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Write Down The Silence

Chapter 20

I was a little bit worried, and concerned, when Ian and Austin started to hang out. Apparently they had a lot in common and liked to talk, and spend time together. Which made me in a very awful situation. Because I knew that both of them liked me, and even though I liked Austin more I still had a thing for Ian. So yeah… the situation was really weird.

I looked at Austin and he looked back, a little bit confused over my look on him. He swallowed and looked nervous.
"What?" he finally managed to say and I let out a sigh.
"Do you spend time with Ian because he likes me?" I asked.
"At first it was all getting to know your enemy, but he is quite fun to hang out with actually" Austin said and shrugged. He looked at me and I turned my attention to the screen in front of me that showed Sex and the City.
"You don’t like me hanging out with him?" he asked.
"You can hang out with anyone you want, I just feel that it’s a little it weird" I said and glanced at him.
"I can relate to that, but hey… he’s really nice to hang out with" Austin said and shrugged.
"I know" I said and continued to watch the tv instead.

Two days later we found ourselves in New Orleans, and the weather was quite nice. So I was walking around in a pair of small shorts, to show off my nice legs, and a Mice tank. My hair was getting really messy and damaged and I sighed when I pulled my fingers through it.
"What is it?" Tino asked, who walked next to me as we walked down the street. I looked at him.
"I need to cut my hair" I whined and he let out a sigh.
"We have a few hours, should we go and do it now?" he asked and nodded towards a hair saloon. I smiled and nodded, and we walked over. They put me in a chair and I asked them what I could do for my hair, since it was very damaged.
"I would recommend to cut it off… A lot" the woman answered.
"How much?" I asked and swallowed.
"You would rock a wavy bob, to your shoulders" she said and made it look like I had a bob. I got a little bit surprised and nodded.
"Do that" I said and she looked really happy.

Tino had been looking through a few shops next to the saloon and when I walked out he looked really surprised.
"What did you do with my cousin?" he said and stared.
"It’s just a haircut" I said and laughed.
"It looks good" he said and nodded. I smiled and we walked back to the venue and the busses.
When we saw the busses we walked straight into Ian and Ed, and they looked surprised to see me with short hair.
"Well look at that" Ed said and grinned.
"It really suits you" Ian said and smiled, and I smiled back.
"Thank you" I said and then I saw that Austin looked just as surprised as them, but he smiled and I knew that he liked it as well.

- - -

Me, Tino, Austin, Ian and Spot was going out to eat something. We found a nice little café and we decided that it would be best to take something with just a few customers. When we looked inside it was just an elderly couple and the girl standing behind the counter. We ordered and then we sat down by the table. I looked at the girl behind the counter. She had short blond hair and brown eyes. Her skin was pale and she was about 5 feet tall. Kinda short actually. But really pretty. She had light makeup on that made her look like a small innocent doll. I saw how spot checked her out. He liked what he saw.
"Go talk to her if you like her" I said and grinned towards him. He looked at me and he looked a little bit embarrassed that I had noticed that he had stared. The others was in a conversation so they didn’t notice at all.
"Nah" he said.

- - -

Austin’s POV

It was kinda funny that Ian wanted to come with us, but I guess it was the feeling of the competition. Because well… I kinda told him that I wanted him to back off Rin a little. Rin was my prey. If you wanted to call it prey. I was interested in her and I had told him that. And he had just smiled and told me back “I know”, and then said he wouldn’t back off. Because Rin interested him as well. So when our eyes met I just knew that it was going to be a tough fight between the two of us. Both was fighting for one of the best girls. Mairin. I watched her and she was talking to Spot. Then she stood up and we all looked at her.
"Excuse me boys, I need to hit the girls room" she said with a grin and walked over tot he toilets. I laughed a little and I could see that Ian smiled. But our smiled faded a little when we saw that four men walked inside the café. They looked around a little and then they locked the doors, and they pulled out guns. We all just stared at them. My concern went for the elderly couple but it turned out they had left. Then a heartbreaking shriek echoed through the room as on of the men dragged the little girl behind the counter out in the open room. I slowly picked up my phone and texted to Rin.

Stay the fuck where you are. Just do it.

And just as I sent it she walked out from the toilet and looked surprised to see what was going on, and all of them turned their attention to her. My heart dropped when I saw two guns pointing towards us and that one of them walked over to her.



I wanna read about Alec as a teenager....

Therese Therese
Sequel sequel!
This was a very cute little story. I enjoyed it :)
age of aquarius. age of aquarius.
So it ended?.... What the hell am i supposed to do now?!
lostinthelight lostinthelight