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My dad is austin carlile?

Part 4

I was awake by a loud thud from outside my room. I thought it was just mom or dad that was doing something, so i just keep calm. I go to my bathroom to have a quick shower and again i hear the thud. It’s now more like mom voice, so i hurry the shower get dress and get out from my room. I’m coming to my parents room and there’s mom laid on the floor holding her head, and there’s dad...drunk holding baseball stick. He smirk at me and i rolled my eyes. I get on my knees and check on mom’s head. It’s bleeding and mom is crying.

I try to get out from my parents room. But dad grab my wrist so hard and i think he left a mark on my wrist. I winced in pain and he throw me to the floor. Hard. I winced in pain one more time, i just watch my mom being abuse. Well what kind of family is this?! Have an abusers dad. It’s totaly shit. He punch mom, kick her, pull her hair so hard then slap her and when he want to hit her with baseball stick AGAIN i cover her up so my dad hitting me not my mom. It’s hard i mean when i said hard it’s trully HARD. My dad hit my ribs twice. It’s really hurt and i just scream my heart out. I cry. “dad, why? She’s your wife! And i’m your new daughter! Open your eyes dad!” i screaming sobbing. “i don’t like her. I just used her, and you? I don’t like you too bitch.” He half scream. He grab me and mom’s wrist he throw mom to the bed and me to the floor again. Damn this is a wooden floor idiot. It’s hurt. And he rape my mom well step-mom IN FRONT of me. I’m kinda disgust but sad at the same time. I’m trying too safe my mom but when i reach her hand, dad..well alex is grabbing my hair and throw me over the wall, my head hit the wall and it’s of course bleeding. I just rub my head gently and i try to grab my mom hand again. This time i success! I pull her to me and dad stare at me. With his death glare. I’m afraid but i can’t afraid of him right now, well i have to protect my mom from him. It’s my job to safe her now. Mom is now half awake half unconcious she’s really weak. And alex just staring at us again. He grab his vodka bottle drank it and he throw the bottle to the floor made it shattered. I’m shock. I never think i got adpoted by him. I don’t care about my mom, it’s not her fault, it’s his fault. Well the one who wanna adopt me is him. “why’re you wanna adopt me you fucking abuser?” i scream at dad. “i wanna take advantage from you too stupid bitch” he said smiling. Ew his smile. Gross. “what the fuck? You’re abuser and now wanna take advantage from me?! YOU CAN’T! You hear me!?” I scream at him again.

I try to get up and help mom get up too. And we did. We run downstairs and dad following us of course. Me and mom got downstairs and i fall. Fuck this feet! I look to dad and he had a knife on his grip. I run to the kitchen to take a knife too, but when i come back to the living room where the stairs at..mom already got stabbed on her chest by alex. He look up at me, smirking and walk towards me, he put the knife in the air and swing it over me. And when the knife wanna get my chest. I feel like my body is being shake. I open my eyes and there’s mom who’s holding my hand tightly and have a worried look on her face.

“what happen mom?! You’re okay right?! Dad didn’t do something stupid or abuse you right?!” i sit up and check her head and thank god her head is fine! “what are you talking about cath? Of course i am fine and dad is having his breakfast downstairs. Nightmare hun? You’re screaming in your sleep so i go upstairs to checking on you. I’m worried about you” she said rub my hand gently. I tell her about my dream and she just smiling and said it won’t happen. She promise me she’ll protect me from everything and anyone. I just nod and hug her, i go shower and get dress.
I run downstairs and hug dad. Maybe he’s think i’m weird but whatever. “dad? Promise me you won’t do something uncontrol? Like hit me or hurt mom?” he look up at me and laugh a little “what? Why are you talking like that? Of course i won’t do it! Well i love you and your mother princess” he said smiling. I just smile and eat my breakfast. Get ready for school!
Well it’s terrible dream ever. And worst nightmare i had. I just wish it won’t happen and deep down there in my heart i’m still missing my dad. My unknown dad.

I'm in my school now, and yeah OF TO THE COURSE I MISS STELLA wooohoo!! i meet stella and i hug her tight till i think i broke her ribs. It's really tight tho. I pull away from her and there stood jason smiling at me, i hug him and he hug me back. "i miss you" he whispered. DAMMIT HE....JASON MISS ME?? it's not dream, this is real. "I miss you too jas" i whispered to his ear. When we pull away jason cheeks is red, he is blushing well me too. "cath? jas? you guys..fine? i mean both of your cheeks is red..something happen? and i don't know?" stella said breaking me from my thought. "huh? it's no-nothing stell really, we're cool right jas?" i stuttered and jason nodded. The three of us walk to the class and sit like always. But this time jason switch sit with stella so he is sitting next to me.

He keep looking at me all the time. Ahh my cheek, okay cath calm down..calm down. When i already focus to the teacher he sent me a letter. The letter said
"wanna go walk to park after school? I’ll buy you ice cream :)"
I turn my head to face him and nod, his face lit up and i keep focusing my eye to the front. Lunch time past and now it’s time to go to home. Me and jason said our goodbye to stella since she not coming with us. Me and jason walk hand in hand and he bought me an ice cream as like he wrote in the letter.
"cath? can i ask you something?" suddenly he said in between silence.
"of course jas, ask me anything" i smile.
"what if i say i like you?" he look at his shoes. I shock. Yes of course i shock, imagine if your crush said that to you! but we just met, i dont even know where his house is..
"what if i say no? Well we just met like a view days ago, and i didn’t know you well" i said smiling. His head shot up and look at me "but calm down hey, i like you too. But we’re going too fast. I mean i hard to trust someone, and i just met you. I guess i’ll answer your question later. I need a prove"
"what?! Okay..yeah i understand you. I’m waiting for your answer cath. But i’m sure i love you” he said weak smiling. “yeah thanks for loving me, i just need time and prove jas. I like you already” i hug him and he hug me back. So tight, like he don't want me to leave. We ate our ice cream and he walk me to my house. It’s already night..it’s 8pm now. Wow, first date i think? I said goodbye to him and open my door house. When i open the door, I'm freeze. I'm shock. I can't believe this is happening. My..My feet are numb, I can't move my feet.


Part 4. CLIFFHANGER HAHA I BET YOU GUYS ALL HATE ME?? >:) comment!!! don't be a ghost reader guyys :p ;)


She needs to wake up!!!!!!! Have her be conscious of her boys singing there but she can't talk or open her eyes yet.

I love this story muches

Omg this story is amazazing

Okay!! Thanks for the advice i'll check it again :) but for all of you guys sorry i can't update the story today because i've been busy till saturday :( so sorry
Cat_love_squidgy Cat_love_squidgy
If i can give you a little advice, this story is beautiful, really, but the spelling errors makes it a bit hard to read:)
celinaydg celinaydg