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Fuentes Girl


Hey everyone! The sequel is up now! It's called Fuentes Girl (Part Two) I know, I'm great with names. You should go check it out and tell me what you think. Effy is a lot more Effy like. I have good plans for this story and I'm excited about them.

As always, thank you! You're all perfect and fucking amazing and I love you! Last time I checked this has 98 subscribers! What? Seriously! I love you all! :)

- Kelci xx


Your welcome :)

Thank you so much! :)

Your story is so great! I really love it

I know it's horrible but shit like this happens. I know people who have lost trials when the truth was obvious. I even know someone who got arrested for GBH and didn't get charged because his girlfriend and her people told too many lies. Hopefully it's believable though because this stuff does happen... :(

I know it's horrible but shit like this happens. I know people who have lost trials when the truth was obvious. I even know someone who got arrested for GBH and didn't get charged because his girlfriend and her people told too many lies. Hopefully it's believable though because this stuff does happen... :(