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Write Down The Silence

Chapter 40

I glared at Austin and Austin glared at me. I had sneaked in behind him again when he was working and started to give him a massage, but he shrugged me of and told me to leave him alone today. He really needed to get things done.
"Well I’m sorry for trying to make you relax" I snapped.
"Don’t snap at me" he snapped back.
"But you can snap at me?" I said and he sighed.
"Don’t go PMS on me Rin" he said, and I let out a loud groan and walked towards the bus. Before I walked out I turned to him.
"You should be glad I love you, because if I didn’t I would fucking tear you apart" I spat out. He looked at me and I could see the ghost of a small grin on his lips.
"Yeah, I love you too" he said and I grunted again, and walked out. I had been pissed off all day to be honest, and I had no idea why. I just had a terrible feeling in my chest that something would happen today.
"Hey Rin, we’re heading out for some shopping. Wanna come?" Spot asked and popped out from nowhere.
"And who are we?" I asked and looked at him.
"Me, Ian and Ed" he said and I nodded. Yeah… Some shopping would always make me feel better.

We got into the car and I was in the front seat with Ian driving, and Ed and spot sat in the backseat. They were talking about buying new vans.
"So… Anything new you would like to have?" Ian asked and glanced at me.
"I need a new dress, because I hate walking around in pants when it’s hot outside" I said and laughed.
"I could need a dress as well" Spot teased and poked my shoulder. We all laughed and Ian turned on some music. Nicki Minaj started to pump out from the speakers.
"STARSHIPS WERE MEANT TO FLY" we all sang really loud.

I found myself a new dress. A blue one and a cream colored one. Both short summer dresses I could have without feeling like a slut. They ended just about the knees and they were absolutely gorgeous. Then I bought a pair of new vans, just like Ed and Spot did. Ian bought three pairs, because well… He couldn’t just pick one.
"Thanks for making me tag along" I said and smiled.
"We saw that you were upset, so don’t think about it" Spot said and smiled. I hugged him lightly and the others smiled as well.
"Why were you upset by the way?" Ian asked.
"I had a fight with the boyfriend" I sighed. Ian chuckled.
"So why were you fighting?" he asked.
"I’ve had a foul mood all day so… I just snapped" I said, feeling a bit guilty.
"Then say you’re sorry?" Ed said and looked at me. I nodded and picked up my phone.

Sorry for being a bitch earlier, but I didn’t lie when I said I love you.
your most beloved Rin

We were both at fault, and I know you love me silly. i love you too.
your most beloved knight in shining armor
the perfect, and amaxing, boyfriend Austin

I laughed at his comment and sent back a heart, and got a heart back.
"I’ll guess it’s good then" Spot teased when he saw me smile.
"Yeah" I said and looked at him.
"Shall we get back then?" Ian asked, and just like that Ian tripped hon his own foot and let out a loud groan and curses.
"Are you okay?" I asked and fell to my knees beside him.
"I think I twisted my ankle" he said and I looked at his foot. Slowly I pulled up his jeans a little and frowned, so did Ed and Spot. It was already turning blue.
"Can you move it?" I asked. And indeed he could.
"You might just have sprained it" Spot said.
"Spot, can you drive us home then?" Ian said as I helped him back up on his feet. Spot nodded and smiled.
We got back to the car and Spot cursed.
"Fuck man, I forgot my license" he said.
"Drive without it" Ed said.
"Not again, if the police stop me they’ll take it… They said so the last time they took me without me license" he sighed.
"Ed, you drive" Ian said and looked at Ed. Ed hesitated but then he sighed and nodded.
"Let me just take a piss before" he said, and hurried away over to McDondald’s to borrow their toilet. Spot helped Ian in to the car and then jumped in beside him. He was behind me and poked me on my arms.
"So, did you have fun today?" he asked.
"I’m really happy you made me tag along" I said and smiled. Ed came back and he jumped into the car, he took a deep breath and I looked at him. He smiled at me and then he started the car.

Ed didn’t say anything. He was really concentrated on the road and he held both his hand on the steering wheel.
"He’s acting weird" I heard Ian whisper to Spot. I swallowed and got nervous.
"Maybe I should have driven anyway" Spot murmured. I let out a small sigh and looked out the window. The town just passed by the window in a very high speed and when I looked at Ed I saw that he was drivign way too fast.
"Ed, slow down" I said but he didn’t seem to hear me.
"Ed" Ian called out as well. I heard some cars hitting their breaks when we got out in a big intersection. Then he slowed down and stopped in the middle. Bursted out crying and said over and over again that he was sorry.
"It’s okay Ed, just continue to drive" Ian said and patted his shoulder. But I could see and hear that he was worried, and scared. I looked to my left again and I saw a really big truck coming towards me, and the car.
"ED, JUST DRIVE" I screamed, but the truck smashed into out car and my whole body hurt before everything went black.



I wanna read about Alec as a teenager....

Therese Therese
Sequel sequel!
This was a very cute little story. I enjoyed it :)
age of aquarius. age of aquarius.
So it ended?.... What the hell am i supposed to do now?!
lostinthelight lostinthelight