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sinking apologies.


I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door being slammed against the wall.

"hey Drew!" he yelled " why the fuck are you sleeping?"
I yawned "it's 4:21 in the morning Danny. I'm tired"
He then slapped me across the face leaving a red burning mark on my left cheek.
"you go to sleep when I say you go to sleep, got it?"
"if I'm tired then I'm tir-" I was cutoff with him grabbing me by my hair and throwing me into my mirror making it smash into hundreds of pieces.

"what's that mark on your leg? some fucking worthless cuts for a worthless human? you're never going to be loved" he spat on me and hissed "die you worthless cow"

He then grabbed me by my wrist and dregged my downstairs then threw me into the dark, cold basement.

"I hate you!" I screamed
"you fucking love me" he then winked at me and slammed the door .

i was sitting alone when I felt something in my pocket; my phone. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called my cousin

there was no answer. for fuck sakes. I sat in my basement curled up into a ball thinking.

Why was I so weak?
Why won't I leave him?
How did I ever fall for him?
I need to leave this place.

I tiptoed up the stairs to my living room; he was sleeping. I then quickly tiptoed to my room and packed my bags and left. Once I was outside I realized I forgot the car keys.. they're inside on the kitchen table.. fuck that. I started running towards my cousins house, he only lived 1 mile away.

I decided on cutting through the park and 10 minutest later I was at Alan's front door.

I knocked 7 times and then Alan answered

"Kitten, it's 5:12 in the morning, what are you doing here"
"Gingy, I need to stay here. please" I started to cry
"You don't need to ask.. my doors always open for you" he said then took my bags from my hands.
"so.. what happened?" he asked.
"I don't really want to talk about it right now" I whispered.

Alan hugged me, kissed my nose and carried my bags upstairs.

"You can stay in the guest bedroom, Kitten"
"Uh, I need to shower"
"take your time" he said then yawned and closed his bedroom door.

I was in the bathroom getting undressed. I runes on the shower and stepped in then sat down and started to cry.
I stared at my thighs and looked at the cuts that were burning from the water. I started to scratch at them re-opening them making blood drip onto the tub.

I realized I was in the shower for almost 2 hours so I finished washing myself and walked out then looked at my naked reflection in the mirror then the door opened to a tall man.
He was covered in tattoos, had dark hair, and nice big brown eyes.

i didn't say anything, I just stared at him and he stared at me.

"shit Austin, my cousins here, try not to scare her" I heard Alan yell then I blacked out.

Austins POV

I was bored as fuck so I texted my bestfriend Alan.

To: Alan
dude, I'm bored as fuck! lets hangout?

from: Alan
Ya man, come on over. we can watch a movie or something.

I tehn drove over to Alan's. house . I was excited to see him because I haven't seen him in a week and we were also going on tour in afew days so it'd be cool to have a day to just Alan and I.

I walked into Alan's house and was greeted by a happy Alan.

"Austin!" he yelled
"Alan! my ginger!" we hugged and I had to pee so I walked upstairs to the bathroom at Alan's house that nobody uses.

I walked into the bathroom to a Naked young lady.

she looked no taller than 5'4" , skinny, pale, beautiful long bright orange hair, and tattoos, it was as if she was a walking living doll. When she turned around to face me I was looking into her eyes. I was shocked with what I saw.

Sadness and Weakness.

"Shit Austin, my cousins here, try not to scare her!" Alan yelled. she then collapsed into my arms. I noticed blood on the floor and the bruises on her body.. was she hurting herself or being hurt by another person?


sorry if its shit:///
idk, I've always wanted to write an OM&M fanfiction so ya! hope yous like it:3


This is good xD update soon!!!
BulletsRevenge BulletsRevenge