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Be not afraid, to love me

Push Me and I Stand Taller

I dashed forward grabbing Alan by the collar and pulled him back before he could mess with anything.
"Is the filler between your ears even functioning?" I chuckled as he frowned at me. I looked over at Ryan and smirked.
"Happy birthday to you Miss Ryan." I said sweetly. She flipped me off and rubbed her forehead. I sighed and walked over to the wardrobe and slammed my elbow into one door sending the other flying open revealing the black dress I'd made her.
"Well do one of you boys want it because it won't fit me." I said seeing her jaw drop out of the corner of my eye. The dress was black irredesent velvet so when the light hit it just right it was red, it had that shredded goth kind of feel with layers of tulle underneath barely peaking out the bottom. I'd seen a waistcincher into the bodess and let the sleeves droop down like Ryan had draw.
"How the hell did you do that?! I drew that! Gimme!!!" She squealed in delight and started to unbuckle her jeans and pull off her pants. I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"How come you don't undress that fast for me babe?" One of the boys I didn't know laughed. She threw up both fingers before fighting her shirt off.
"Alice does a better job with her hands than you ever will." Ryan said as I helped her into the dress. Almost everyone in the room oohed while the others laughed as he held a sour face. Ryan threw a glance at the mirror before turning around and throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me almost knocking me off balance.
"It fits like a glove! Oh Alice I love it!" She beamed. I smiled and patted her back before she want back to examine herself more in the mirror. I shut the wardrobe back up and walked over to Sara pushing a strand if hair behind my ear. She was here for the artwork.
"Um I think it's in the pile somewhere..." I said slowly stepping past her and bent down to shuffle through some of my more gruesome drawings. Someone joined in my search and gasped standing up straight to admire it. I turned to See Alan, his eyes studying the piece fully. I stood on my tiptoes topeer over the page to find it was the one I was looking for. My hands met his for a moment as I took it away. I tuned my back to him afraid of what he'd say. I pushed the artwork to Sara and went to get introduced to everyone. I hadn't seen a boy getting lost in the mix. Apparently the new drummer. Which ment one thing. Initiation.
"Hey boys?"
"Oh yeah!" JC cheesed.


It's nice!!! I love it!!!!
LiarNotHero LiarNotHero