" he asked angrily.
"She found me and kissed me," I explained.
"And what happened?"
"I didn't kiss back," I gulped. Alan balled his hand up and punched me again, this time on my shoulder.
"You're telling me that the woman you've kissed and confessed love to multiple times just kissed you and you didn't kiss back? Fucking hell, are you serious?" he growled.
"You really are a dick. Do you even know what it's been like for her?"
"First getting knocked up by someone who didn't even speak to her. Then telling everyone. All your stupid fans. And all the shit you've put her through,"
"I know," I sighed.
"Then why did you do it? Or not do it, I guess,"
"I'm scared!" I exclaimed. "I got scared!"
"In a few months I'm going to be a dad. This baby is going to be born. I just keep thinking . . . what if we don't work out. What if I fuck things up?" I looked down. Alan looked at me and sighed.
"Sit down," he urged. I sat on the floor and he joined me. "What's all this 'just friends' bullshit? You think when the baby comes it'll be okay to carry it on?" he asked.
"I don't know," I shrugged.
"Okay, so think about if you never knocked her up. Would you want to be with her?" he asked. I didn't reply, just looked at my hands. "That's a yes," he noted. "So go get her,"
"I fucked everything up," I growled.
"Well, yeah," he said like it was obvious. "What did Zee even say to you?"
"Um . . ." I closed my eyes thinking. "She said, I love you, you idiot,"
"What?" Alan rushed. "That's as deep and meaningful as Zandra is ever going to get. She doesn't do all the hearts and feelings bullshit,"
"I know," I mumbled. "I picked that up,"
"And you rejected her," he shook his head.
"Good going at trying to make me feel better," I laughed darkly.
"You have to go and say sorry," he told me. "Even if you're too stupid to be with her you have to let her down properly and say sorry,"
"I know I do," I nodded.
"For God's sake. Zandra is my best friend. Just please stop fucking her about,"
"Okay," I nodded. "Thanks Alan,"
"Yeah, yeah," he nodded. I stood up and started walking back inside. I went down the corridor and back to the room I had came from. I saw Zee sitting with Austin now. I went up and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked at me sadly before glaring.
"Can we go for a walk?" I asked. She looked at me for a while before nodding. I took her down a corridor and into an empty room. Zee went to a couch and sat down. I sat next to her and sighed heavily. "You okay?" I asked.
"I'm just great," she said dryly. "Fan-fucking-tastic!"
"Fan-fucking-tastic?" I echoed.
"It's my word today," I narrowed my eyes.
"Oh, great!" I rushed. "Look, I need to say sorry. I was such a idiot and a dick and a bastard,"
"And a prick!" she added.
"Yeah, all of that," I agreed. "But I got really scared. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do,"
"Okay," she nodded.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Zee,"
"So . . . What?" she rolled her eyes. Then I took her hand. She looked down and I squeezed her hand. I had to do it. I loved her. What was I waiting for? I leant it and my lips touched hers. I was kissing her. Even better, she was kissing back.


Hey! What did you think? First one in Vic's p.o.v. Do you like it? Want to read more by him? What do you think will happen? Sorry for the wait everyone! I have a million excuses but you don't want to read them all. I'll try to update soon! :)


Thank you!

Haha! Well the baby will definitely be coming soon. And I can't say if they'll get back together but the next chapter will definitely be interesting ;)

I'm going mad! I Just want Zee to have her baby and get back with Vic damnit!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy my stories. If you read my others there's loads more updates coming up! :)