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July 2, 2012 - Dallas, Texas

I had gotten up early to see Char off to her awaiting car to take her to the airport. We shared a tearful goodbye filled with “I love you”’s and promises to call each other soon. I walked back towards the buses, flicking tears away from my cheeks with my fingers. I was really going to miss her these next few weeks.

We had the day off in Dallas today, which I was thankful for. I was thankful to be bunked down in one city for at least 24 hours. There was no bus call tonight, so that meant that there would be plenty of fun to be had.

I walked slowly back towards the bus, passing Of Mice & Men’s bus. They’re shades were still pulled in the front, letting me know they were all still sleeping. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my Twitter as I walked. I read people’s tweets, not really paying attention. My mind was roaming elsewhere, wondering just what today was going to bring… and when I was going to see Austin.

A tweet from Alan caught my eye. I stopped dead in my tracks and reread it three times to be sure I wasn’t seeing things.

“@AlanAshby: Raestin sighting! #TheFeels”

There was a picture attached and when I opened it my jaw dropped. It was a picture of a security monitor, one of the ones that was in their bus above the driver’s seat. On the screen was Austin and I from the night before. Austin was still leaned up against the trailer, his hand holding mine as we talked huge smiles on both of our faces.

“That little ginger was spying on us!” I yelled out in revelation. Turning quickly on my heel, I stomped back towards their bus. My hands clenched in fists, I didn’t care if they were all asleep, I was going to drag him out of his bunk by his flaming red locks.

I yanked open the door of their bus, making sure to let it slam behind me, and stomped up the steps.
They had the curtain that separated the driver from the bus closed and I yanked that open as roughly as I could. Tino was sitting on one of the couches on his laptop, a look of shock and confusion came across his face at the sight of me. Phil was sitting at the table, minding his own business and munching on his bowl of cereal happily. Alan was standing by the sink making himself a bowl. He turned and glanced in my direction before going back to what he was doing.

“YOU.” I said taking a few steps forward.

“Me?!” Phil asked dropping his spoon into his bowl, splattering milk across the table. His hand went up to his chest as his face twisted into confusion.

“Not you!” I said with a roll of my eyes and a wave of my hand. “Him!”

“What?” Alan asked turning to face me with his mouth full.

I made my way towards him coming closer. He grabbed a box of Lucky Charms off the counter and held it up as if that was going to hold me off.

“What the fuck Rae!” He yelled.

“Why the fuck would you do that Alan!” I yelled.

“Do what?!”

“Oh don’t give me that! You know what you did!”

“Is cereal suddenly against the law?” He asked looking at Phil and Tino for help.

“Raegan, what is going on?” Tino asked sighing and shutting his laptop.

“He’s putting all these things up on Twitter!” I said turning to Tino hoping to gain an ally. “First it was the picture of me and Austin from yesterday, and then he put another one up last night. Your fans are going to hate me!”

“This is over Twitter?!” Alan asked with a laugh putting the box of cereal back on the counter. “You were really scary there for a second, Rae.”

“Alan, how much did you see last night?! Give me your phone. How many other pictures did you take?!” I said charging towards him as he stumbled backwards.

Something behind me caught his attention and his eyes went wide with surprise. He looked back at me, and started making gestures for me to stop what I was doing and turn around.

“I’m not falling for it Ginger Princess! Now give me your phone!”

“Uh, Rae?...”

My body went numb as I heard Austin’s distinct chuckle behind me. I slowly turned and my eyes met Austin’s. He had an embarrassed smile on his face. There was an older man standing behind him,
who I had never seen before, but who shared many similar features with Austin.

“Why are you attacking Alan?” Austin asked chuckling again.

I began cursing myself mentally as Alan pushed passed me with a roll of his eyes and grabbed his bowl off the counter. “She’s whacked, man. You definitely picked a good one…”

“I was attacking Alan because of something he posted on Twitter. But it doesn’t matter anymore.” I said with a wave of my hand and a nervous grin on my face.

“Uh, this is my dad.” Austin said gesturing behind him. “Dad, this is Raegan.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” His dad came forward and shook my hand giving me a friendly smile.

“It’s really nice to meet you.” I said trying to redeem myself. “I’m not usually so aggressive.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure Alan deserved it.” Austin’s dad said with a wink making me laugh.

“Well, I’ll let you guys get settled.” I said smiling and making my way towards the front of the bus. I glared at Alan on my way by before passing through the now closed again curtains.

“Rae, wait.” I turned before opening the door to see Austin standing there in the dark.

“That was so embarrassing. I can’t believe I just did that in front of your dad.” I whispered.

“It’s okay!” Austin said laughing quietly. “He’s not going to hold that against you forever.”

I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. He was probably right anyway.

“I’ll be busy today, but can I see you tomorrow?”

“Of course, Austin.”

“Okay,” He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips that I hadn’t been expecting. “Please come watch us tomorrow, the sets at 12:45. And if you see Alan before then, try not to kill him. I need a guitarist.”

“Phil’s not good enough for you?” I asked as I left making him giggle as he shut the door behind me.


I loved this story, you write very well. (:
Julia Gate Julia Gate
eliseypoo eliseypoo
Just gimme more!
I honestly almost had a heart attack when i saw the epilogue
Love_Muzic Love_Muzic
I absolutely love this! I'm so glad Austin's dad likes her so much :)
eliseypoo eliseypoo